Tyler Haywood’s Mesmerizing Animated GIFs

Tackling a Pathogen That Leaves a Lasting Impression

Lighting Up the Moon’s Permanently Shadowed Craters

How crops are being disaster-proofed

Earth’s ‘Gateway to Hell’ is growing by 35 million cubic feet each year

How Melting Ice Has Altered Time-Keeping

‘Hidden mother’ photos don’t erase moms − rather, they reveal the labor and love that support the child

Groundbreaking spaceplane crashes before world-first aerospike rocket test

Elephants use gestures and vocal cues when greeting each other, study reports

‘World first’ for double hand transplant patient

This week: Nonverbal accents, tablet etiquette, euphemising a euphemiser, and more!

Why You Can Hear the Temperature of Water

How ‘tornado alley’ is changing

Meet AdVon, the AI-Powered Content Monster Infecting the Media Industry

AI system can predict the structures of life’s molecules with stunning accuracy – helping to solve one of biology’s biggest problems

Two poems, four years in detention: the Chinese dissident who smuggled his writing out of prison

OpenAI, Mass Scraper of Copyrighted Work, Claims Copyright Over Subreddit’s Logo

NASA details plan to build a levitating robot train on the moon

Scientists unlock key to cheap hydrogen fuel with 95% less iridium

Bizarre Historical Photos: Peering into the Strange Past

NASA satellite narrowly avoids collision with defunct Russian satellite

The Webb Space Telescope found a nearby planet with an atmosphere

Game Theory Can Make AI More Correct and Efficient

Obsolete, but not gone: The people who won’t give up floppy disks

Humans Shaped Ancient History Across 3 Ages: The Stone, Bronze, and Iron Age

Mail Carrier Drives for Five Hours to Hand Deliver Lost World War II-Era Letters

New antibiotic buys medicine time in the never-ending fight against superbugs

Astronomers are on the Hunt for Dyson Spheres

The wasps that tamed viruses

Why the iconic English painting The Hay Wain by John Constable is not what it seems

Scientists find 57,000 cells and 150m neural connections in tiny sample of human brain

On this day in 1898 hydrogen was liquefied for the first time

Hiker Discovers 400-Year-Old Wealthy Traveler in Thawing Mountain Ice

A Father and Daughter Went Fishing—and Accidentally Discovered a 152-Year-Old Shipwreck

Why Is the Ocean Salty?

Cruise ship arrives at New York City harbor with dead whale caught on bow

Throwing Away Fruit and Veggie Peels Is Like Throwing Out Key Nutrients

Video: Why does this forest look like a fingerprint? [25:05]

NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Telescope will hunt for tiny black holes left over from the Big Bang

‘Assisted Suicide Was My Healthy Mother’s Last Wish’

Hair-thin silk fabric cancels out noise and creates quiet spaces anywhere

Video: We’re about to witness a once-in-a-lifetime star explosion [01:51]

Gargantuan sunspot 15-Earths wide erupts with another colossal X-class solar flare

NASA Contractor Warns That Boeing Launch Must Be Stopped “Before Something Catastrophic Happens”

Study: Heavy snowfall and rain may contribute to some earthquakes

Deaf girl is cured in world first gene therapy trial

‘I discovered hydrothermal vents, but I’m only known for finding the Titanic’

On this day in 1963 scientists gave Earth a temporary ring using 480 million tiny copper needles

The Hidden-Pregnancy Experiment

As climate change amplifies urban flooding, here’s how communities can become ‘sponge cities’

In the Race for Space Metals, Companies Hope to Cash In

Hoard of 17th-century coins hidden during English Civil War unearthed during kitchen renovation

Century-Old Chemistry Puzzle Solved: Researchers Unveils Game-Changing Compound

EV batteries could last much longer thanks to new capacitor with 19-times energy density that scientists created by mistake

A Janitor’s Mysterious Masterpiece

The Man Who Raced to Tell the World That Mount Everest Had Been Climbed

When Were Blue Jeans Invented? These Paintings Suggest the Fashion Trend Dates Back to the 1600s

The Inside Story of the First Untethered Spacewalk

When These Snakes Play Dead, Soiling Themselves Is Part of the Act

Removing Dead Bodies from Mount Everest Is Dangerous and Expensive. Here’s Why.