Russian troops kill Ukrainian musician for refusing role in Kherson concert

What Drives Galaxies? The Milky Way’s Black Hole May Be the Key

The world’s largest digital camera has enough detail to capture a Moon dust particle

Humans can dive deeper into the world’s oceans than ever before with Alvin

When Sarcastic Fringeheads Open Their Mouths, Watch Out

Unexpected Protective Properties of Pain

Alaska snow crab season canceled as officials investigate disappearance of an estimated 1 billion crabs

Chaos theory eliminates quantum uncertainty

Chaucer the Rapist? Newly Discovered Documents Suggest Not.

Neanderthals and modern humans may have copied each other’s tools

Chicago Commuters Once Had an Easy, Affordable Way To Beat Traffic: Helicopters

The Trouble with Amateur Hired Killers

Internet Misinformation Is Giving Spiders a Bad Rap, Study Shows

Meet Ai-Da, the First Robot to Speak Before U.K. Parliament

Life After Death? Cryonicists Try To Defy Mortality By Freezing Bodies

Do Astronomers Exist on Other Habitable Planets?

Extremely powerful gamma ray burst sweeps across Earth

‘He joined the enemy’: a Ukraine soldier on fighting his father on Russian side

Only lunar telescopes can answer the mysteries of the Universe

How to mummify a dinosaur

Clockwork-Like ‘Computer’ Discovered Inside Brainless Microscopic Organism

‘The emojis of the 19th Century’

Some of the Most Amazing Trees From Around the World

Winners of Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022

Heaviest element yet detected in an exoplanet atmosphere

NASA Gets Closer to Venus Mission With Successful Robo-Balloon Test

What is a Shoebill stork?

Scientists Discover Unexplained Structures at Boundary to Interstellar Space

Waiting for the School Bus in Uvalde

A Young Man Became Allergic to Orgasms—but There’s a Happy Ending

Children’s art show brings trauma of Ukraine war to Paris

The Dutch are world leaders in lab-grown meat. How come they can’t eat it?

‘The Strangest Medical Case Report I’ve Seen’

Teenager Solves Stubborn Riddle About Prime Number Look-Alikes

How Hate-Fueled Misinformation and Propaganda Grew in Nazi Germany

3D Models of A Mysterious Medieval Nanomaterial Hints at a Lost Art

These Bizarre Concentric Rings in Space are Real, Not an Optical Illusion. New Data from JWST Explains What’s Happening

‘Rare’ Roman mosaic found in Rastan, Syria

Video: The Real Possibility of Mapping Alien Planets [21:14]

Animal populations experience average decline of almost 70% since 1970, report reveals

The Improbable Rise and Savage Fall of Siegfried & Roy

Big Pharma Says Drug Prices Reflect R&D Cost. Researchers Call BS

Gallery: Photos of Vintage Jersey City c. 1970s

Red Alert: Massive stars sound warning they are about to go supernova

Murder to Middle School

The Chess Cheat in the 21st Century

$1.2 Billion Metaverse Horrified by Report It Only Had 38 Active Users

How Chinese citizens use puns to get past internet censors

Video: Sweet Death: How Sugar Is Making Us Sick [43:54]

Authors’ names have ‘astonishing’ influence on peer reviewers

Scientists teach brain cells in a Petri dish to play Pong, next they plan to get them drunk

Video: Hubble Reveals Ultra-Relativistic Jet [1:46]

Unsettling Security Threat Revealed as AI “Thermal Attack” Guesses Passwords in Seconds

A New Doorway to the Brain

Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Frenzied bee ball wins top prize

What happens when you donate your body to science

The most extreme celestial objects in the universe

Human brain cells transplanted into baby rats’ brains grow and form connections

How the first stars split the Universe apart

The computer errors from outer space