Comments on: Express Elevator to Space, Going Up Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 17 Jul 2020 20:32:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Passing hobo Sun, 29 May 2016 17:59:58 +0000 Uhh, I don’t feel obligated to argue over the plausibility of space elevators or anything. I just feel obligated to correct one minor issue:

Escape velocity refers to the speed needed to get out of Earth’s gravity well, not the speed needed to achieve orbit. Orbit isn’t about getting so high up you’re weightless. It’s basically about moving so fast gravity can’t pull in a consistent direction.

By: fsjec6 Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:09:51 +0000 Fountains of Paradise – by AC Clarke

Bryan Lowder said: “I haven’t read Red Mars, but another excellent book is _Fountains_of_the_Gods_ by Arthur C. Clarke. The book is excellent in technical detail. In this book, he claims diamond tape would do the trick. Also, one failure mode is similar to the Tacoma Narrows bridge disaster– being essentially a long string, some source of energy that hit the right resonance mode would cause vibrations that would build to dangerous amplitudes. As I recall, the vibrations were actually caused by the car going up the cable. The solution was a large counterweight at the orbital end to change the resonant frequency. In the book, Mars was the first to get an elevator, because of the reduced strength requirement. Deimos became a counterweight. To avoid Phobos, the cars were timed to cause the cable to *twang* to one side at just the right moment. Not an engineering solution I would embrace.

The best discussion of this concept I have read is in Robert L. Forward’s book _Future_Magic_. Forward also discusses some really great interim concepts. One, the Launch Loop, could be executed today. Another, the Rotovator, is a stopgap solution between rockets and elevators.
In the Launch Loop, steel bars are accelerated by electromagnetic cannons and tossed into a great arc. On the other end, the bars are caught and re-accelerated. The bars interact magnetically with a pipe structure that encloses them all, and is empty of air. The loop hangs in the air without being strong enough to hold itself up. Coupling a car somehow into the stream would permit one to race to the top and fly off into orbit.
In the Rotavator, a three-spoked wheel with long cables for spokes orbits the Earth. At the same time, it is rotating as though it were “rolling” on the ground. The ends of the cables then execute a motion that essentially dives straight out of the sky. While it hangs there for a few minutes, a high-altitude airplane hooks you up to the end. Then you are jerked up into the sky. At the other end, you are flung off at twice orbital velocity– going anywhere you like. A Kevlar rotovator would be strong enough to operate on the Moon.”

By: Terranaut Fri, 27 May 2011 04:15:12 +0000 Uuuugh! just read my own post. please pardon my spelling. it looks ignorant.

By: Terranaut Fri, 27 May 2011 04:11:02 +0000 [quote]Kd5rax said: “JustAnotherName said: “Hi. I have an IQ of 131. Enuff sed. “
Ummmm, yeah… I know almost no one-else will read this but, uhhh… Are we supposed to be impressed or something? 131 is not even high enough for Mensa. Oooohh, I have an above average intelligence and an over-inflated ego. If all Jehova’s witnesses are that full of themselves, no wonder they get turned away. I never thought IQ was a good indicator of intelligence anyway, and that guy just keeps confirming my bias.
I personally have always loved the concept of space elevators, but have never seen any real reason to dedicate that much time and resource into it… Should’nt we be trying to improve our planet that is habitable and where life is self sustaining than send our resources into space where it all becomes unreplenishable?”[/quote]

kd5rax you are right! no one should have read your comment!!! are you an idiot or just a trouble maker? “just another name” was not bragging, stupid. he was trying to make the point that for the most part this was above his level of knowledge, but he wanted to be involved in the discussion anyway! I am not the brightest bulb in the pack, (only a 3.5 H.S. gpa) but we all have our strengths. i have friends who are certified geniuses, who come to me when they have a “?” in an area of knowledge i excel in.
Now for my two cents worth on this dead horse! would we not need two of these elevators? or at least a counterweight on the opposite side of the earth? it seems to my little bit of reasoning that it would through off our delicate rotational balance.

By: jackmagic Mon, 16 Nov 2009 10:32:29 +0000 The idea has been familiar to me for ages, and it is facinating to think of the possibilities. We would be able to harvest the asteroid fields for water and materials very easily – and it would also be the ideal way to springboard futher explorations of the solar system.

Being stuck at the bottom of a gravity well is a little restricting, and in response to the comment about looking after our planet first – im sure that job would be much easier with the cheap reasources that the solar system could offer us, and space based research would potentially offer useful new technologies! like phasers! or not, as the case may be.

By: SKBarry Sun, 26 Jul 2009 17:41:07 +0000 Depending on which scale you use my IQ is either 148 or 139 so I suppose that either makes me especially competent to enter into this discussion or to realize I don’t know enough to have anything to say . . . I’m going with (b). I find it fascinating to consider how we might be in a position to leave the earth for almost any purpose but I am somewhat saddened to think that we might be doing it because we have given up on our planet. I would much prefer that we try both, i.e. going other places _and_ dealing with our problems here. I’m not a big fan of small, enclosed places but I would be more than happy to take a very, very long elevator ride to get into space.

Very much enjoyed the discussion around this article, even the silly ones.

By: DumbGuy Thu, 07 May 2009 12:39:40 +0000 haha, good point ValiantDefender *gets camera ready*

The problem i think is that people are using theories, calculations and all kinds of new (nano) and other types of technology to make this elevator work (i won’t bore you with my lack of extensive knowledge on therse things, i don’t know my IQ because i believe their results only show how well that person can do in IQ testing, real life is never about your Intelligence Quotient but more about the wisdom in using what intelligence you have correctly).

Laugh with me on this one, but old tricks are the best tricks, why not use a bigger/better/scientifically-enhanced/more rubbery material and construct a giant slingshot and all the space cadets can ‘shoot up’ without worrying about snow, frost, and orbital whatever-those-forces are. By now we should have had a lunar liftoff station, yes i mentioned lunar as opposed to sayng ‘a station on the moon’, shoot the cadets up in a transportable ‘projectile’ that can be caught or land without killing everybody in it, they jump into space from our lunar base, since its liftoff issues would probably cost next to nothing with our rocket/fuel system and go fix up a planet for us to live in while we carry on stuffing this one up…sorted.

thought-provoking article though…well done

By: ValiantDefender Wed, 21 Jan 2009 20:10:42 +0000 Love this site. Too bad I caught it years after the wave. Anyway…DI article.

The whole idea makes my skin crawl. I didn’t like the sensation of being on the Seattle Space Needle let alone an elevator to space.Yuck.

Just another name, I have an IQ of 143 :D 1 point from “genius” level *weep*

I feel like I’m time traveling.
NaughtyHorse from 2006 – Calm down ;)
I had the same initial reaction but I can see the math working now as i understand that the cable would have to be much further out than the GS line (geosynchronous orbit) and a weight on the end. A miscalculation could mean that our anchor tears free of the earth and flies off into space – Yes!

My new concerns are these.
1) How would you ever get enough grip on this cable to lift anything of significance up? Any accidental lubricant (ice sounds probable) and you could be in dire straights really fast.

2) By Newtons laws, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So, if this mad scheme works, and the force being used (centrifical) would have a force acting against it…essentially slowing down the spin (our rotation). I won’t pretend to have the equations necessary so this could be a VERY insignificant amount. The moon’s pull on the tides is slowing us and the moon down anyway.

3) have you heard of the tower of babel?

By: Mostly Harmless Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:12:23 +0000 “Down’s nice.”
Had to say it.
Hopefully someone, someday will get my Hitchhiker’s jokes.

By: DanThinksDances&femaleGspot Mon, 01 Sep 2008 03:45:51 +0000 Enter your reply text here. OK

Bryan Lowder #3 October 31st, 2005 4:29 pm my neurons are active but your comments are confusing.

[quote]Alchemist said: “Total total crap. I do nanotech, and nanotubes are not going to make this work, no mater how cool they are. (Nor will the flesh eating nanobots run amok). You’ll also need anchors… MASSIVE anchors at both ends or a very rigid structure. Not … going … to … work…”[/quote]

Yea just tell people they are limited and can’t.

Great story. Remember people the details are from “wiki” and problobly wrong.
I am sure that the top of our atmosphere at sub orbit is 100 miles.
