Comments on: The Truth About Truth Serum Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Tue, 03 Jan 2017 01:29:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: oscar Sun, 24 Aug 2014 10:11:48 +0000 Truth serums can work very well. Other factors might help also.
Comment above re hypnotism, bullshit if you think a person cant be forced to do shit.
Obviously the knowhow and other dirty tricks would be protected by these naysayers, peeps who wouldnt give up their evil sex parties..
Again, good thing re certain departments of police getting their shit together to finally be able to get these unsavory people.

By: jkoch Wed, 16 Jul 2014 19:44:52 +0000 Scopalomine seemed to be a favorite drug of the author Allistaire McClain. He used it in 2 of his best stories: “Where Eagles Dare” and “The Guns of Navarone”, when the Germans were interrogating a prisoner in WWII.

By: Dennis Mon, 30 Dec 2013 23:22:05 +0000 Back in 1987 I decided to have a vasectomy since I already had 2 children from a previous marriage but had been remarried for a couple of years. During the out-patient operation the doctor and his assistant allowed my wife to stay in the room during the procedure. He injected me with Sodium Pentothal. After I was totally out he laughingly told my wife that if she ever wanted to ask me a question and be guaranteed to get an honest answer she should ask me then. He told her that Sodium Pentothal was a truth serum. After the operation she told me what he said. I didn’t think it was too funny because ‘IF’ I was the type to mess around that would have been a terrible time for my wife to find out. Imagine, the doctor is cutting me in a very private area and the scorned wife casually walks over and bumps the doctor’s scalpel and I could have been talking in a much higher voice after that!! :)
In all seriousness, I think ‘some form’ of the truth serum should be used in murder cases. I understand the 5th amendment and tales of inaccuracies but prisons are full of murderers who repeatedly bog down courts with appeals and take up space in prisons. There has to be a better way,

By: Dawnatilla Mon, 20 May 2013 05:13:59 +0000 to the author:How the F*** are you going to drop the name MK Ultra like its as common as saying..oh, I don’t know.. “poor journalism”…without letting people know what the f***is up with it? half assed info…or disinfo..

By: mrsmoriarty_001 Fri, 03 Jun 2011 21:21:00 +0000 I think they should give Casey Anthony truth serum and find out the truth once and for all……….

By: Q4M Sat, 14 May 2011 16:47:52 +0000 Coppereagle said: “Why don’t hospitals conducting radiation therapy administer this drug to CANCER patients !?? Would it be benneficial for other X-rays and so fourth ?”

7Hs stated: “Because it would have the exact same cell-preserving effect on the cancerous cells as the rest of the body, perhaps?”

This is a true assumtion…The effects of the Sodium Pentathol would counteract the efforts of the radiation therapy. The radiation is meant to kill the cancer cells in the affected tissues. If a preserving agent ie: Sodium Pentathol were introduced as a variable, the two chemicals would essentially be fighting for effectiveness, thereby weakening the SP; diluting it, if you will. The medical practice of using radiation is to target the cancer, kill it quickly and cease the treatment as soon as possible. There are a number of side effects, damaging to the immune system and the production of new cell life, during the radiation treatment phase. However, once treatment is ceased, the regenerative properties of the cellular tissues return to normal(lacking the cancerous, mutated cells) and the immune system begins to restore it’s necessary levels of functionality.

By: jstephens Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:31:18 +0000 [quote]Alan Bellows said: “It might have helped the fire brigade at Chernobyl, and the men in submarine K-19 (though the drug isn’t known to protect against badly affected Russian accents).”[/quote]

I heard that the fire crew, and some others, were spared some of the harshness of the radiation because they were very intoxicated by alcohol (it’s documented that they survived). Something to the effect of potentially fatal doses not being fatal because the alcohol effectively counteracted, or stunted, what was happening to their cells because of the radiation.

By: Grib Thu, 11 Jan 2007 07:37:04 +0000 “If you’ve ever been intoxicated, then you are personally familiar with the effects that truth serum has on the mind and body. “

… uh? You mean like dancing half naked on the bar?

By: King Randall Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:35:51 +0000 Has anyone supposed what might be used as an effective truth-telling agent? I submit the “vice-grip and testicles” approach. Yeah yeah, it’s “torture”. But so is The View, and dumb commercials, and television in general, yet nobody’s writing to their Congressmen about THAT. I’ll leave that thought on the table right over there, if anyone wants it.

By: Tink Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:44:06 +0000 Sr.Spielberg said: “I just stumbled into this site today and feel glad to have found so much interesting information…. This is still occuring – look at Guantanamo. I can’t pity terrorists but may, occasionally, feel sorry for them.”

Thanks for joining us! Btw, love your books. LOL ;-P
