Archaeologists discover 2000-year-old ‘Great Wall of Siberia’

Video: The Hidden Engineering Behind Texas’s Top Tourist Attraction [20:47]

How AI is unlocking ancient texts

Italian village forbids residents from becoming ill

Our Reality Might Only Exist Because of the Multiverse

On The Fragility of Our Knowledge Base

Historians Think They’ve Discovered the Exact Battlefield Where Alexander Became ‘The Great’

A single nitrogen atom could transform the future of drug discovery

Using an Oil Industry Framework to Map Space Resources

Brain monitoring may be the future of work – how it’s used could improve employee performance or worsen discrimination

The national park that draws mushroom hunters from around the world

Silent Giants: How a Star Became a Black Hole Without Exploding

The Ocean Teems With Networks of Interconnected Bacteria

Why Do Some People Look Like Their Dogs?

The Oldest Olive Tree in the World is Over 3,000 Years Old

Lead Poisoning May Have Made Ancient Romans a Bit Less Intelligent

Pushing A Probe To Alpha Centauri Using A Relativistic Electron Beam

‘Kiss and capture’: scientists offer new theory on how Pluto got its largest moon

This Strange Comet-Asteroid Hybrid Is Like Nothing Else in The Solar System

Humans Have a Secret ‘Mortality Timer’ That Could Delay Aging, Scientists Say

NASA Found a Black Hole Knocked Over on Its Side. That Probably Shouldn’t Happen.

‘Letters Hidden in My Family’s Attic Reveal a 1910s Bank Con in Key West’

Video: Is “Bird Brain” Actually A Compliment? [12:03]

Unborn Babies Use Genes From Dad to “Remote-Control” Mothers for Extra Food

A treasure trove of unseen stars beyond the ‘Dragon Arc’

Study: Media coverage of civilian casualties in allied countries boosts support for US involvement

If We Want to Live on Other Worlds, We’re Going to Need New Clocks

Meet the man keeping hope, and 70-year-old pinball machines, alive

AI means the end of internet search as we’ve known it

When Picasso Was Arrested for Stealing the “Mona Lisa”

How Electric Thrusters Are Revolutionizing Space Exploration

Will AI revolutionize drug development? Researchers explain why it depends on how it’s used

Scientists Have Grown [part of] a Human Spine In a Lab

Why freezing cold worlds could be our best bet for alien life in the solar system

Dogs’ and owners’ hearts sync during interactions, research finds

YouTuber Legal Eagle is suing over PayPal’s Honey extension

Video: Inside a crane claw, and how the crane plays YOU [7:54]

“Homo juluensis”: Scientists Claim To Have Discovered New Species of Humans

Altered States of Consciousness Can Distort Time, And Nobody Knows Why

Physicists Measure Quantum Geometry of Electrons For First Time

Is There a Fundamental Logic to Life?

Video: How To Shine Light Through Solid Metal [8:45]

Geologists Solve a 620-Mile Mystery: The Forgotten History of the Denali Faults

A Half-Ton Piece of Space Junk Falls Onto a Village in Kenya

Laughing With the Fascists

A California Surfer Just Rode a Potential World-Record 108-Foot Wave

College Students Were Doing Field Work on Campus—and Uncovered a Civil War Trench

Rare and Giant Steller’s Sea Eagle Spotted Thousands of Miles From Home in Eastern Canada Park

To conserve or cull? Life in Australia’s crocodile capital

New study finds smoking shortens life expectancy by an average of 20 minutes per cigarette

The Moon held on to its magnetic field for most of its life

Wildfire activity surged during Ice Age’s abrupt climate shifts, study suggests

Scientists Identify New Blood Group After 50 Year Mystery

‘I learned to play guitar with one arm after a stroke’

Migrating Bats Surf Storm Fronts to Save Energy

Could There Be Bacteria Living on Mars Today?

Video: What Would Happen If We Just Kept Digging? [16:27]

Dina Sanichar: The Real-Life Feral Boy Raised by Wolves Who May Have Inspired ‘The Jungle Book’

Video: Radioactive glassware of the early 20th century [11:04]

How Artemis will land humans on the Moon