Video: The Last Human – A Glimpse Into The Far Future [12:30]

How orange juice took over the breakfast table

There’s a Surprising Similarity Between The Brains of Humans And Octopuses

Video: German prosecutors in race against time to try last Nazis over WWII crimes [4:39]

Jason Brassard Spent His Lifetime Collecting the Rarest Video Games. Until the Heist.

New Data from the Gaia Space Telescope is Helping Reveal the Secret Lives of Asteroids

Incredible Virus Discovery Offers Clues About the Origins of Complex Life

Can a corporation “own” a color?

Evidence of Non-Terrestrial Objects Surveilling Earth Could Be Revealed in New Research Effort

Video: This clock was famous, but the internet ruined it. [7:26]

The mathematics of human behaviour: how a new model can spot liars and counter disinformation

Facebook is bombarding cancer patients with ads for unproven treatments

How Pearl Meat Became Australia’s Newest Luxury Ingredient

Imperial Science and the Company’s Museum

Wearable muscles offer an impressive upper-body endurance boost

Why criticism lasts longer than praise

‘I Am Very Tall’

VY Canis Majoris is Dying, and Astronomers are Watching

New DNA Technology Is Shaking Up The Branches of The Evolutionary Tree

Friends at first sniff: People drawn to others who smell like them

Explorers find the world’s deepest shipwreck four miles under the Pacific

Flu Vaccination Linked to 40% Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

The Maldives Has a Floating City Underway

Russia is disappearing Ukrainian civilians. Their families want answers

World’s First Solar-Powered Car Is Ready To Hit the Road

‘She’s perfect and she’s beautiful’: Frozen baby woolly mammoth discovered in Yukon gold fields

The archive saving home sewing history from the trash

This week: 🐸frog identity crisis, 📚ancient cookbooks, 🧠false memory experts, and more!

Mystery deepens as owners say Hong Kong floating restaurant has not sunk

NASA Pauses Psyche, a Mission to a Metal-Rich Asteroid

Who Was Norma McCorvey, the Woman Behind Roe v. Wade?

‘Anti-hunger’ molecule forms after exercise, scientists discover

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Rolls Past Evidence of Ancient Water

When Cats Chew Catnip, It Works as a Bug Spray

Pig heart transplant failed as its heart muscle cells died

Likely Crash Site of Mystery Space Junk Spotted on Moon’s Far Side

COVID-19 vaccines prevented nearly 20 million deaths, study reveals

New gene editing tool reduces errors by nicking DNA not cutting

By Exploring Virtual Worlds, AI Learns in New Ways

The abandoned Soviet mining town in Norway’s Arctic

BepiColombo’s Second Mercury Flyby

Experimental Discovery of a Tetraneutron – An Exotic State of Matter

Gravity Is the Next Frontier for Batteries

The star that survived a supernova

A tiny spacecraft the size of a microwave could pave the way for a station between Earth and the moon

The Ancient Art of Falconry at the Jersey Shore

The Fateful Lovers’ Suicide that put the World at War

Reptiles And Amphibians Could Hold The Secret To Longevity

Divers recovered giant head of Hercules from Antikythera shipwreck in Greece

Demolishing schools after a mass shooting reflects humans’ deep-rooted desire for purification rituals

A Mystery That Took 13,200 Years to Crack

Giant Bacteria Visible to the Naked Eye Discovered in Mangrove Swamp

Scientists unveil bionic robo-fish to remove microplastics from seas

These cancer cells wake up when people sleep

Stunning Picture Reveals Weird ‘Polygons’ on Mars

Explosive New Tectonic Discovery May Help Explain Location of Silver and Gold Ore Deposits

Why Are Hundreds of Grand Canyon Tourists Suddenly Getting Sick?

Enter the General Relativity Rabbit Hole: Unraveling Einstein’s Theory That Deconstructs Space and Time

And Then the Sea Glowed a Magnificent Milky Green

How Do We Get People Who Believe in Pseudoscience to Trust Science?