Consciously uncoupling: what drives rates of animal divorce?

The Cosmos Teems with Complex Organic Molecules

What Made Jimmy Carter Such a Strange President

The Air Force once proposed bombing Earth from the Moon

Video: The Secret Engineering Behind the World’s Tallest Tower [12:13]

Could we ever retrieve memories from a dead person’s brain?

Video: We All Have Synesthesia [13:16]

‘Achilles Heel’ of Drug-Resistant Bacteria Has Been Found, Scientists Say

What The Strange Habits Of An Octopus Can Teach Us About Alien Intelligence

On This Day in 1890, the U.S. Army Killed Nearly 300 Lakota People in the Wounded Knee Massacre

These Fire Extinguishing Bollards Are the Wildfire Tech We’ve Been Hoping For

Painstaking work to conserve Ireland’s oldest paper documents begins

The Walmart Effect

Archaeologists Are Finding Dugout Canoes in the American Midwest as Old as the Great Pyramids of Egypt

The Magnetic North Pole Is Drifting Across the Arctic Toward Siberia

A Private Coup: Guatemala, 1954

Viewers of Quantum Events Are Also Subject to Uncertainty

Scientist’s ‘ruthlessly imaginative’ 1925 predictions for the future come true

Similarity-attraction proves to be a surprisingly unshakable psychological effect

Scientists predict an undersea volcano eruption near Oregon in 2025

Video: How North Korea Actually Works [43:59]

‘All people could do was hope the nerds would fix it’: the global panic over the millennium bug, 25 years on

3 Years After JWST’s Launch, Here’s What It Has Taught Us About The Universe

Scientists Are Pretty Sure They Found a Portal to the Fifth Dimension

The New Science of Controlling Lucid Dreams

Missiles Are Now the Biggest Killer of Airline Passengers

New physics engine lets robots practice tasks 430,000x faster

Hawk Tuah Wasn’t What It Seemed

NATO’s Emergency Plan for an Orbital Backup Internet

Tiny Fossilized Embryos Reveal Stunning Details of Life Half a Billion Years Ago

For Science That Comes With Risks, a Key Question: Who Decides?

Our Sun may once have had a twin. What happened to this stellar sibling?

Climate Change Is Making Plants Less Nutritious. That’s A Huge Problem

New thunderstorms wider than Earth are spewing out green lightning on Jupiter — and could make one of the gas giant’s massive bands disappear

‘The dead zone is real’: why US farmers are embracing wildflowers

Flat Earther (Kind of) Admits They Were Wrong After Trip to Antarctica

Indian Ocean Tsunami Was the Deadliest in History. 20 Years Later, Challenges Still Remain.

From new commercial Moon landers to asteroid investigations, expect a slate of exciting space missions in 2025

Video: Reading the Lord’s Prayer in English, 1124 [12:14]

Mars Orbiter Captures a Winter Wonderland on Summertime Mars

Researchers Link 6,000-Year-Old Mesopotamian Artifacts to the Origins of the Written Word

Scientists await signal from NASA’s Parker Solar Probe after historic close sun flyby. Will it phone home?

‘Really incredible’ sixth-century sword found in Kent

Why Do Some People Thrive on So Little Sleep?

Bubonic plague discovered in ancient Egyptian mummy DNA

Scientists create ‘twisted light’ so that robots can see like shrimp

Video: The 10 Weirdest Ways Animals Have Sex [12:21]

Astronomers spot an enormous explosion from the 1st black hole ever photographed

Video: Did Neanderthals Make You A Morning Person? [9:22]

Cadbury loses royal warrant after 170 years

MIT’s (mostly) secret society

How French Crown Jewels Ended Up in New Jersey

Grapes of math: Ordinary fruit enhances performance of quantum sensors

The Parker Solar Probe passed closer to the Sun than any spacecraft ever before on Christmas Eve 2024

Video: What if we put a pool on the moon? [2:52]

Ants prove superior to humans in group problem-solving maze experiment

Video: What ACTUALLY Happened to the Rudolph Puppets? [24:19]

Interstellar “tunnel” connects our solar system to other stars

In 1928, Eric the Robot promised the robo-butler of the future

The Hidden Culprit Behind Alzheimer’s Revealed: Microglia Under the Microscope