By the end of today, NASA’s workforce will be about 10 percent smaller

Scientists spot alien world ‘like something out of science fiction’

Turkey said it would become a ‘zero waste’ nation. Instead, it became a dumping ground for Europe’s rubbish

Nat King Cole’s often overlooked role in the Civil Rights Movement

A weird ice that may form on alien planets has finally been observed

Why did a plane crash in Toronto, and how did everyone survive?

Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating

Turning the Moon into a fuel depot will take a lot of power

The Vasa Warship Sank After Only 25 Minutes of Sailing, Taking 30 Lives With it

On this day in 1944, a flight of plywood airplanes attacked a Nazi POW camp

The Caterpillars That Can Kill You

New experiments finally prove a long-forgotten theory about how quantum particles spin

Scientists just rewrote our understanding of epigenetics

Lake Victoria is turning green – the deadly bacteria behind it

What Would Happen if a Tiny Black Hole Passed Through Your Body?

Why This ‘Perpetual’ Lightning Storm Mysteriously Vanished In 2010, Only To Reappear 160 Days Later

Carbon Nanotube Particle Accelerators Could Outmuscle LHC

Giant carnivorous plant newly described to science

Why The Air Force Bombarded Oklahoma City With Sonic Booms In The 1960s

How humanity moved from ‘eternal’ to ‘bookended’ time

Moth employs novel optical illusion to appear 3D

Astronomers realize mysterious TV signal in their data bounced off an airplane

‘My Secret Landlord and Me’

A tourist lost both of her hands to a bite while trying to photograph a shark

How Does Earth’s Magnetic Field Work?

This Mom Flies to Work Every Day Because It’s Cheaper Than Renting

No More Needles: Stanford Scientists Create a Painless, Living Vaccine You Rub on Your Skin

‘He meant a great deal to me and my people’: How the assassination of Malcolm X shook the US 60 years ago

Eating from plastic takeout containers can increase heart failure risk – study

New study finds meteoric iron in early Iron Age artifacts in Poland

This River Is Filled With Human Bones but No One Knows Exactly Why

NASA Just Fired up Its Quiet Supersonic Jet—and It Looks Like Pure Speed

Birds-of-Paradise Glow to Attract Mates, Adding a Flashy Element to Their Impressive Courtship Displays

Unexpected TV signal leads to a new method for filtering out unwanted radio frequencies

The teeming life of dead trees

Chronic stress affects the way mice perceive loudness

Dial Up the Story of the First 911 Call, Which Was Placed on This Day in 1968

How to Prepare for Your Digital Afterlife

Unusual Ways People Used Lead—and Suffered For It

If the ultra-rich want to escape from reality — good riddance

Why can’t we remember our lives as babies or toddlers?

Smell like an Egyptian: researchers sniff ancient mummies to study preservation

Man from uncontacted Indigenous tribe emerges in Amazon, and villagers demonstrate a lighter

The Parking Lot Frisbee Game That Started in 1968 Is Still Going Strong

‘I thought I was dead’: Terrifying video of humpback whale gobbling up kayaker explained

A Flaming Flower in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Cuttlefish ink can help keep sharks away from humans

Memories of a Military Coup: Making Sense of a Vanishing Haitian Heritage

Arctic Rush: Inside the 19th-Century Craze to Reach the North Pole

Why some animals thrive on being alone

Offshore worker Robbie Robson was bludgeoned to death on an oil rig. Was it a random attack or does the industry have questions to answer?

These Black Holes Are So Ancient They Shouldn’t Even Exist

Discovery of collagen in fossil bone could unlock new insights into dinosaurs

How Much Is Your Kidney Worth?

Enzymes are the engines of life − machine learning tools could help scientists design new ones to tackle disease and climate change

Scientists Found the Largest Underground Thermal Lake at the Bottom of a Subterranean Abyss

Accidental Breakthrough As Supercooled Wires Detect Near-Light-Speed Protons

Mammals, birds, and reptiles evolved complex brains through different paths

This week: Cow communication, postal peculiarities, spacetime symmetry, and more!

Planetary Valentines