We now know why black hole jets make high-energy radiation

Climate change: Could centuries-old wheat help feed the planet?

Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano is erupting, prompting an ashfall advisory for the Big Island

The High-Temperature Superconductivity Mystery Is Finally Solved

Melting point: could ‘cloud brightening’ slow the thawing of the Arctic?

An AI Found an Unknown ‘Ghost’ Ancestor in The Human Genome

‘I spent over a year capturing this, the largest image ever taken of the complete andromeda galaxy’

How Did a World War II Boat End Up at the Bottom of a California Lake?

A French Village’s Radical Vision of a Good Life with Alzheimer’s

Genetically modified tobacco plant produces cocaine in its leaves

Oxford scientists crack case of why ketchup splatters from near-empty bottle

Video: Egg Drop From Space [26:56]

Gallery: New close-up photos of the moon from Artemis I

Double telescope study of zone where Wow! signal originated comes up empty

What if the dinosaurs hadn’t gone extinct? Why our world might look very different

Video: Aftermath of NASA DART’s Rapid Scheduled Disassembly [14:30]

A physicist just solved 50-year lightning mystery, landmark paper reveals new insights

With JWST Fully Operational Again, we get Images Like This: Saturn’s Moon Titan

Long-lost ancient mural rediscovered in northern Peru after more than a century

Video: Beating Scammers at Their Own Game [10:28]

Parasite gives wolves what it takes to be pack leaders

This week: 🛏️Sexual cannibalism, ⌨️digital dating in the 60s, 🥥suggestive coconuts, and more!

Things will be quiet around here for the next few days due to American Thanksgiving. But if you really need something to read:

After renegade nurse chops off man’s foot, state finds heap of system failures

Video: Why plague doctors wore beaked masks [5:32]

Fact Check: Did a Ukrainian Sniper Just Make the World’s Second-Farthest Kill?

The story of the purple tomato — and why its success is a win for GM foods

Discovered in the deep: the squid that makes a decoy out of its own skin

Flocks of assembler robots show potential for making larger structures

Video: What If a Supernova Hits Earth? [11:18]

Scientists Are Investigating Signs of Ancient Human Civilization Underwater

Video: Spicy chillies: Behind the agonising pleasure of capsaicin [7:21]

NASA Regains Communication With Orion Spacecraft After Unexpected Glitch

Video: The Insane Scale of Europe’s New Mega-Tunnel [27:50]

How the Great Depression shaped people’s DNA

An Alaskan Town Is Losing Ground—and a Way of Life

Video: Japan & the Portuguese Barbarians [18:33]

Mysterious Changes Identified in The Brains of People Who Get Migraines

Video: Can This Metal Really Beat the Lithium Battery? [13:03]

How a Forgery of a Forgery Began a Career in the Artistic Underworld

“‘The Terminal Man’ lived in a Paris airport for 18 years. I’ll never forget the weeks I spent with him”

How HIMARS Rocket Launchers Helped Ukraine ‘Get Back in the Fight’ Against Russia

Tax filing websites have been sending users’ financial information to Facebook

The real paleo diet: researchers find traces of world’s oldest meal in 550m-year-old fossil

Induced “hibernation” state protects organs during heart surgery in mice

Webb Telescope Reveals Noxious Atmosphere of a Planet 700 Light-Years Away

What the Image of the Milky Way’s Black Hole Really Shows

Zimbabwe’s stunning 80km safari train

A Monster in the Classroom

Wild NASA Video Details Daring Plan to Snatch Rocks From Mars

‘I robbed six banks out of desperation. Then I got greedy’: the Kangaroo Bandit on crime, family and regret

How Scientists’ Misguided Utopian Theories of Biological Selection Defined the 20th Century

How physics can improve the urinal

Dimming the Sun to Cool the Planet Is a Desperate Idea, Yet We’re Inching Toward It

How to test if we’re living in a computer simulation

Video: Electric Planes Are Here [10:43]

Astronomers spot small space rock just hours before it drops meteorites over Canada

Video: How Long Would Society Last During a Total Grid Collapse? [14:56]

More Strange Cosmic Threads Discovered Outside Our Galaxy, And They’re Huge

The Cause of Alzheimer’s Could Be Coming From Inside Your Mouth