Comments on: Damn Interesting: Join Us Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Mon, 05 Mar 2012 00:50:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: GrawneyMan Mon, 31 Jul 2006 00:41:50 +0000 Mmmmm… cut jibs and smaples… *drool*

By: white_matter Tue, 11 Jul 2006 05:52:38 +0000 Speling iz n tha I ov tha baholeder.

Enough with that. I’m getting a headache already.

General observation: there aren’t many words that ryhme with crevas.

That is all.

By: schuylercat Tue, 11 Jul 2006 01:47:17 +0000 well thast it the i will sned in my smaples! I got a grate story about saint nicolas tesla!!! he flys aroud on xmas in a sled pulled by raindeer, electrocuting bad boys and grils all over…

They like me…they really LIKE me…

Sigh. I worked for a few years as a motorsports journalist, but I’m just not very damned interesting. Good luck, DI!

By: EvilCookie Tue, 11 Jul 2006 01:37:23 +0000 I have some of the biggest smaples in the land!

And it’s true, they are great for sneding in.

P.S. great site!

By: ballaerina Mon, 10 Jul 2006 23:08:30 +0000 rp2 said: “so what do all you think guys? should i sned in a smaple of my riting to be a member of dam intresting?”



By: rp2 Mon, 10 Jul 2006 17:54:10 +0000 schuylercat said: “i four 1 would love to rite for dam interesting – I got good stories and real good grammer and definately spell good enought for a job. I have some riting samples for you guys to look at ill send to you soon.

And ballaerina – for your information: “laying” is the act of having sexual intercourse, and “lying” is speaking an untruth. That should clear it up once and for all, I think.

so what do all you think guys? should i sned in a smaple of my riting to be a member of dam intresting?”


By: schuylercat Mon, 10 Jul 2006 16:31:11 +0000 i four 1 would love to rite for dam interesting – I got good stories and real good grammer and definately spell good enought for a job. I have some riting samples for you guys to look at ill send to you soon.

And ballaerina – for your information: “laying” is the act of having sexual intercourse, and “lying” is speaking an untruth. That should clear it up once and for all, I think.

so what do all you think guys? should i sned in a smaple of my riting to be a member of dam intresting?

By: ballaerina Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:14:49 +0000 white_matter said: “Question: Not to be picky but wouldn’t it be “the cut of our collective jibs”? My way is definately funnier.

Besides collective jibs sounds a little dirty too. Like you have a big pile of jibs laying around your house somewhere. Or is it lying? English is stupid.”

It’s lying.

Laying is the act of putting something down. It’s transitive, meaning it has to take a direct object.
“I lay down the book.” “She is laying down the book.” “He had laid the book on the table.”

Lying is the state of being down. It’s intransitive, meaning it has no direct object.
“The book was lying on the table.” “I am going to lie down.” “I have lain in bed for 2 hours.”
Here’s where it gets confusing though: the past tense of lie is lay.
“The book lay on the table for three weeks.”

Does that clear it up?

PS. “Definately” is spelled “definitely.”

By: Anthony Kendall Mon, 10 Jul 2006 03:27:51 +0000 We would all love to be paid writers. Heck, if I had a chance to be a full-time writer and earn real money, I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment. But, as it is, the writing is its own reward. Very seriously.

It also may be slightly cheesy to say this, but the reader comments are one of my favorite parts about this site. Yes, occasionally they get a bit bickery, but then along comes a well-thought-out and reasoned response that makes this writing we do a conversation rather than simply written oratory.

The fact that DI is ad-free is what attracted me to the project (aside from the fantastic writing). I’m glad to hear Alan’s commitment to that philosophy is as strong as ever!

By: white_matter Sun, 09 Jul 2006 23:17:55 +0000 Coneee said: “I’m sure there are many excellent writers out there that would be willing to contribute to Damn Interesting that can’t because of the zero compensation. Having an audience isn’t enough to justify many an author’s time.”

Ha! Reading this site is what I do at work all day. Hell, I’ll write one just to have something to do at work.
