Comments on: Number Stations Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Mon, 23 Aug 2021 10:48:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Naughty Car Mon, 23 Aug 2021 10:48:12 +0000 Whilst I’m aware I’m necro-threadding here a bit. I can breathe some information into the subject for you.

People are asking’ what are these used for?’ as if there is only one answer. It’s like asking ‘what is the internet for?’
Myself and 3 others run a shortwave station and look, I’m not too proud to say that what we help with, sometimes isn’t……by the book.

Our station transmits 24/7 and that requires a bit of electricity use which we need to pay for. One way we fund this is by running numbers every 2 hours. These are in the format of ‘agent code’, client code, amount to deliver, amount to receive, status.
For example 71991, 35558, 00500, 01200, 0002. Drug runner 71991 to deliver to client 35558, 500grams, collect 1200, status 2 is friendly but armed.

We then also send data at a 2400baud rate to transmit our software. Record it, run it through a complier and hey presto, a new bash script, text document or even small self contained program.
The rest of the time, yup it’s music we have no rights to.

By: 0411213 Sat, 14 Sep 2019 15:27:35 +0000 habitable

By: Oroz Sun, 14 Aug 2016 05:06:35 +0000 Try a Non-financial approach a crowdfunding platform for research would help :)

By: 0411213 Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:51:33 +0000 0411213.19 20 12 1 11 17.2 14 12

By: Kyle Fri, 21 Mar 2014 10:28:26 +0000 I hope my comment dosen’t get banned from thinking *outside the box* due to knowing not only scripture but other prophecies in other ancient groups where there is many similarities if you look hard enough.

By: Kyle Fri, 21 Mar 2014 10:27:09 +0000 It is secret agents plotting how to form the New World Order and organize terrorist attacks! Some succeed and others either half succeed or fail.

The USA gets money from the drug trafficking department which is why they 1. Don’t take our border situation seriously on the Mexico side and 2. We always seem to have the same kind of President with a different face since the Cold War era.

Elections are rigged on both sides and the outcome is determined LONG before you go vote and they often count dead people in the vote.

The Liberals have been caught using fake names like Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck to squeeze in extra votes to vote in Obama the first time around and Conservative Talk Hosts had a good laugh about it but nobody did anything serious about stopping it.

However how can you stop it with the same kind of mindsets that started it?

By: Thom Thu, 16 Jan 2014 08:06:34 +0000 Yep, I used to hear this all the time in the Saudi Arabian oil fields. The numbers being used for message was the first thing that I thought of when I heard it, This was the first article I have seen about it.

By: MDZhB Thu, 09 Jan 2014 14:56:22 +0000 Number stations come from everywhere. I have heard some from Russia, Poland, Israel, and various other places. Also, some of the messages are very long, but are encrypted with a one time pad, meaning there is a different key for each letter, making it literally unbreakable. Not all of them are voiced, some are in morse, a digital mode, or use polytones. Also, there is a lot of good evidence for the stations being used by spies. It is actually fairly easy to track the origin of the signal, and many of them are tracked to military bases or other government grounds. Also, spies have very often been found with one time pads and a simple shortwave radio, which is all you need, along with a pencil and paper, to decrypt these messages. Without the one time pad, however, it is impossible to decrypt the messages.

By: Selrahc4040 Sun, 22 Apr 2012 17:25:21 +0000 Call me weird, but I personally believe that number stations could be used as post-apocalyptic communication resources. Especially if, say, anarchy develops and you want to keep your communications coded.

By: Priyombowen Sat, 17 Sep 2011 21:51:28 +0000 This is a very good article!

Just to let you guys know, me and a group of like minded people run a website devoted to number stations.

Hope you enjoy it, and make sure to log onto our irc on the website to join in and help out with research :)

Thanks guys
Bowen – Priyom lead designer
