The Remarkable Emptiness of Existence

Has the Amazon Reached Its ‘Tipping Point’?

The Curious Case of Nebraska Man

Government Scientists Discover Entirely New Kind of Quantum Entanglement in Breakthrough

Contrary to Popular Belief, the Big Bang Is Not a Theory of the Creation of Our Universe

Video: Wagner Group: How Russian Mercenaries Help Putin in Ukraine [4:24]

Earth reaches its closest point to the sun — just in time to be slammed by a solar storm

An Experimental Cancer Vaccine Turned Tumor Cells Into Traitors

Guardian offices closed until 23 January due to ongoing fallout from suspected ransomware attack

Inside Ancient Asteroids, Gamma Rays Made Building Blocks of Life

2.6 billion-year-old ancestors of the CRISPR gene-editing tool are resurrected

Snowflake Bentley’s 19th-century images of snow crystals put online

Scientists Destroyed 95% of Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Just 45 Minutes, Study Reports

The ‘breakthrough’ obesity drugs that have stunned researchers

The promise of batteries that come from trees

How We Came to Know and Fear the Doomsday Glacier

South Korea’s lunar orbiter sends photos of Earth, Moon

Parkinson’s Breakthrough: Scientists Have Identified a Key Molecule

We May Be Able to Find Life on Enceladus Without Even Landing

Humans Walk Weird. Scientists May Finally Know Why

We’re on The Brink of Hearing The Universe’s Background Hum. Here’s Why We’re Listening

James Webb Space Telescope captures chaotic cosmic collision

Curiosity finds opal on Mars – a possible water source for astronauts

Japanese government offers families 1m yen a child to leave Tokyo

Why Do Kids Hate Music Lessons?

Henrietta Lacks’ Virginia Hometown Will Build Statue in Her Honor, Replacing Robert E. Lee Monument

Danish bank workers celebrate first full year without robberies

Researchers Design Colorful Windows That Effectively Harvest Ambient Light

How the Aztec Calendar Accounted for Leap Years

Video: How Different Spillway Gates Work [15:15]

Hubble telescope spots magnificent open star cluster 160,000 light-years away

What Can We See in the Oldest-Known Photographs of Kandahar?

Drink water, live longer? Study finds link between hydration and aging

How the James Webb Space Telescope changed astronomy in its first year

‘We’re in a space race’: Nasa sounds alarm at Chinese designs on moon

Why time-traveling tachyons probably don’t exist

The hidden underwater forests that could help tackle the climate crisis

Video: ‘I Asked An Actual Apollo Engineer to Explain the Saturn 5 Rocket’ [58:58]

The Fossil Flowers That Rewrote the History of Life

Remembering the Rosewood Massacre

The scientist who discovered sperm was so grossed out he hoped his findings would be repressed

“Completely Unexpected” – Scientists Discover a Magnetized Dead Star With a Solid Surface

Newfound kind of supernova can tear apart a planet’s atmosphere

Technology Is Saving You From Profound Levels of Boredom And It’s a Problem

Possible naked-eye comet will visit Earth for 1st time since Neanderthals in 2023

A Drug to Treat Aging May Not Be a Pipe Dream

Three centuries after it was rediscovered, Royston Cave remains one of Britain’s most mysterious places

This gorgeous spiral galaxy spotted by Hubble telescope is a yardstick for galactic expansion

Video: Earth currently experiencing a sixth mass extinction, according to scientists [13:16]

There’s no GPS on the moon. NASA and ESA have to fix that before humans return in 2 years.

Study Shows How The Universe Would Look if You Broke The Speed of Light, And It’s Weird

Is modern life ruining our powers of concentration?

What is the rarest mineral on Earth?

To whom it may concern, we now have a (mostly) profanity-free mirror site.

Busting a myth: Saturn V rocket wasn’t loud enough to melt concrete

Lake Mead’s receding waters revealed long-lost bodies. But who are they?

Ethereal New Plant Species Doesn’t Use Photosynthesis – It’s Found Something Sneakier

A Brief History of Champagne: Were Those Bubbles an Accident?

Alaska’s Arctic Waterways Are Turning a Foreboding Orange

Scientists exhumed geneticist Gregor Mendel to study his DNA