Twenty-four hours in Ukraine’s Kharkiv, where life goes on despite the war

Even desert cities could pull drinking water from the air

Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism. But the Lie That They Do Is Still Going Strong

How a century-old Montreal invention changed snow removal in the city

The Cryptocurrency Scam That Turned a Small Town Against Itself

Why Were These Women Buried With More Than 270,000 Beads?

When Your Last Name Is Null, Nothing Works

After 20 Years, Math Couple Solves Major Group Theory Problem

Did Astronomers Just Witness the Formation of a “Strange Star”?

Smoke, Mirrors & Magic Lanterns: How a Parisian Horror Story Became our First Cinematic Experience

Putin’s secret weapon: The threat to the UK lurking on our sea beds

Fossil study reveals that palm trees once thrived in subarctic Canada

S.S. United States, Historic 20th Century Ocean Liner, Sets Out for Final Voyage

Blue Ghost Lowers Orbit and Snaps Rare Views of the Moon’s Far Side

The odds of a city-killer asteroid impact in 2032 keep rising. Should we be worried?

Gruesome evidence of cannibalism in Poland 18,000 years ago

Migraine is more than a headache — a radical rethink offers hope to one billion people

Experiments show wild fish can recognize individual divers

Video: The Strange Magnetism of Bismuth: It Shouldn’t Work, But It Does [8:42]

Study: Automotive brake dust is a greater risk to lung health than diesel exhaust

Liquid Mirrors Can Only Point Straight Up. Could Magnets Solve This Problem?

What Lies Beneath the Gravestone of a Fictional It Girl?

Video: Inside Europe’s $1BN Abandoned Mega-Build [16:58]

Is Intelligent Life Inevitable?

Magic Mushrooms Warp Our Sense of Space, Time, and Self By Disrupting Our Brain Connections, Scientists Say

Grave Mistakes: The History and Future of Chile’s ‘Disappeared’

Webb telescope observes violence around Milky Way’s central black hole

3,500-year-old tomb of ancient king unearthed in Egypt. See what was found inside

Louis Pasteur’s Relentless Hunt for Germs Floating in the Air

Video: How de-aging in movies got so good [9:42]

Scientists Put a Human Language Gene Into Mice And Changed Their Voice

Video: This Canadian Lake Changes Its Spots Every Year [5:00]

Exoplanet with iron rain has violent winds ‘like something out of science fiction’

Neuroscientists Discovered the Key to Dream Memory

Why We Think Theia Existed

This “Impossible” Crystal Is Changing What We Know About Reality

Video: Pineapples – The Most Expensive Fruit in History [22:46]

The A-level student who became an enemy of the Chinese state

Video: Can you “see” images in your mind? Some people can’t [5:19]

Intern Finds Only Known Surviving Copy of ‘The Heart of Lincoln,’ a Silent Film Thought to Be Lost to History

By the end of today, NASA’s workforce will be about 10 percent smaller

Scientists spot alien world ‘like something out of science fiction’

Turkey said it would become a ‘zero waste’ nation. Instead, it became a dumping ground for Europe’s rubbish

Nat King Cole’s often overlooked role in the Civil Rights Movement

A weird ice that may form on alien planets has finally been observed

Why did a plane crash in Toronto, and how did everyone survive?

Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating

Turning the Moon into a fuel depot will take a lot of power

The Vasa Warship Sank After Only 25 Minutes of Sailing, Taking 30 Lives With it

On this day in 1944, a flight of plywood airplanes attacked a Nazi POW camp

The Caterpillars That Can Kill You

New experiments finally prove a long-forgotten theory about how quantum particles spin

Scientists just rewrote our understanding of epigenetics

Lake Victoria is turning green – the deadly bacteria behind it

What Would Happen if a Tiny Black Hole Passed Through Your Body?

Why This ‘Perpetual’ Lightning Storm Mysteriously Vanished In 2010, Only To Reappear 160 Days Later

Carbon Nanotube Particle Accelerators Could Outmuscle LHC

Giant carnivorous plant newly described to science

Why The Air Force Bombarded Oklahoma City With Sonic Booms In The 1960s

How humanity moved from ‘eternal’ to ‘bookended’ time