Comments on: An Impostor in the Family
Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005Sun, 10 Sep 2023 12:12:18 +0000
By: jarvisloop
Sun, 10 Sep 2023 12:12:18 +0000’m glad that I finally had time to read this article. Out of all the neuroses and psychoses I think that I might have, I can take this one off the list.
By: monstermac77
Mon, 16 Aug 2010 22:13:53 +0000 TED talk by VS Ramachandran:
By: winnerofalltimes
Sat, 04 Apr 2009 00:46:25 +0000 FIRST POST!!!!!!!!!!!!
By: alex212
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 19:34:49 +0000 I were in their shoes, I would have tested their “fake” relatives’ DNA. Something makes me think It would lead to new questions. With some things I have seen, these people do not seem so crazy to me. They probably know too well what they’re talking about. Funny, is’nt it, eh?
By: Nick Jones
Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:52:40 +0000 Finney must have heard of this before he wrote “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
If he wrote it.
By: Alx_xlA
Sat, 29 Sep 2007 03:36:08 +0000 reminds me of Beethoven. Wait… His friends actually did sneak into his house and replace his dirty clothes with clean ones.
By: Emmy
Wed, 20 Jun 2007 00:26:12 +0000 that picture is pure gold!
By: carolina
Wed, 16 May 2007 22:02:24 +0000 syndrome indeed is damn interesting and damn destructive too! I found this website looking for articles on Capgras. My mother has died 6 years ago, partly because of this syndrome. I didn’t know it had a name until very recently. This article is the first thing I read about it that is well written and very recognisable to me. I am astonished to learn that there are more people who consider their loved ones to be imposters, because at the time I thought it was a unique thing. Very difficult to explain to outsiders that your mother thinks you are a duplicate of yourself. I have lived with it for years and not one medical expert ever mentioned Capgras to me. This article clarifies a lot, not especially to me, but to everyone that has never heard about this. So thank you very much. I am happy that more people get to know about this strange phenomena, and it feels comforting to know that I was not the only one struggling with a relative with this bizar syndrome.
By: E-hero
Sun, 11 Mar 2007 13:46:28 +0000 offence to anybody that has it
By: E-hero
Sun, 11 Mar 2007 13:46:09 +0000 Interesting but the mirror thing just made it seem like the lady was an idiot