Comments on: The Singing Scourge Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Thu, 26 Nov 2020 02:10:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Thu, 26 Nov 2020 02:10:52 +0000 Pardon me while I go off to hum an aria.

By: JarvisLoop Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:37:08 +0000 Fascinating information that is new to me.

Big question for which I have not been able to find an answer: Why did Genghis Khan attack so many cities and other lands? Revenge? Greed? Mental aberration?

By: MacAvity Mon, 15 Mar 2010 03:57:14 +0000 [quote]Marius said: “Though I’ve never had cause to use it, thanks to Gordon Lightfoot I know all the great lakes.”[/quote]

“Lake Huron rolls, Superior gleams
In the rooms of her icewater mansion;
Old Michigan steams like a young man’s dreams
The islands and bays are for sportsmen;
And further below, Lake Ontario
Takes in what Lake Erie can send her;
And the ironboats go as the mariners all know
With the Gales of November remembered!”

Ah, elementary school music class, when I learned the lyrics of that entire song and sang them at the top of my terrible voice, to the great annoyance of all in the general vicinity.

My high school Latin teacher used this technique. It was probably very effective (I can still remember ” -i, -isti, -it, -imus, -istis, -erunt; -i, -isti, -it, -imus, -istis, -erunt; the perfect active indicative endings…”) but it made at least half the class groan loudly every time we knew we were going to be forced to not only listen but sing along.

Thumper325, you are a nut job and a pest, to put it mildly. I remember distinctly when you wrote about twelve pages’ worth of burble about how you were David Hahn, the Radioactive Boyscout, not just his interviewer.

As to the article itself, fascinating. I doubt it could ever work again, singing in a group now being fairly universally considered lame, childish, unmanly, and otherwise wholly unbefitting the military, but it’s still a wonderful idea.

By: Mirage_GSM Sun, 15 Mar 2009 09:57:11 +0000 [quote]Thumper235 said: “I believe that the United States is currently accepting far to many foreign products and may not be exporting enough quality United States products. (David) I think that more United States companys and corporations should work together, more efficiently. In other words, there should be new clauses or laws developed that would have foreign companies actually (locate buyers for 2 to 5 times the amount/ in money). in other words, if a foreign company were about to accept payment in the form of U.S. currency, that foreign entity should have to locate buyers (located within any country in the world) for ,at least (twice the amount in U.S. dollars) that they would be receiving from the United States buyer. This would force (in reality just work a little harder) foreign companys or corporations to work for the United States (prior to receiving any United States currency). This would definatly increase the amount of products that the united States would ship over-seas and (IN TURN) create more American Jobs.”[/quote]
So if I understand your garbled grammar correctly, you suggest that everyone who wants to sell a car to america has to acquire two other customers for an american car first?
Now if such a law were in effect, why would I want to sell a car to the USA in the first place? I would rather sell two cars to the people I’d have had to acquire to sell you one.
[quote]The auto industry has been running strong for many, many years. Some companies and corporations “take hard hit”s”. However, this does not mean that the company or corporation (in question) can not rebound and reclaim it”s position, at a much stronger level.[/quote]
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the american automobile industry hasn’t been great for at least two decades. They missed out on developping new technologies and now they’re paying for that.
By the way, if your “genius” boyfried thinks he came up with the idea of his protectionist economy model by himself, you should point him to this wikipedia article:

It also contains a detailed explanation of why it won’t work.

By: Thumper235 Thu, 12 Mar 2009 07:05:11 +0000 FROM KITTY: COPY/DOWNLOAD TO DOSK / HARD-DRIVE


A new approach has been developed to EMPOWER the UNITED STATES/ avoid recession. This new method would EMPOWER AND PROTECT groups and individuals within the united states relating to Movie stars, singers, writers, scientists, meg-shift scientists, chemists,mathmetations, etc…. It has finally been concluded that by empowering these types of persons (within a country), you can empower the country as a whole. It has also been determined (as well), if these types of individuals were placed in a bad light, promoted with bad publicity (or even targeted), the country may be weakened (as a whole). Recent finding come from intellegence reports from or relating to David Charles Hahn (the radioactive Boyscout/ Meg-shift scientist). Recently, this individual has been placed in a bad light (definatly with the press). It has come to our attention that this individual has been attempting to strengthen the united states by locating anwsers for everything from finding “the fountain of youth” to “solving the world”s reactor fuel shortage problem” to “improving relationships” and even “comming up with ideas that may be able to “NOT ONLY” pull the United States out of it”s current recession but making this country “STRONGER THAN EVER”. In a recent interview with (David Hahn/ THE RADIOACTIVE BOYSCOUT), we asked David a few questions. David, what kinds of options do you think that the United States has for, pulling out of it”s current RECESSION? RESPONCE (David), I believe that the United States is currently accepting far to many foreign products and may not be exporting enough quality United States products. (David) I think that more United States companys and corporations should work together, more efficiently. In other words, there should be new clauses or laws developed that would have foreign companies actually (locate buyers for 2 to 5 times the amount/ in money). in other words, if a foreign company were about to accept payment in the form of U.S. currency, that foreign entity should have to locate buyers (located within any country in the world) for ,at least (twice the amount in U.S. dollars) that they would be receiving from the United States buyer. This would force (in reality just work a little harder) foreign companys or corporations to work for the United States (prior to receiving any United States currency). This would definatly increase the amount of products that the united States would ship over-seas and (IN TURN) create more American Jobs. (David), I strongly believe that the United states produces many (QUALITY MADE) products, right here in the United States. What do you currently think about the situation with (FORD MOTOR COMPANY)? I feel that too many people have lost thier jobs and homes, so far. (David), I believe that money should be (synergistically and multi-functionally) channeled into this great auto auto industry. I have a high degree of confidence that Ford Motor Company will produce “EVEN BETTER” and “HIGHER QUALITY” products, in the “NEAR FUTURE”. This should be a national “TEAM EFFORT” from government, military and civilian sources to “RE-BUILD” this great auto industry. (David) The (key words) here are “persistance’ and “trust”. (david) The auto industry has been running strong for many, many years. Some companies and corporations “take hard hit”s”. However, this does not mean that the company or corporation (in question) can not rebound and reclaim it”s position, at a much stronger level. (David) I believe that Ford just has to be one of these kinds of (industries) that can bounce back and bounce back (even stronger than before). Ford is definatly “one of the back bones of the state of Michigan”. We need to start channeling money and power to the proper places(company/corporation/industry/ etc…….. ….. …). David, what do you think of the current leaders within the united States? (David) I feel that this country has a “great many leaders” within this country, as a whole. I believe that our new “Chief and ommander” will be the “right choice” for moving this country into it”s best possible reality. I feel that his words are true and that he will stabilize and EMPOWER this country (especially during “hard times” like the current recession that we are in. (David) I strongly feel and believe that he is “the best man for the job”. *** There were a great deal of questions that followed after these responces. It appears that David intensions are of becoming a meg shift scientist (if he is not 1 already). David is a part of a great number of organizations and associations. Some of these that were confirmed were: Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts Of America), Former United States Navy, Former United States Marine Corps (RETIRED), American Legion Member, Time Travel Institute member, Associates Of Applied Science (Macomb Community College). 1 (UNCONFIRMED): Warlock (of the light)/ THE RADIOACTIVE BOYSCOUT etc…….. ….. …. At this point in time “we need people like David”. I personally feel that he is a cross between marie Curie (discovered radium) and Tesla (wireless energy).


By: Alchemist Tue, 23 Oct 2007 16:26:54 +0000 Personally, I thought the acme song was funny.

“Now, we write it backwards! e mc 2”
“you always make that A look like a 2”

By: My2Cents Wed, 12 Sep 2007 22:30:08 +0000 I remember the Animaniacs singing songs about our states and capitals! I miss them too. I never memorized the song but in school they taught us a different song naming all of the 50 states in alphabetical order. In fact, I was just singing that song in my head today. I’ve always said that it was the most usefull song I ever had to learn in school.
They should tell this of Genghis Khan to kids in school before they teach them a song that will help them remember things, that way they know that it is actually a usefull tactic. :)

By: CountriKitten Thu, 17 May 2007 22:12:22 +0000 I knew Mr. Ray from “Finding Nemo” was on to something with “OHHHH, Let’s name the zones, the zones the zones, let’s name the zones of the open sea!”

I also remember the Animaniacs cartoons, with their songs…gosh that was a great show.

By: ZeTron Mon, 07 May 2007 20:11:41 +0000 >I deserve said: “If you can hum “Turkey in the Straw” , you can learn all the state capitals in about two hours!”

I miss the Animamiacs!”

When I was a kid I did not enjoy the Animaniacs. However watching them now I wish a clever educational show was on TV for kids (or more of them). Here are two awesome songs/video clips from the Anaimanicas. The Nations of the World is the video for the lyrics “I Deserve” submited.

All Presidents ——-
Nations of the World

By: Circlehead Wed, 25 Apr 2007 17:11:44 +0000 Liked the article. Interesting stuff.

Especially the use of the word ‘behooved.’
