‘Experience: I’ve got the best memory in the world’

How will we react when the aliens arrive?

Video: The Mysterious Explosion on the Moon Shouldn’t Have Happened [17:00]

This week: 🥩Mile-high gourmet, 🌙lunar nukes, 🤖blinking robots, and more!

How a Threadbare ‘Bag of Secrets’ Led to Guy Fawkes’s Gruesome Execution

‘You can’t be – they’re all dead’: the miracle and tragedy of Tasmania’s Blythe Star shipwreck

The Hidden Dangers of the Decentralized Web

Can NASA’s Artemis moon missions count on using lunar water ice?

The global thickness and density of the Martian crust revealed

Is Consciousness More Like Chess or the Weather?

We’re effectively alone in the Universe, and that’s OK

The Young Miners Dying of “An Old Man’s Disease”

The Time Arthur Conan Doyle Got Pranked So Hard He Claimed Fairies Exist

Orcas have sunk 3 boats in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same

On this day in 1984 Michael Larson pressed his luck

What are the odds of a successful space launch?

Comb Jellies May Be the World’s Oldest Animal Group

Some black holes may actually be tangles in the fabric of space-time, new research suggests

Genetically modified eggs may mean the end of allergies

Time is not an illusion. It’s an object with physical size

New York City is sinking due to weight of its skyscrapers, new research finds

Future space food could be made from astronaut breath

A Centuries-Old Mystery: Did This Elusive Viking City Exist?

Astronomers Find an Earth-Sized World That May Be Carpeted in Volcanoes

To Pay Rent in Medieval England, Catch Some Eels

Video: Why Did America Abandon Route 66? [43:55]

On this day in 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted

Secret Messages Can Hide in AI-Generated Media

Searching for the matter that hides its shine

Ennedi Massif: Africa’s remote geological wonder

By Fighting the Ozone Hole, We Accidentally Saved Ourselves

This Spider Is Imperfect, and That May Be the Secret of Its Survival

ChatGPT can’t think – consciousness is something entirely different to today’s AI

Also on this day in 1927, Grace Fryer filed a lawsuit against the employer who was killing her with radioactive paint

On this day in 1927 an unhinged custodian blew up a school

The Daring Robot Surgery That Saved a Man’s Life

Could restaurants solve the world’s jellyfish problem?

Sharks are older than Saturn’s rings

Study Offers New Twist in How the First Humans Evolved

The Oldest Known Blueprints Depict Stone Age ‘Megastructures’

A Jungle Prison Becomes a Spaceport

Drawing the Deep Sea from a Seat on the Shore

AI Shouldn’t Decide What’s True

The rubbishscapes of Essex: why our buried trash is back to haunt us

Video: Why is Older NASA Launch Film Footage Still the Best? [14:54]

Video: This Lego-Inspired City Was Unfinished — Until Now [16:56]

See the World’s Unsold Clothing in a Huge Desert Pileup

Bees can learn, remember, think and make decisions – here’s a look at how they navigate the world

Video: Living in the Coldest Villages on Earth [35:10]

Buckle up because El Niño is almost here, and it’s going to get hot

This Soft Robot Unfurls Inside the Skull

The splat is out of the bag: a first-ever look at the making of the Rorschach test

The complicated history of how the Earth’s atmosphere became breathable

Sex-Cult Rocket Man

Apollo: How Moon missions changed the modern world

What’s a President to Do When a Nation’s Capital Is Sinking? Move It.

CNET Published AI-Generated Stories. Then Its Staff Pushed Back

Replication of high-temperature superconductor comes up empty

Video: Merrimack Valley Gas Explosions: What Really Happened? [16:43]

1.7 billion Tyrannosaurus rexes walked the Earth before going extinct, new study estimates