Comments on: Calorie Reduction for Longer Life Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 17 Jul 2020 20:32:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Mon, 02 Mar 2020 01:52:46 +0000 Because I have diabetes, I must carefully watch my diet and weight.

In sum, I have been practicing a form of CR for years.

I am thin, and I feel great. I could lose four or five more pounds, but I don’t want to look like an Auschwitz survivor.

By: 10kluke Sat, 04 Apr 2009 06:31:45 +0000 The reasons not to do this aren’t that solid…

1. Hunger pains are often actually caused by carb cravings and thirst; hunger without these distractions can have pleasant side effects, thanks to natural antidepressant hormones that kick in to compensate. Eating less also attunes your brain to the taste of food more strongly, so you can enjoy it more when you do eat it. Furthermore, according to anecdotal reports, while men on CR do not have as high of a degree of sexual impulsiveness, their performance in this area is actually boosted, whereas women on the diet tend to actually want more sex. It is an overall positive effect for couples, evening out their levels of desire while enhancing their ability to fulfill them.

2. Population problems are caused by uncontrolled reproduction, not longevity. Even indefinite lifespans would not present a big problem in this regard, provided everyone remained healthy and robust for their entire lives. When people have the ability to live longer, they are more likely to delay or decide against reproducing, so the population would grow more slowly, giving technology a chance to catch up enough to let humans leave a zero or negative ecological footprint. More importantly, experiences would not be lost with every death, and so we would have more expert-level thinkers with more knowledge, wisdom, and a long-term perspective.

3. Even if it *were* a relatively unpleasant life to spend on CR (and by all reports it is not), having a fighting chance at living a few years longer could still be well worth it, as it would mean the chance at surviving long enough for science to figure out how to pause or reverse the aging process — leading to an indefinite lifespan in which you could eat whatever the heck you want.

4. People confuse CR with dieting for weight loss (which is what anorexia is) — but it has nothing to do with it. CR is all about getting your body to last longer, not making it look better. CR is about getting optimal nutrition, often better than the average person, with solely the calorie content being reduced. Other than that it’s a normal super-healthy diet. Another thing is that CR must be gradually phased into over the course of two years or so — not at all like the typical western approach to “going on a diet”.

5. Focusing on curing cancer rather than curing aging is the dumbest move ever — yet the one politicians seem bent on putting the funding into. Not that I’m against curing cancer, but the fact is that most cancer is caused by aging. So is most diabetes… So is most Alzheimers… And so is most death, for that matter. Why not focus on getting a cure senescence (aging) itself rather than the diseases it causes?

By: brentus Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:57:02 +0000 C. is correct, all you people saying there is no evidence have a look there.

There IS more to life than food you know, I like food as much as the next man but I’d rather miss out on a few cream cakes and be able to go surfing, climbing, hiking, mountain biking, travelling and all the other things i enjoy for an extra 20 years, seems like a good trade to me. If your only interests out of work, tv and sleeping is food, then fill yer boots (excuse the pun)

By: Alx_xlA Wed, 05 Dec 2007 05:19:19 +0000 1. When drugs are tested, it is mostly testing the effect on the disease itself, and the overall effect on the bodily systems. Testing diets isn’t like that.

2. The best system would be just to eat exactly what your body needs.

By: smokefoot Tue, 25 Jul 2006 17:41:28 +0000 Calorie restriction has been tried with dozens of different species, not just lab animals. So far it has worked on almost all of them. The results from the monkeys implies that it will probably work for humans. One of the key parts of this diet is to make sure you are getting enough nutrients in the smaller amount of calories, so there is no problem with shortages of iron/calcium as an earlier poster posited.

By: systmh Wed, 17 May 2006 23:22:42 +0000 Interesting article… it would be nice though if those scientists would get to work on figuring out how to live more satisfying lives instead of merely longer ones. few people measure the worth of a life simply in years… yet we shaved monkeys have an enormous facination with living forever. i guess that’s darwinian instinct.

By: hypersloth Fri, 12 May 2006 12:22:12 +0000 Argh, wrong thread!!1!one!

By: hypersloth Fri, 12 May 2006 10:36:49 +0000 Anyone remember 92 Degrees by Siouxsie and the Banshees?

“Did you know that more murders are committed at 92 degrees Fahrenheit than any other temperature? I read an article once… At lower temperatures, people are easy-going. Over 92 it’s too hot to move. But at just 92, people get irritable!”

By: shorty Thu, 11 May 2006 21:59:37 +0000 i happen to be in a position where i work with elderly veterans, most with pain. the Marines i know, are very disciplined individuals. eating very little is one of the standard behaviors that i see, when a person manages their condition well. it is less taxing on the human body, to have to process less food. instead of thinking of their diet on a “daily” basis, they address it in more of a weekly or biweekly time frame. and at times, when they feel malnurished, they KNOW what it is that they require. a week with more yogurt, or grains, every once in a while, a big juicy hamburger. when you maintain that type of habit, cravings tell you exactly what it is you require. that’s a very smart way to acquire nutrition. also, i know no combat veteran who “enjoys” eating. they’ve been around too much gore to enjoy it any more, and i think this is sort of a key factor in their dietary discipline. they are not missing out on any enjoyment by eating less.

By: C. Thu, 11 May 2006 20:50:47 +0000 I am really suprised no one has pointed this out before. Caloric Restriction has been a part of traditional Okinawan lifestyle for over 1000 years! They even have a name for it “Hara Hachi Bu” or eat until you are 80 percent full.

Okinawans have the highest centerian rate (people 100 yrs old or older).
Okinawans are the longest living verifiable humans in the world. How it is verifiable.
” In Okinawa, every city, town, and village has a family register system (koseki) that has been recording reliable birth, marriage, and death statistics since 1879 ”

There have been two books written by the three doctors conducting the Study (28 yrs long and still going!)
“The Okinawa Program”
“The Okinawa Diet Plan”

Hara Hachi Bu (Eating till one is 80 % full) is considered one of the key components for the Okinawan’s longevity, but certainly not the only reason. Other key factors,
1. what they eat (about 70% vegetables, 15 % protein mostly in the form of fish and tofu and pork, 15 % fat mostly healthy monosaturated.
2. Their life style – the people stay active – they have a form of dance similar to Tai Chi that is practiced daily, they have close relationships (with other people).

Key study findings: 60% of how long we live is up to us. Due to lifestyle changes and diet.

28 year (still going) long study conducted by:
Makoto Suzuki MD PhD is a cardiologist and geriatrician. He is Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Department of Community Medicine at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan.
Bradley Willcox MD, MS is a Physician-Investigator in Geriatrics at the Pacific Health Research Institute, Honolulu, and a Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Geriatrics, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii.
Dr. Craig Willcox, Ph.D. is a medical anthropologist and gerontologist and internationally recognized expert in healthy aging and cross-cultural gerontology.
