Comments on: Japan’s Secret Biological Weapons Program Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 07 Feb 2020 04:55:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: flopchops Mon, 01 Feb 2016 19:39:07 +0000 Brian : You’ll have to help me out there. What’s the difference between splitting an atom and splitting the nucleus of an atom? If you take away the election, you’re left with the nucleus. Taking away an electron is not ‘splitting an atom’ in the context of this discussion.

By: Brian Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:23:25 +0000 for those of you saying we nuked japan, you are wrong, no nuclear weapons have ever been used against an opposing threat in history, however, we used two ATOMIC bombs which are way different than nuclear bombs ( researched this arguement for hours to make sure i wasnt anyone ) because an atomic bomb splits the atom itself, a nuclear bomb splits the nucleas of said atom so no one ever got nuked

By: Peter Wandmose Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:39:40 +0000 Did any from Unit 731go to USA working sharing knowledge.
Thanks great site

By: algernon Sat, 08 Mar 2014 15:11:06 +0000 The Japanese military have a history of being fearless and utterly ruthless it would not be unexpected that the Japanese possess the most virulent strains of viruses capable of destroying all species of mammalian life forms including humans . If the Japanese were to be cornered by China or Russia there is absolutely no doubt that that these biological weapons would be released,within in days these these viruses would circulate around the globe .After five years all mammals are eradicated .Nature then begins the process of rebuilding life , in about 10 million years dinosaurs reappear and end any chance of a human reserection

By: catalyzer Mon, 25 Apr 2011 21:58:29 +0000 Most Japanese civilians did not deserve to die (although no doubt some of them were actively aiding in the war effort). But neither did American citizens, nor for that matter did American soldiers deserve to die. The first and foremost responsibility of the president of the US is to protect the American people. Sending US soldiers to die by the 10’s or 100’s of thousands to avoid Japanese civilian deaths would be completely irresponsible. If you accept that the US was right to go to war with Japan (and I dont know anyone who does not accept that), then one cannot possibly justify letting our soldiers die in battle – or risking massive deaths of American civilians(!) – when it could be avoided by use of the atomic bombs. (Hypothetically, if American lives were not at stake – although of course they were! – is it justifiable to let Chinese civilians continue to get brutally slaughtered by the millions, rather than ending the war suddenly? If you think it is, dont answer me on that point (I am American), but please explain to some Chinese parent why we should be more concerned with Japanese civilian deaths.)

By: Amercitizen Tue, 05 May 2009 14:50:28 +0000 [quote]brandan said: “yeah, the japanese military killed civilians, so the japanese civilians had to die!!!!”[/quote]

Correct innocent American were brutily killied and the japanese showed no mercy

By: Wargamer Wed, 14 Feb 2007 11:52:19 +0000 Re: Japanese giant subs.

Clyde Cussler, author, historian and novelist I believe sponsored an expedition on a TV program ‘The Sea Hunters’ that found that one group of scuttled giant I-class submarines intended to attack and destroy the Panama Canal….from the Atlantic side no less.

It has been hard for us, used to seeing seemingly dumbfounded little Japanese men in loin-cloths wielding pre-ww1 arms surrendering at war’s end, and yet the Japanese were in fact superior designers and engineers to us in some surprising ways. Not least of which were their submarines. Indeed recently released documents from the former Soviet Union confirm that the present-day giant Soviet submarine program was copied directly from those Japanese giant subs they captured or recovered before the British and Americans scuttled them. It is a good thing for us that they found it ‘dishonourable’ to use submarines in merchant blockade that would in fact starve them out of the war, but instead committed them foolheartedly(in my opinion) in other roles.

I believe you can search and buy the episode, I am sorry I can’t be of more help than that.

In my research in Asia, I’ve learnt some astonishing related facts to these amazing projects too.

By: Wargamer Wed, 14 Feb 2007 11:35:08 +0000 We run Miller Systems WW2 Campaign

and pride ourselves on having done some research on ww2 these passed 20 years.

We shouldn’t be so ‘holier than thou’ and hypocritical here.
We hardly enter this issue with clean hands ourselves.

While the Japanese led the world in biological warfare even before ww2 started, the British led the world in chemical warfare, nerve agent/gas.

Two important distinctions.
The British tried to do their testing on isolated islands populated only with sheep. Granted there were still military and civilian casualties to be covered up, but we didn’t deliberately test on humans as far as I know.
While some in the Japanese project did not see testing on humans as ‘crossing the line’.
Very few people in any nation knew of the existance let alone actual methods of either program.

While Hitler had no qualms about using such weapons to further his Final Solution, even he refused to use such ‘weapons of mass destruction’ on even the ‘sub-human’ Russian front even when it might have prolonged his life, let alone won the war for him. And yet we did.
Historians believe this was because of his own experience as a casualty of mustard gas attack in ww1.
Yet the point remains, some could argue he had even more reason to use such a weapon than we did, his own survival, and yet he refused even to the end.

While we haven’t suffered a nerve gas attack yet, the Japanese have. The Tokyo Sarin attack. Those convicted credited our ww2 programs for their success, not even the Japanese programs.

The nerve gas we fear will be used against us by terrorists today was not fathered by ww2 Japanese efforts, but our own(and the Nazis)

After ww2, America agreed to share the atom bomb with Britain in return for stockpiles of this same nerve agent. Despite the fact it is against both our laws.

When we found out about these projects, we rushed in and whisked them away. For trials and punishment as war criminals? No. We REWARDED them by making the protected American citizens with better pay and security to continue doing the work for us some of you say justified our using the atom bombs on them for.

Those few Japanese generals who did find out about these projects and risked their careers and even lives fighting to have these projects cancelled, were tried and convicted of war crimes by us while we gave citizenship and jobs to the illegal project itself.
Lesson: If you create and develop such illegal projects, you will be hired by the enemy. If you resist such projects you will still be tried as a war criminal.

I have seen a Japanese TV program indicating that the American gov’t not only refused official Japanese request to return these ‘criminals’ to Japan to face trial on existing Japanese laws on the matter, but refused to even admit that they were made American citizens to continue those said same projects.

Did you know that we planned to use bio-chemical warfare on the German invasion beaches had they invaded England in ww2?

I’ve read and watched historians agree that when Churchill first viewed the effects of the German V1s after D-Day, infuriated, he ordered the bombing of German cities with their deadliest nerve agents. Fortunately his staff and Cabinet had the power to over-rule him.

If we say we had the right to use such weapons to win the war for us earlier and thus save lives in the long run, then do we justify anyone else doing the same thing, even our enemies?
Would Hitler then have been justified in using his own stockpiles to win the war in Russia for the same reasons? The Japanese vs China?

If we can say that the Japanese civilians deserved the atom bombs, (radiation and cancer and future generations of crippling genetic damage) BECAUSE they did not do enough to make sure their own governments weren’t supporting, in any way, development and use of such weapons of mass destruction, atomic or biological or chemical…then would that apply to us too?

We shouldn’t be so ‘holier than thou’ and hypocritical.
It only makes the world resent and distrust us all the more.

Apologies for the length, while presently an international advisor, I used to be a teacher.
I hope my points make some sense.

PS…I know a fair bit about those Japanese submarines ;).

By: BigR55 Mon, 08 Jan 2007 07:20:16 +0000 Glad to see someone publish this well kept secret. EVTV1 recently headlined a left wing bleeding heart video and article condeming the bombing. The generation that faced this enemy is rapidly disappearing. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with one of these soldiers. He told of how he and other POWs were placed in wooden, black boxes that were set in the sun to cook. They were placed in trenches and bureid up to their chest, then the ditches were used as a latrine where soldiers deficated and urinated on them. They were stripped and tied up by the hands and placed on carts that were then pulled around for the towns people to beat them with bamboo poles. It does not take much of an immagination to conclude that the fire baloons floated into California, may have been more of these bubonic fleas and maybe we set the fires to destroy them. Keep up the good work of exposing these attrocities.

By: Caffiend Fri, 16 Jun 2006 21:17:42 +0000 Here’s the wikipedia link for the 1-400 class sub:
