Comments on: You Can Pick Your Doctor, and You Can Pick Your Nose… Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Mon, 29 Aug 2022 01:09:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: jarvisloop Mon, 29 Aug 2022 01:09:26 +0000 Even if it is eventually proven to be healthful, I think that I will prefer to become ill.

By: Mandy Lynn Thu, 13 Nov 2014 05:55:00 +0000 mandy

MeasureMan said: “Damn Interesting? I think not! Damn Disgusting!!!!!”
-It’s not disgusting once you figure out that the mucus within our nasal passage is 95% water. The other 5% is bacteria. So, whether you consume it or not, we already have both elements from the mucus in our bodies. It really can do nothing but benefit us, because once the mucus is consumed, it travels through our body and cleanses it until it flushes out of our system when we urinate, thus leaving our immune system with cleaner passageways, along with no harm done. Now if you blow your nose, you can strain the muscles inside of your nasal bridge due to blunt force and pressure. Plus, blowing your nose doesnt benefit your immune system in any way.

By: ptar Mon, 09 Sep 2013 04:06:00 +0000 The medical team on the article is lying bc they want u to take medicine and pay more for the hospitals and shit
They are buisnessmen trying to earn a living after all. Their arguement of it being damaging to the nostril is true but true human nature isnt perfect and if we treat out bodies like theyre super frail we grow weaker while if we just follow instinct we get tougher, so inebidably their will be sacrifices

By: madmatt100 Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:25:33 +0000 what does it say about eating other peoples buggers? just think of how healthy you could be if you ate the buggers of every stranger you passed on the street… im in.

By: kingfisher Mon, 27 May 2013 17:58:36 +0000 OK, a few corrections:

1. Plantar Warts, not Planter’s Warts. Plantar refers to the bottom of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is a swelling of tendons on the bottom of the foot, for example.

2. Many vaccines are administered orally. Several people have the incorrect notion that the stomach acid renders this ineffective, they are wrong.

3. Urine contains almost zero ammonia. It contains urea in chemical equilibrium with uric acid, which, under the right circumstances and over a much longer period of time than it takes for your pee to go down the drain, will be changed into ammonium, which in turn will find an equilibrium state with ammonia dependent on the redox state of the environment.

4. Peeing on your feet does nothing other than make your feet smell like pee. The urea in athletes foot medicine is there only to soften the skin so that the actual medicine can get into the skin.

5. A few people appear unclear about the bacteria in poop. That bacteria is very much alive. Dont eat poop. Seriously. Even your very own poop is dangerously high in bacteria that can make you quite sick.

6. The bacteria in your boogers is dead. The bacteria in vaccines is also dead. This is why they work to prime your immune system to fight off those bugs, without getting you sick. Dead bacteria = good, live bacteria = bad, while not strictly correct (some bacteria are good for you even alive), might be a helpful pneumonic here.

By: C.Carmichael Sun, 13 Feb 2011 04:07:25 +0000 For as long as I can remember to this day I always have. No wonder I’m never sick.

By: dhenry178 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 01:50:51 +0000 [quote]Tink said: “I also have heard that peeing on your feet in the shower will kill athletes foot and planter warts. (?)”[/quote]

Woah woah, wtf?

By: dhenry178 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 01:50:08 +0000 [quote]unicrust said: “I pick my nose and eat my boogers and some skin/scabs. I shower once a week and wash my hands about once a day. The last time I got sick was when I had chicken pox in 5th grade.

My theory is that people who pick and eat their boogers are healthier, but not as a direct effect from the boogers. People who do “gross” things like that are generally less worried in their day-to-day lives. I have observed a very high correlation between the number of things a person is grossed out by and the number of worries that person has. Just relax and don’t allow unreasoned stigmas control your behavior. Combine that with a low-calorie diet and you’re well on your way to living 100 years.”[/quote]

Dude same here, the last time I got sick was last year when I had the swine flu, most likely because someone sneezed on me while I had my mouth open >.< which I agree is damn disgusting, but anyway I barely ever get sick, most once every few years.

By: dhenry178 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 01:45:59 +0000 Guys, as disgusting as you may think this is, one, there is nothing disgusting about picking your boogers and eating them, I do it ALL the time for the past 8 years, and learning this, I feel better when people notice me picking my nose where nobody can see me, as long as your not one of those creeps who sits in public getting attention for people to watch you do it, and then asking someone else to eat it, picking and eating your boogers is ok, and healthy.

By: tennisnutter Sun, 11 Oct 2009 12:16:21 +0000 My old Girlfiriend Mary was of Maltese/French decent and used to pick her nose every night just after she brushed her teeth. She went into a trance while she was using her left pinky finger inserting it into her nose rotating it and then inserting it into her mouth. Overage she would do this 4-5 times always from the left nostril. She looked just so beautiful and relaxed!I found this habit to be a complete turn on and actually found it quite exciting. I had been going out with her for 2 years when one day i went back to her place she went into the kitchen to make me a cup of tea and whilst she was reading the paper she inserted her left pinky into her nose and began to rotate and then eat it! A number of times infact.I saw her in the reflection from the mirror. She saw that i saw her doing it. She cried! I said it doesnt matter i still love u!!! I actually found out that her grandmother Charlotte taught her this beautiful habbit! Mary left me after six wonderful years and i have not been in love ever since!!! I find it totally fascinating!!!Love to hear if you have any comments please email me on
