Comments on: Nuclear Landmines Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Mon, 04 Jul 2022 18:35:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: jarvisloop Mon, 04 Jul 2022 18:35:16 +0000 Note to self: Finished.

By: Blue Bunny Thu, 24 Nov 2016 01:59:25 +0000 The threat of these TNDs was enough to keep the Soviets on their side of the border with East Germany.

By: fsjec6 Thu, 20 Mar 2014 04:13:13 +0000 Crusty007 is right, the US *did* deploy a number of n-mines. They were not for the purpose of mass area contamination, but to destroy key routes and intersections into western europe – to deny their use to the soviets in case of a mass invasion. But they were removed in the 70s.

By: Atomizer Mon, 26 May 2008 23:52:26 +0000 “The point of which is lost if you don’t TELL anyone about it. Why wouldn’t you tell the world, eh?!”

By: haloguy628 Sat, 03 Nov 2007 23:16:33 +0000 In 1980 I was drafted into Czechoslovakian Army as a recon for 11th Independent Engineer Brigade in Hodonin. Part of my training included neutralization of nuclear mines and portable one man nuclear devices.
The scenario was that the mine would be placed in pre-build reinforced shaft located near strategic intersections or objects. The mine would be in shallow depth between 10 and 25 meters depending on geology of the surrounding terrain.
The article above mentions the denial of area due to the contamination, but there was also seismic shock aspect and destruction of man made objects such as hydroelectric dams, factories, bridges and railyards caused by the detonation. By using of these tactical nuclear devices the retreating force would be able to rapidly destroy numerous objects within certain radius of the detonation by placing just one device and therefore slow down the speed of the invading Warsaw Pact forces.

By: Crusty007 Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:08:10 +0000 Pff….the US had nuclear landmines as well, for the same reasons, with the difference that they were actually placed in Germany and that these deployments are probably still top secret. Read up on some literature from KGB defectors to learn more. They were planted near strategic bridges and such and routine maintenance actions made them a dead giveaway to the Russians…. And given the Russian succes in stealing nuclear secrets, they would probably have ways of disarming them before a full scale invasion.

By: monkforhire Sun, 13 May 2007 16:13:34 +0000 To answer Hangar’s question, I’m a Brit and nobody told me. But that could be for lots of reasons. Also, Erados, fantastic spamming!

Speaking of ‘politically flawed’ bombing, can someone please explain to me why Japan doesn’t hate the US. The Irish hate us for holding back potatoes, so how the hell does America avoid being reminded of Hiroshima. Just seems unfair. It also seems strange that you can kill more Irishmen by holding back potatoes than you can kill Japanese with an atomic bomb. Go figure.

By: KABOOOOMMM Thu, 19 Apr 2007 16:05:21 +0000 (random action that wouldnt work) ok imagine ur a drafted soviet teenager ur 18 and a nuke mine goes off under ur feet that would be mean of the british cause 5/6 of the soviets army were drafted only 1/6 want 2 join

By: Jonitiranes Sun, 21 Jan 2007 14:57:31 +0000 RandomAction said: “Quite insane. And all without the knowledge of the German people. Would have been less random and more effective to load these bombs on to a trebuchet and lob them at the oncoming swarm of soviet tanks.”

hahaha, you would need a massive trebuchet.

By: senorstu Thu, 18 Jan 2007 14:49:11 +0000 Seems kinda f’ed up to annihilate another country just to cover your tracks if you have to retreat.

“Based on the findings of the report, my conclusion was that this idea was not a practical deterrent
for reasons which, at this moment, must be all too obvious…”

-Dr. Strangelove
