Comments on: A Special Note to the Writers at The Dollop Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Tue, 22 Jun 2021 15:17:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jake Mon, 10 May 2021 14:29:21 +0000 I’ve never herd of “Damn Interesting” until I did a google search of “The Dollop has way too many ads”, and then I found this article. It is disappointing that much of their content is a direct re-read of someone else’s hard work. I don’t know the legalities surrounding plagiarism and fair-use, but I’ve gathered that their show is very different from yours after I briefly listened to a few of your podcasts. Whey they are doing is quoting and reading absurd/interesting/funny facts that they find and then comment on it, making it comic. Did they gather those facts or write those stories? Maybe sometimes, but as you’ve demonstrated, probably far less than they create their own original research and writing. I guess what I am getting at here is that you have two different target audiences, both are great in my opinion…but the dollop needs to be getting permission to use other peoples work or create more of their own content through fact based original research and writing. You both have a talent (whether its writing, research, or delivery), you both have a great following, what if you all collaborated? The facts and writing are amazing that “damn interesting” creates, but I love the delivery and comedy of the dollop.

By: JarvisLoop Wed, 10 Apr 2019 00:48:30 +0000 Just a note to show that I read the article, both then and now.

By: parsifal Sat, 19 Jan 2019 13:57:39 +0000 I’m not surprised that this is the case. I am dismayed, of course; I’ve enjoyed listening to The Dollop in the past.

You can tell that dave didn’t write certain material himself by the way he reads it — like he’s reading something someone else wrote and has a stilted delivery because it’s not written in the way his brain would’ve come up with it.

Searching google and copying and pasting passages is probably what dave thinks of as research — or at least he did until this article. His rude response, though, tells me he hasn’t learned anything and will just keep doing things the way he’s been doing them while belligerently dismissing what people think about it, because that’s his MO and he seems to be fine with it.

I’ve updated my review on iTunes to 2/5 along with a reference to this post.

By: Alan Bellows Thu, 07 Jun 2018 14:25:30 +0000 @boopie: Obviously the Wikipedia summary leaves out a lot of key details, framing it as though Dave was apologetic and it was all a misunderstanding. So much so that I would not be surprised to learn that Dave wrote it himself. Dave Anthony did steal many big chunks of writing from our site and others’ without asking, and without credit. That’s clear-cut plagiarism. When he was called out he made all manner of disingenuous defenses, such as Fair Use and “you can’t copyright facts.” When he finally did apologize, it wasn’t for the plagiarism, it was for not “citing his sources.” It’s like a serial burglar apologizing for the broken windows; important but inadequate.

By: boopie Thu, 07 Jun 2018 02:56:12 +0000 from wikipedia:

On July 9, 2015, Alan Bellows of the history website and podcast Damn Interesting posted an open letter, accusing The Dollop of plagiarism.[15] The Dollop subsequently deleted the offending episodes from their website and established a separate website to cite their sources in the future.[16] After this incident Anthony has ensured that all episodes are appropriately referenced, and all the research and writing for new episodes is done by himself and others specifically for The Dollop

By: Jurrasic Thu, 25 Jan 2018 02:16:17 +0000 Is this still an ongoing issue in 2018? Just curious, I’ve never checked the Dollop, I have no interest in a podcast that plagiarizes others content, but I am curious if the two have buried the hatchet, or if TD’s published works ended up containing any work plagiarized from others.

Keep it rocking, Alan. Love your work.

By: Ang Thu, 09 Nov 2017 03:59:26 +0000 I just wanted to say that I see where you are coming from, but Dave does sometimes read information sent in by fans, so it is possible that a fan plagiarized. I also feel this post was a little too passive aggressive towards The Dollop. Do not get me wrong, I would also be upset if my information was copied word for word, but like someone else in the comments mentioned, this could have been done in a more professional manner and maybe even ended up in a partnership. Like a friendly email could have been sent first, and if they had responded with hostility THEN you could have posted this rant, but they were not given a chance to respond kindly and understandably felt threatened or angry when you posted this, which clearly generated a lot of buzz, mostly negative, from fans of both podcasts. So I also see why Dave responded the way he did.

I am not trying to say that the plagiarism should not have been called out or be hostile towards DI, I just feel things could have gone a lot more smoothly if less hostile actions were taken first.

Also to everyone who is saying The Dollop is ruined because you found out they plagiarized, its really not; you can still enjoy listening to the podcast, unless you are just that bothered (which, in my opinion, would be immature). That is like saying you cannot enjoy a TV show because one of the actors did something bad. That was the ACTOR not the CHARACTER, just like the podcast is still the podcast, not necessarily Dave and Gareth.

By: PnkRckPrchr Fri, 22 Sep 2017 17:23:15 +0000 Ok, way late to this party, I just discovered DI today.

I’m taking issue with the whole idea that TD shouldn’t be publicly “shamed.”

First, it’s not shaming, it’s bringing to light an offense, done publicly, against another person. Public harm requires public rebuke.

In no way should Alan have been required, either legally or by social norms, to privately address a public harm.

Second, do you really believe TD (Dave, specifically) doesn’t know about plagiarism and what constitutes it? I knew about that back in sixth grade when we started writing research papers and the internet was still barely out of the gate.

By: Alan Bellows Tue, 09 May 2017 20:24:42 +0000 DirkSteele and Nikki: Thanks for the thoughtful comments!

DirkSteele: I hope Anthony isn’t foolish enough to include our work in his book, or the work of other authors without permission. Plagiarizing on a free podcast is one thing, but doing so in a commercial product is another. If he’s included any of our stuff, he’ll probably need to replace that imaginary lawyer of his with a real one. Note to anyone who happens to buy the book: If you spot some suspected plagiarism therein, please give the author(s) a heads up! I may go leaf through a copy at the bookstore when it comes out, assuming I can stomach it.

Nikki: I don’t think podcasters are lowly, I happen to be one myself. I do, however, think plagiarists are lowly. I agree with your assessment that limited quoting of another’s work is fine provided the reader cites the source. Anthony strayed from okay because he:

1) Did not cite the sources;
2) Did not even mention he is reading other authors’ work;
3) Used most or all of the texts of the others’ work; and
4) Mixed lengthy sections from various works into one “new” seamless one.

Number 3 is usually not protected by Fair Use, even with citation. At some point the quoter is no longer quoting, but reproducing. That link you provided suggest 300 words or up to 10% of the word count. In my annotated example above, Anthony used over 2,600 unattributed words, which is the bulk of the original article (and that’s just one episode of multiple offending episodes). So, it’s a blurry line, but Anthony stepped well past the blur.

Number 4 is particularly damning, it makes it seem clear that he didn’t write any of the script, but he wanted it to seem like he did. That’s the kind of classic, flagrant plagiarism that has seriously harmed many writers’ careers (e.g., Jonah Lehrer) while somehow barely tarnishing others’ (Fareed Zakaria, Dave Anthony).

By: Nikki Mon, 08 May 2017 22:57:06 +0000 I am a fan of the Dollop, but I am also sympathetic to you. Works that are not yours should be cited when used, period. However, I don’t believe you fully have the right to require people to obtain permission from you to quote your articles as long as they are citing them properly. According to the article I’ve linked below, many legal battles have been fought over the issue of Fair Use, and these are very grey areas. It’s not a concrete thing.

As far as I’m concerned, if someone is quoting your article and citing it properly, you should be happy for the free publicity, even if lowly podcasters are using it (which is very much the connotation I get from your words in the article, whether or not you intended it) as opposed to scholars or educators. This comment is coming to you from someone who is both a grad student and a podcaster.
