The history of Damn Interesting is a rich tapestry of events. In September 2005, the site sprang into existence. Then we wrote a bunch of stuff. Now, something new is happening… It’s rectangular, inky, and full of knowledge. And it’s not a frightened robotic squid.

If you tend to be stimulated by flattened tree guts, then this will come as exciting news. Damn Interesting the site has fallen in love with trees, and following a long courtship it is now ready to deposit its bounty into the tree-flesh. Within a few months, a little bundle of pages will arrive. To help bring this bastard to fruition, and to increase our overall posting frequency here on the site, we have a small favor to ask.

Damn Interesting the book will feature some of our greatest hits⁠— often with expanded information⁠— as well as a bunch of exclusive content. Its pages will also be plastered with piles of new pictures. We have lots of spiffy plans for the paper repository of knowledge, including the opportunity for artists and photographers from the Damn Interesting community to expose themselves. Further details will be provided in the weeks ahead.

Ultimately, the purpose of these provocative gyrations is to entice you to tuck a few bills into our virtual g-string. Such contributions will allow us to briefly strip away some of life’s other obligations, lubricating the publishing process and freeing up time for increased article production. So peel off a few banknotes if you have some to spare, sit back, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Site Founder Alan Bellows
Site Founder Alan Bellows

If you contribute $15 or more, just include your mailing address and we’ll send you a very attractive Damn Interesting magnet as our way of saying, “Here’s a magnet.” Collect all one! For donations of $35 or more, we’ll also ship you a free copy of the Damn Interesting book once it’s published. Be sure to include a valid e-mail so we can confirm your shipping address when that glorious day arrives, and if you live outside of the US, please include an additional $8 for shipping costs. If you send us $100 or more in a gutsy attempt at the world generosity record, each of the book’s authors will express his/her gratitude by personally signing your free copy.

In any case, anything more than $0 will be immortalized in our catalog of book benefactors, unless of course you prefer anonymity. Presently we’re only set up to accept online donations through Paypal, but you can contact Alan if you wish to contribute through some other method (check, money order, etc).

We stand by our promise to never pollute this site with commercial advertising, so your contributions help us immensely in our efforts to grow. Thanks much.