Comments on: Japan’s Balloon Bombs Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Mon, 19 Aug 2024 00:16:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: jarvisloop Mon, 19 Aug 2024 00:16:46 +0000 !

By: Vince Koers Thu, 27 Feb 2014 01:35:40 +0000 In a word – Yes. Contact us if you would like to discuss…

By: Mary Wilkerson Wed, 15 Jan 2014 23:50:03 +0000 As a child I lived in Wolf Creek, Oregon. A parchment-like balloon landed in the hills behind our house. I remember some excitement and a lot of secrecy about the event at the time and still have a small (about 6″ by 9″) piece of the balloon. Is there a way to find out if it is really a remnant of one of the Japanese balloons?

By: Matt Sat, 18 May 2013 22:38:08 +0000 Oh the sheep of the 21st century.. Do you honestly believe there are not Daily media blackouts? Do you honestly believe that the government does not carefully script and plan nearly everything seen unrelated to local city/state news?

It’s all a big book of manipulation, plain and simple the American public is carefully guided

By: DanThinksDances&femaleGspot Sat, 28 Jun 2008 02:26:05 +0000 Enter your reply text here. OK
Collective psycology – You guys are all wrong.
Media would do today and do keep collective temporary secrets at circumstances:
ex: a presidents trip to a war zone.
ex: prince Harry in Afgan. fighting
I’m a dog walker, not a journalist. The media is what the mass public wants. Blame your selves.

By: prudychick Fri, 14 Mar 2008 22:02:16 +0000 Yes, I couldn’t imagine today’s media keeping something like this quiet. Everyone has to be first and of course then you have the news stations that will sensationalize it, “Balloons of Death Could be Lurking In Your Neighborhood.”

By: Jeffrey93 Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:50:39 +0000 DJ-Anakin said: “”The news media cooperated with the military and didn’t publish any news of incidents. “

You’d never be able to get them to do that now. The media are just money-grubbing, egomaniacs.”

I think the media spins things more than you think. Back then the media would keep a story secret to help the “greater good”. In reality they aren’t helping anybody…the media is there to report events. If they collectively choose not to do this they are lying to the public.

Now the media spins things, which is just as bad. Look at CNN’s coverage of the WMD crap. They weren’t reporting anything….they were selling it. Makes you wonder why….

Anyway…CNN did all they could to convince the American people that invading Iraq was a good idea, look how that turned out. IF CNN had done their jobs and reported the events, we’d all be better off.

So, refusing to report an event because the government tells you…or spinning an event and selling an event as something more than it is….doesn’t help anybody. The media is there to tell the public what happened. If it’s good news or bad news, just tell us the news. Don’t try to sell it as good news when it’s bad, or vice versa. Just report the stuff, then shut up.
You’re right they are after the money….but where is the money coming from? Sponsors? Governments?

By: DJ-Anakin Mon, 25 Jun 2007 22:21:53 +0000 “The news media cooperated with the military and didn’t publish any news of incidents. “

You’d never be able to get them to do that now. The media are just money-grubbing, egomaniacs.

By: Wargamer Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:43:33 +0000 Doubtful. America’s ‘news media’ has abandoned ‘journalistic principles’ to become ‘commercial narrators’ for stories that entertain more than inform, while at the same time totally giving into becoming nothing more than propaganda tools for our gov’ts anymore, rather than the wing of society to act as a check and balance on the gov’t.

So on the one hand, they’d sensationalize the unsensational if it would increase ratings,
on the otherhand, they’ll cover-up the biggest gov’t mistakes rather than act as a monitor as the founders of journalism intended.

Hundreds of thousands of casualties and homeless in the Kobe earthquake, interrupted for updates on the OJ Simpson trial.

CNN breaks the record for redundant ‘commercial and break free’ reporting held by 9/11 coverage for the death of Anna Nicole Smith.

I call American news ‘clonews’ because ABC, CBS and NBC can’t even help from reporting the exact same stories in the exact same order every night as if to prove the over-paid egos of the anchor-people right, that the reason more watch one than the other isn’t substance or variety, but who they like looking at narrating the story the most instead.

Remember, you heard it from me first, the term ‘clonews’ as in cloned news.

I’d expect the American media would cover up a radiation leak of the gov’t told them too, while creating and unnecessary panic in regards to something far less justified if left to their own devices.

I don’t criticise nor foreign news media for being propaganda or paparazzi-like as much anymore, that’s for sure.

By: milkman Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:37:39 +0000 It is nice to see how remarkable the news media could be back then. It would be interesting to find out if the Media today would be as noble as it was back then. The military was very successful and intelligent on that tactic! I could only imagine how many thousands of those balloons the U.S. mainland would have seen if the Japanese would have gotten wind that there idea had worked!
