Comments on: Coley’s Cancer-Killing Concoction Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Wed, 03 Jul 2019 16:46:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Fri, 04 Sep 2015 04:39:26 +0000 Based on the article, Coley toxins uses the body’s immune system to fight the cancer/disease which is similar to traditional chinese medicine to boost body immunity rather than using anti-biotics. Due to the lack of understanding of such treatment, its a touch-and-go or 50/50 chance of full recovery method. I have visited the cancer ward where patients are subjected to chemo, the place is bleak.

I myself would prefer the Coley treatment if it ever comes to that. Either became healthy or come to an abrupt end which is less hassle rather than ‘hanging on’ and cost my family a fortune treating me.

Thanks for the article, its an eye opener.

By: Tom Mon, 06 Apr 2015 04:13:32 +0000 I dated his granddaughter years ago, and she told me she was descended from a famous doc. 20 years later I heard about him on people’s pharmacy, and I was hey why hasn’t this been followed up? But looks like his results were not replicated…

By: oscar Fri, 29 Aug 2014 08:42:19 +0000 Coleys toxins cost next to nothing to cure peeps so they use chemo for the monetary injection

By: Steve Fri, 14 Feb 2014 02:51:05 +0000 Dr. Coley observed nature and implemented a very interesting method to stimulate the immune system as the ultimate cancer cure. Even though this treatment was effectively regulated out of reach in 1963 by declaring it an unapproved drug, there are many ways to support the immune system and accomplish the same healing results. Here is one that has proven very effective:

On the 5-21-2013 episode of the Robert Scott Bell health radio program (show notes here; click the link in the first sentence for the audio: (other RSB show archives here:, nutritional researcher/historian Christopher Barr discusses his cancer protocol. At 51:35 he says to use the following four times daily:

5 selenium from Innate Response
3 silica from Alta Health
1 GTF chromium from Innate Response
1 cup of Can-Gest Tea from Alta Health

Add B6 and probiotics for more support.

One elderly man refused to follow the full protocol or to quit his unhealthy habits (smokes like a chimney); he only takes the selenium. Despite this, he has halted tumor activity and is still thriving years later.

Here are more details about the protocol components:

Selenium is very protective against toxins, including radiation. I’ve heard reference to a medical study where 19,000 people were monitored over a period of 17 years; half were given selenium. They had practically zero cancer, while the other half had a typical 30% or so cancer rate. Per Chris Barr on the Sunday, 11-17-2013 episode of the RSB show ( about 39 minutes into the second hour he says that Dr. Joe Vincent researched all the forms of selenium on the market and found that the Innate Response Selenium is twice as bioavailable as the next best. It contains other whole food and botanical ingredients plus probiotics and enzymes for better absorption, and is 100-300 times more bioavailable than seleno-methionine. The “bad” synthetic form is sodium-selonite. The Japanese get 300-600 mcg per day in their diet. You may take over 1000 mcg per day if dealing with cancer or lots of radiation; otherwise, it sounds like 400-600 mcg is reasonable. Another cancer researcher concluded the best form of selenium is seleno-selenium. It’s very inexpensive ( This is the trade-marked SelenoExcell (as High Selenium Yeast) food form of selenium by Healthy Origins. says that it is not just seleno-methionine but also other forms such as seleno-cysteine. The Innate Response selenium contains complimentary ingredients such as enzymes and probiotics that should make it very bioavailable. You can get selenium in Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds as well.

Silica (silicon) prevents the spread of cancer by building up collagen. You find silica in shiny vegetables such as cucumbers or bell peppers, or better yet go with a quality food grown source such as from Alta Health or a liquid form from Orgono Silica (

Learn much more about all that silica does for you: On a 40 minute segment of the June 23, 2011 episode of the Robert Scott Bell internet radio show (, at the 1:18:40 minute mark, Christopher Barr states that supplementation with a whole food form of silicon is more important for bones and ligaments than calcium. Key points mentioned:

>> a massive study showed > 800mg daily intake of calcium causes more bone fractures because it hinders silicon absorption; most people get enough calcium via diet

>> silicon rebuilds collagen, cartilage, ligaments, bones, and strengthens joints

>> the “silicon challenge” is recommended for knee, joint, hip. lower back, and shoulder injuries: 3 tablets of Alta Health Silca, 4x daily for 3 weeks

>> silicon is found in unprocessed whole grains and dark leafy greens, but processed foods, fertilizers, and soil depletion have led to deficiencies

>> a whole food vegetable form of silicon is needed; ground up silicon is not bioavailable, and massive amounts of horsetail contains a component that weakens muscles

>> silicon also has benefits besides bone health:

>>> silicon maintains strength and elasticity of arteries (and vitamin K2, found in cheese and natto, directs calcium to bones rather than allowing arterial calcification)

>>> soft fingernails that break easily and grow poorly reflects the status of bones and arteries

>>> silicon helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease by binding with aluminum, thus preventing collection in the brain

>>> cancer metastasizes by breaking down collagen, thus, silicon helps stop cancer from spreading

Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) chromium is an important mineral – a deficiency WILL cause diabetes, as discovered by NIH scientists in 1959. Modern agricultural practices have left a huge void of essential trace minerals in our diet, and the lack of GTF chromium is very apparent with one fourth of the nation diabetic or pre-diabetic. Chromium protects your chromosomes, but the right form is essential. Chromium pincolinate damages kidney and liver cells because it drives the chromium inside the cells rather than on the surface where it assists insulin to transport glucose into the cell. A good rule of thumb is to take 100 mcg of GTF chromium three times daily. Search the Robert Scott Bell show archives ( for chromium to hear Chris Barr expound on the topic; here is a recent episode: (skip to about 9 minutes into the second hour).

The Can-Gest tea, B6, and probiotics round out the protocol by supporting the gut health which is where most of the immune system resides.

Just as Dr. William Coley discovered so many years ago, we are still learning to support our immune system and trust it to maintain our health.

By: Snots Mcgrath Tue, 14 Jan 2014 17:36:11 +0000 I heard about this some years ago but didn’t realise the
truth behind what I’d heard, does it not make sense when smallpox was cured using cowpox virus also dead flu viruses Are used to create vaccines for new strains of flu and what about penicillin, a natural fungus used to kill
Germs and other harmful bacteria! ‘who’s idea was first
In all these discoveries? “It matters not”, what is important is the fact that these discoveries were made
The only sad mistake by William Coley apart from cutting open the poor girl was ‘and assuming I’m correct in this’ was that he used live viruses on his human guinea pig patients rather than Dead ones? as they do researching flu vaccines. Btw Just a thought rather than test cancers in a Petri dish in a clinically clean lab why don’t researchers expose cancer cells outside the labs in the corridors to see what viruses attacked them, how they reacted and what chemical changes may take place, who knows what may come of it? After all “everything” in life has its Achilles heel. I’m not a scientist so if the
Suggestion is heavily flawed or sounds stupid I apologise.

By: Rodger Wrighthead Thu, 27 Aug 2009 14:53:03 +0000 Possible later trial methods!!?? (I would hope that the first trials would not go straight into this without further reaseach).

By: Rodger Wrighthead Thu, 27 Aug 2009 14:50:03 +0000 [quote]schang1984 said: “You can cure yourself with Quercetin + Vitamin C. 2 supplements that cost only $10 and can be bought from many vitamin stores. Just a tip.

To that #92 schang1984: Just no.

DI Article but I would have to see some more trials done and a bit more research into this method to be 100% sold.

Food for thought: Would it be possible (if the cancer was diagnosed early enough) to attenpt hightening the immune system using “Coley’s Toxins” and see if there is any slowing or shrinking of the cancer and then if there is no change start on radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments? Possible early trial methods?

By: schang1984 Wed, 22 Apr 2009 17:25:49 +0000 You can cure yourself with Quercetin + Vitamin C. 2 supplements that cost only $10 and can be bought from many vitamin stores. Just a tip.


By: phil1968 Thu, 26 Feb 2009 05:05:47 +0000 Interesting article
I am an oncology nurse. I administer a variety chemotherapy agents, all of which have been vetted in large clinical trials. I am not aware of any large trials of these toxins, but I did find a link from the American Cancer Society:

My hope is that one day that chemotherapy agents will be discarded as the state of the art in treatment improves.
Perhaps older treatments such as coleys toxins should be revisited and given scientific scrutiny. For the sake of my patients and their families, I hope and pray that we beat this scourge on mankind

By: joshjoshn Sat, 20 Dec 2008 23:09:19 +0000 Here you can find observation data gathered by Canadian Clinic – Medicor Cancer
Centres durning DCA therapy:
and here are 4 cases treated with DCA:

here’s an lymphoma remission story using DCA B1 vitamine protocol:
and here are other remissions:

for more info on alternative therapies and dca see and for additional info see and
