Why should we trust science? Because it doesn’t trust itself

To Understand Brain Disorders, Consider the Astrocyte

Astronauts could use Mars soil for 3D-printing on the Red Planet

Video: The Untold Origins of the Black & Blind Musician [7:29]

Meet the Men Paying Six Figures to Get Taller—by Having Their Legs Broken

Would You Be Okay Getting a Doctorless Surgery?

“Relatively low cost” plan would cool the Earth’s poles by 2 °C

Mars Is Mighty in First Webb Observations of Red Planet

Perseverance: Nasa Mars rover collects ‘amazing’ rock samples

The Pentagon has ordered a review of US psyops on social media

Scientists fire up the most powerful laser in the US

China Wanted GE’s Secrets, But Then Their Spy Got Caught

The Queen’s funeral in pictures – BBC News

Scientists try to teach robot to laugh at the right time

Have AI image generators assimilated your art? New tool lets you check

Food Delivery Robot Casually Drives Under Police Tape, Through Active Crime Scene

Humans evolved with their microbiomes – like genes, your gut microbes pass from one generation to the next

NASA’s DART Deploys Camera Probe Ahead of Asteroid Impact

Saturn’s rings could be remains of moon that strayed too close, say scientists

Scientists Discover 380 Million-Year-Old Heart, Stunningly Preserved

Video: Joining a scam call center (virtually) [18:11]

Brochs: The mysterious circular symbols of Scotland

Fascinating Study Gives a Unique Glimpse Into How Dogs See The World

How the gold in medieval artwork turned purple

The Lost Art of Conversation (1899)

Google and Oxford Scientists Publish Paper Claiming AI Will “Likely” Annihilate Humankind

Early-medieval woman was buried with a rare item: a metal folding chair

Video: The Dumbest Way To Solve A Maze [15:02]

“Brick toaster” aims to cut global CO2 output by 15% in 15 years. Seriously.

US hid fears of radiation in Moscow embassy in 70s from staff, documents reveal

In the Great Lakes, the Pandemic Disrupted Sea Lamprey Control

Why anti-fluoride conspiracy theories have persisted for over 70 years

A dramatic image of a comet being torn apart wins Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2022

Why Smarter People Might Be More Prone to Irrational Biases

AI Algorithm Foresees Chaotic Tipping Points

China Discovers Stunning Crystal on the Moon

100 Years Ago in Photos: A Look Back at 1922

Video: NASA Mars video shows planet in incredible detail [3:19]

The Search for Intelligent Life Is About to Get a Lot More Interesting

Beautiful Vintage Board Games From the 16th to 20th Centuries

“Net negative” system converts captured CO2 into plastic precursor

The Real Magic of Rituals

A Dubious Truck, a Whistleblower Army, and Inept Spies: Inside the Very Weird Nikola Saga

‘We all make mistakes,’ says woman who got bit by an octopus she put on her face

We Spoke With the Last Person Standing in the Floppy Disk Business

Punishment, Puppies, and Science: Bringing Dog Training to Heel

To save endangered eels, researchers have been working for decades to figure out where they reproduce

The Other Monuments Men

Unearthing a Maya Civilization That ‘Punched Above Its Weight’

Record-Breaking Robot Highlights How Animals Excel at Jumping

Video: ‘I Sold the French Laundry. Then It Became “The Best Restaurant in the World.”‘ [20:32]

150M-year-old vomit found in Utah offers ‘rare glimpse’ into prehistoric ecosystems (new word: ‘regurgitalite’)

The Mystery Behind the Crime Wave at 312 Riverside Drive

On this day in 1979 two families executed an ambitious and dangerous plan to escape from authoritarian East Germany

The round homes that can last centuries

NASA Has a New Target Date to Launch SLS Megarocket

Strange Phenomenon on Sun Imaged by Solar Orbiter for First Time – Mystery Solved

Here’s Why Car Wheels Are So Flat These Days (And No, It’s Not Just Aerodynamics And Styling)

The Magnus Carlsen Chess Scandal, Explained

‘Dinosaur mummy’: Researchers believe they found one of the best preserved dinosaurs ever