Video: How Drug Trafficking Actually Works [1:28:49]

The Hidden Butterfly Trade: How the lucrative market could spark conservation

Math, like quantum physics, has observer problems

Asbestos: The strange past of the ‘magic mineral’

Getting vaccines in different arms improves effectiveness, study finds

Video: Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED [33:44]

City-size seamount triple the height of world’s tallest building discovered via gravitational anomalies

Amazing Spiral-Shaped Contact Lens Uses ‘Optical Vortex’ to Correct Vision

Explosion Light-Years Away Could Obliterate Life on Earth, Scientists Find

People with depression have higher body temperature

JWST Imaged Two Apparent Alien Worlds Still Circling The Bodies of Their Dead Stars

Big, dead European satellite will crash back to Earth this month

NASA Engineers Are Racing to Fix Voyager 1

Police Find Ancient Teenager’s Body, Preserved in Irish Bog for 2,500 Years

Ransomware Payments Hit a Record $1.1 Billion in 2023

Astronomers Measure the Mass of the Milky Way by Calculating How Hard it is to Escape

The brain is the most complicated object in the universe. This is the story of scientists’ quest to decode it – and read people’s minds

‘AI Launches Nukes In ‘Worrying’ War Simulation: ‘I Just Want to Have Peace in the World’’

These Pits Carved Into Rocks in Kenya Might Be Ancient Game Boards

In High Altitude Archaeology, One Woman Isn’t Scared of Heights—Or Mummies

Will this new solar maximum solve the puzzle of the sun’s gamma-ray picture?

Video: There’s a Tax Season Villain, and It’s Not the I.R.S. [15:04]

A stunning image of a young polar bear drifting to sleep wins a wildlife-photographer competition

Was an Antiwar Russian Tricked Into Carrying Out an Assassination Plot?

Earthquake or nuclear bomb? Telling the difference just got easier

This Medieval Sword Spent 1,000 Years at the Bottom of a Polish River

Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog Who Waited For His Deceased Owner for Ten Years

The Bloody Rivalry That Led to the Fall of Democracy in Athens

Will Plants Ever Fertilize Themselves?

A Computer in Every Kitchen?

A Hidden Hydrothermal World Was Just Discovered Under a Legendary Lake

Former Google News Director Admits Big Tech Is Killing Journalism

Saturn’s tiny moon Mimas seems to have an ocean, too

Blazing Saddles at 50: the button-pushing spoof that could never get made today

Fusion Facility Generates Twice the Power Put Into It

Scientists Are About to Chart a Course Through the Fabric of Space-Time

Asteroid Impact Near Berlin Reveals Rare Aubrite Treasures

NASA Just Dropped Stunning Close-Up Pics of Volcanic Eruptions on Jupiter’s Moon Io

Video: Why Russia Tried to Block This Canal [8:49]

‘Spoon worms lick the seabed with a metre-long tongue’: a voyage into a vanishing Arctic world

War in space is no longer science fiction

A Teen’s Fatal Plunge Into the London Underworld

Discovery of Ancient Mongolian Saddle Rewrites the History of Horse Riding

‘This trippy optical illusion house by Roy Lichtenstein makes me question my eyes’

Black holes not only existed at the dawn of time, they birthed new stars and supercharged galaxy formation

Death’s Riddle: Scientists Decipher the Brain’s Final Signals

Radio Maps May Reveal the Universe’s Biggest Magnetic Fields

Video: What if you threw a baseball at nearly light speed? [3:14]

Scientists Are Using Machine Learning To Decode The Language of Chickens

The smallest known molecular knot is made of just 54 atoms

Scientists Train AI Using Headcam Footage From Human Toddler

Big Companies Cashed In on Mississippi’s Water. Small Towns Paid the Price.

Remembering Stardust, the craft that traveled billions of miles and returned with extraterrestrial cargo

We’ve Already Seen Category 6 Hurricanes—Now Scientists Want to Make It Official

‘UFOs and Aliens: As a Scientist, I Believe in Both, But Here’s Where I Draw the Line’

Can psychopaths learn to feel empathy?

Massive Caverns Excavated for New Particle Accelerator in South Dakota

Zoozve — the strange ‘moon’ of Venus that earned its name by accident

NASA wants to put a massive telescope on the moon

Video: Have we been doing Solar wrong all along? [13:29]