Comments on: America’s Secret Plan to Invade Canada Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 17 Jul 2020 20:32:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Tue, 01 Oct 2019 00:14:32 +0000 Any powerful country that does not spy on and have contingency plans for invading all other countries is run by morons.

It’s just reality. You have to be ready for everything.

By: antibub Fri, 23 Nov 2018 18:43:49 +0000 To say that Canada rips the americans off because they defend us. Is,Bull sh t. Where were the Americans from Sept. ’39 to dec. 7th ’41 ??? I believe there were uboats off the coast of nova scotia (maritime provinces) from 40 to 45… help from the us then. And Canada had a navy that ended up being the 3rd largest by end of 45. No, Canada is alright on it’s own. Too bad the usa thinks it gets the sh t end of the deal. When, the rest of the world was at war with Germans and Japs the US was making money and becoming stronger economically.

Where were the american’s during ww1?? As far as I’m concerned they deserve very little praise since they didn’t even get involved until the 11th hour of that war. Canada was in it from day one and fought for over 3 and half years longer than the usa. Canada formed a force of 500000 men in less than a year. That would be the same as 5 Million americans (1 to 10 ratio population). I don’t think the usa ever had that many per capita for any war. Canada would fast become a formidable military as in the past. Beware the idiot americans that think they could just push us over. Canada needs nukes of it’s own !!!!

By: tommy2340 Thu, 17 Nov 2016 02:42:08 +0000 CANADA may be small but you underestimate the battle level of their troops at your own peril just ask the germans the captured ss guards after the second world war said they were most fearful of engaging Canadian formations as they knew how fierce the fighting would be….

By: Mike S Thu, 26 May 2016 02:00:07 +0000 FWIW, when I (a Brit) was on holiday in Mexico recently I met several people from USA. One guy (from NY, whose parents immigrated to USA from Poland in the 1930s) was perfectly charming and intelligent and was fervently pro-USA and, I think, not a fan of Britain. In all seriousness he suggested that USA should invade Canada and Mexico, so that it could ‘secure’ the whole of the Northern American continent! Scary.

I mentioned this to a Texan couple who said it’s thinking like that that encourages Texans to secede!

By: FuckAmerica123 Thu, 06 Aug 2015 02:34:26 +0000 personally….i dont just “think” but i “KNOW” the United states is an artificial country!!! im from Montreal and have unfortunately had to go to the US 4 times in my life! they suck natural resorces out of Canada (aka the tar sands, financial institutions, etc…) there attitudes suck! there country is polluted, there gun laws cause thousands of deaths, Barrack Obama is a dick, and there national security is a laughing joke!!!! lets face it…. the only reason america is invading Canada, is because they know we are a better nation!!!!!!!!!!!

By: Lee sullivan Sat, 06 Jun 2015 01:47:27 +0000 Aha! I used to wonder why gas stations stopped giving out those nice free road maps. After reading about those aggressive and imperialistic Canadians who are always going about the world gobbling up countries, I now know it was part of the defense plan. Veeery good preventative move.
Too bad about that cow and pig.

By: JohnD Thu, 16 Apr 2015 08:15:11 +0000 I’m pretty sure every single Western nation has a plan to invade every other nation. Canada probably has a plan to fight the US, the UK, Australia, China, Russia… Heck probably even Botswana or something. Honestly the surprise that people exhibit when nations reveal they’ve had plans to invade other nations exasperates me. Even the British response to the Suez crisis was somewhat planned out (then the Egyptians decided to be weird and the plans changed)

By: Samuel Adams Fri, 09 Jan 2015 11:15:56 +0000

Arcangel said: “Oh and if you are really serious consider Iraq. You guys are having a tough enough time over there and with Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, need I go on? Better that you consider us allies then enemies. Seems you have a world full of them.”

everyday headlines. something needs to happen.

By: edward sedgewick 3rd Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:30:15 +0000

kerad13 said: “as a canadian i would like to say that canada succesfully burned down the americans white house.”

in the war of 1812-1815 we “AMERICANS” did burn down the Canadian Parliament, but it was the British who get the credit for burning down the White House

By: josh Sat, 30 Aug 2014 09:46:40 +0000

tza said: “First and foremost I would like to say f-you to all of you american eletist. I’m not sure why so many people in the US have such a grave hate for canada. I lived there for 5 years, and after moving to the US, I recieved more hate from the public then I did moving from RUSSIA to GERMANY, or from Germany to Canada for that matter. So seriously, STFU. There is no justification for any of this.

Cut of maple syrup and they will fall into the dark ages? They MAKE the sht, how are you going to cut them off without taking over the country? Idiot.
I’ve witnessed, too many times, of how superior Americans think they are. Canadians are lucky in the sense that their Government doesn’t strip of them of nearly as many ‘rights’ as the American governemnt does to its people. I will admit, the CA medical system is absolute dogsh*t. I was put on a 2 year waiting list to have heart surgery. After I talked to a cardiologist here in the States (Rochester MN, Mayo Clinic), not even 10 days later I was on an operating table with all kinds of goodies messing around with my insides.
All in all, I think Americans need to get off their high-horse. Yes it is the most powerful nation in the world, but it doesn’t mean that you can be a dick to everyone.
Also.. if the US ever did take over Canada, I highly doubt any nation would do anything about it. What are they going to do? Bomb the US? Their country would be turned into a wasteland. Remember Pearl Harbor? The Japs fuked with one military base, and two major cities got NUKED. Deterant enough if you ask me..
Quit the hate.. please.. it’s not necissary. Someone should write an article on Mans Inhumanity to Men.”

yes but you, the usa didnt create the bombs that blew up japan many scientist from different countries did so you cant really say “did you see what we did to japan”, considering the fact that you guys didnt really create them all you did was fly them in and drop them from a safe height and then fly back away, you guys would have been nothing at all if other countries didnt create weapons for u, gunpowder made by the Chinese you guys just tweaked it a little bit, atomic bomb was made by mostly german scientists, china also made the first guns, you guys took them and then changed them, your power came from everyone elses countries, so dont even fucking say that ur powerful, ur just lucky that ur invading countries that cant defend themselves like, afghanistan, iraq and iran.
“oh yeah well those countries have nuclear weapons,” no they dont and they never have, “oh the taliban are terrorist that will try and bomb us again,” to bad the taliban is a group made by the cia, so u guys really arent powerful u just make yourselves look powerful by picking on the smaller countries, you guys are basically the bullies of the world, im pretty sure that if we did get into a confrontation canada would probably win cause oops whered did 1/3rd of ur power go oh what about some of your fresh water, and the money in trades thats all gone, you guys would lose a bunch of oil and lose probably billions of dollars in military equipment, if canada needed help other countries would probably do so, but if the usa needed help i really doubt anyone would like you enough to do so and attack canada.
