Comments on: A Large-Hearted Gentleman Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Mon, 26 May 2014 07:41:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Fell - Cairns Ausralia Mon, 26 May 2014 07:41:30 +0000 I first read Jims “Man eaters of Kumaon” in the early sixties as a student at Melbourne Grammar. Subsequently I have reread his stories over fifty years, and as an aging adult, his words and his descriptions of the hunt are still as vibrant as when I first took up his writing as a very young boy. My only comment as a gun enthusiast (From a technical aspect), is that his habit of carrying so few cartridges seems to be naïve when your life could be in danger from missed shots , But I have never been in such a situation and as most armchair experts, my opinions are open to criticism. Non the less, this man has been one to whom hero worship may be the appropriate accolade in a time where heroes are few.

By: Kestrel Mon, 30 Dec 2013 01:49:52 +0000

Two Cents from Girth said: “Zenesque,
Me too…
Sorry, wont be shamed about how things are… Did not really delve into Religon (such a messy word anymore)at all, I mentioned God! Faith, oneness, communing are a bit different from the generic downgrade of just “Religon” youd have me pettle. With a call name like Zenesque, surely I though you’d get the concept of being away from all the crap, being out in the outdoors far from the constraints of others, have a few moments to reconnect and recharge your outlook. Obviously, all these concepts transend the confines of a narrow term Religion…Very, very devisive and counterproductive huh? Even gave you or others an out with admitting Chrisitans are flawed… do you read or just really wanted to write that to feel sophisitcated and some what superior because someone has the fuzz to mention, oh heavens no, not here, God!?? As if one little sentence would stop all controversy in the besieged “new age mind”. hehehhe
If that is touchy for you, how about placing comments on the other 25 or so sentences instead of writing a half shaming/half warning sentence about a beautiful concept to a vast majority of people who associate with nature and God…??? Idiots, it is not science or God, one is a knowledge of the other. Each explains and compliments the other. Again, duhh…
Is this a new debate, no, will you finally have the true answeres revealed, probally not. Will I feel compelled not to write about this in the future, noooo. So what gets solved?
Just stick with the kitty cats and big men with guns concept if the pond doesnt run that deep…
Dont mean to offend, just a point of view :)”

Ugh! For five years this comment has been allowed to rot on this site and stink up the joint. Keep your apparitions and fairies and let us have intellectual discussions about real, damn interesting things.
Stop trying to poke someone into a Great Debate, please. You’ve apparently not prepared well enough considering the spelling and grammar you have used. Hmm….maybe you aren’t making a case for sky fairies after all.
Maybe you’ll come back to visit the Comments section in another 5 years when you’ve graduated from primary school.

By: Museful Sun, 19 May 2013 23:03:09 +0000 Two Cents from Girth’s mission in life seems to be shrinking scrollbars.

By: Bartron Sun, 16 Sep 2012 14:39:41 +0000 Awesome story!

By: Vrolock Sun, 14 Dec 2008 08:07:41 +0000 95th, hmmmmm, new record for me.
Very cool article, I wish more leopards and tigers were alive today, they really are amazing creatures

By: canaman184 Tue, 02 Sep 2008 20:51:34 +0000 [quote]amazon666 said: “Dr.Bivoc said it all!!! SUSTAINABILITY!!!!! alas it is too late. this planet we have destroyed with our own stupidity and ignorance will soon “shake us off” like the parasites we are. a shame as it could have been sweet if we had not separated ourselves from “nature” and ruined everything.”[/quote]

how are we not a part of nature? we are simply surviving and reproducing using the tools nature gave us (mainly that squishy pink thing between our ears) and I dont see the human race being “shaken off” particularly soon… unless we start a nuclear war of course. Populations go through cycles. Eventually our population will stop growing and start declining, but this is a natural cycle, and it will pick up again. This cycle is probably familiar to any high school biology student.

By: canaman184 Tue, 02 Sep 2008 19:49:12 +0000 [quote]Old Man said: “”Human beings are not the natural prey of tigers”

I always ponder statements like this.

You often read similar things about lions and sharks, crocs, plus plenty of other top predators.

If moneys are eaten by big cats, why not humans?

Wild animals will do whatever they need to to survive – who’s to say what’s natural?

The only reason I can think of as to why we are not ‘natural’ prey is that animals have learned to avoid the cunning, reasoning hairless monkey that projects sharp things, perhaps over the course of millions of years.

I think statements like the above come about because we have seen ourselves as separate from nature for so long, and have marked ourselves as different. If an animal kills a human, it is seen as unnatural because we no longer consider ourselves part of nature.

Please forgive the rather disconnected thoughts above, I’m at the tail-end of a migraine.”[/quote]

We are not considered their “natural” prey because a healthy tiger will not go and hunt for humans. They will of course eat us if they are hungry enough, or perhaps they kill a human they consider a threat and decide to not let us go to waste, or as mentioned in the article if they are unable to catch their normal choice of food due to physical impariments. Basically when a tiger goes out hunting he/she is thinking, “mmmm i sure could go for a buffalo right now,” not, “mmm it’s human time!” In fact the only animal that does think this way and will go out of its way to catch and eat a human is the polar bear, so we are in fact the natural prey of something.
PS sorry if someone already replied to this, i havent finished reading all the comments lol

By: Lindzhigh Tue, 24 Jun 2008 18:07:21 +0000 I like the idea of a clear coke tasting cola. No stains on your teeth, same great taste. I think that could work in today’s market.

By: amazon666 Thu, 19 Jun 2008 04:05:31 +0000 Dr.Bivoc said it all!!! SUSTAINABILITY!!!!! alas it is too late. this planet we have destroyed with our own stupidity and ignorance will soon “shake us off” like the parasites we are. a shame as it could have been sweet if we had not separated ourselves from “nature” and ruined everything.

By: maxmcluen Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:58:45 +0000 New to the site. Great article – really interesting guy! Echoes of the Michael Douglas character in the film Ghost & The Darkness. Makes sense that we humans are easier prey for a disabled predator – we’re not so good at defending ourselves without guns!
