Comments on: Eyewitnesses to Hiroshima and Nagasaki Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Wed, 19 Feb 2025 02:06:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Thu, 07 May 2020 02:00:26 +0000 Back again.

By: JarvisLoop Mon, 14 Oct 2019 13:43:37 +0000 I returned.

By: JarvisLoop Tue, 14 May 2019 01:24:27 +0000 I’m back.

By: JarvisLoop Fri, 10 Aug 2018 01:38:09 +0000 My father was part of the occupational force at Nagasaki, and what he saw haunted him for the rest of his life. He wouldn’t talk about it unless I asked, and, even then, he didn’t say much.

By: jarvisloop Thu, 10 Aug 2017 01:09:51 +0000 And let us hope that North Korea does not use a nuclear weapon.

By: t1234wbz Fri, 07 Jan 2011 06:50:30 +0000 [quote]nutritionalalchemist said: “daniel3ub said: “It’s amazing how you all americans believe in this history about “we needed to drop the bomb to stop the war”.
It’s amazing how you all americans try to compare pearl harbour to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, trying to justify the most cruel and stupid act ever committed by humankind.
I sugget you all “Barefoot Gen”, that can be found everywhere, including Read this and then come back to discuss the bomb. It’s a manga, so even the dumbest american can read and understand it.”
Ok….I was going to stay out of this one, but this moron pissed me off.If you knew your history, back in WWII there was a little thing called the Axis that worked together and shared information. Before Germany fell, Hitler dispatched 10 (that we know of) submarines with all of its nuclear technology. We sunk nine. Do not think for one moment that the Japanese would not have dropped one on the U.S. if they had finished it first. Someone else also posted that the second one was not necessary as we did not understand them and there culture. Bullshit. Most of Japan follow Zen precepts. One of the most important is that you cannot think of one action without thinking of the oposite, hence they are taught to “zone” (so to speak) themselves when they enter combat. ( as the Samurai did ) About 10 years ago 60 minutes did a story on how the Japanese honored the dead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While discussing it with some school children, the reporter was astounded to learn that the children were never taught of the Pearl Harbor attack. Oh, and while we are on that subject, does anyone know why or how we pissed the Japanese off so badly that they would attack an isolationist Nation such as the U.S. was. Hmmmmcan we say the Nasty word of Foreign Policy. Yes, It was our terrible act of sanctioning raw materials that they were using to attack China with. Bad, Bad United States, shame on you and your terrible foreign policy (can everyone smell the sarcasm?) Oh…and I dont think anyone mentioned the Bataan DeathMarch…or how prisoners of war were treated…was this discussed. Yes, we dropped the bomb, and dammit it was necessary and I DO NOT give a shit what anyone else says otherwise. Take your America bashing crap and shove it. Some one else also spoke of civilan loses. What do you think would have happened to American civilians had they made it over hear, same thing that happened in the Phillipines and China. Does the Rape of Nanking ring a bell with anyone. Oh, and I did not get who stated the WMD’s are in Syria, thank you, no one ever says this anywhere, and it IS where they went. All you Liberals were all for Clinton when he said that Iraq had them, but of course if he wasnt to busy getting a hummer and not protecting the country from 911, he would have saw to it that they were captured.Next?”[/quote]

The world is like this because of people like you.
We are all monsters, that is the conclusion.

By: Frank G Wed, 10 Nov 2010 05:56:20 +0000 [quote]History Student said: “There were NO leaflets warning of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki dropped before the atomic bomb attacks.
As I replied under this site owner’s “WW2 America Warned Hiroshima and Nagasaki Citizens”, back in 1995 it was proven, once and for all, a propaganda lie by the American-chaired “Historians’ Committee for Open Debate on Hiroshima”.

In fact, a month before Mr Bellows resurrected this CIA leaflet lie, refuted by even his wikipedia source, major US newspapers like the LA Times took out page-wide coverage of the historians’ open letter/petition forcing the shamed Smithsonian Museum and its new Enola Gay Exhibit to retract such propaganda and outright lies and change their final draft.
FRANK G has made a similar reference to democracy as the aforementioned historians I link to,
“These unpleasant historical facts were censored from the 1995 Smithsonian exhibit, an action that should trouble every American. When a government substitutes an officially sanctioned view for publicly debated history, democracy is diminished.”
Published on Friday, August 5, 2005 by the Los Angeles Times
The Myths of Hiroshima
by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin”[/quote]


By: History Student Tue, 09 Nov 2010 03:25:08 +0000 There were NO leaflets warning of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki dropped before the atomic bomb attacks.
As I replied under this site owner’s “WW2 America Warned Hiroshima and Nagasaki Citizens”, back in 1995 it was proven, once and for all, a propaganda lie by the American-chaired “Historians’ Committee for Open Debate on Hiroshima”.

In fact, a month before Mr Bellows resurrected this CIA leaflet lie, refuted by even his wikipedia source, major US newspapers like the LA Times took out page-wide coverage of the historians’ open letter/petition forcing the shamed Smithsonian Museum and its new Enola Gay Exhibit to retract such propaganda and outright lies and change their final draft.

FRANK G has made a similar reference to democracy as the aforementioned historians I link to,

“These unpleasant historical facts were censored from the 1995 Smithsonian exhibit, an action that should trouble every American. When a government substitutes an officially sanctioned view for publicly debated history, democracy is diminished.”

Published on Friday, August 5, 2005 by the Los Angeles Times
The Myths of Hiroshima
by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin

By: Frank G Fri, 06 Aug 2010 17:40:31 +0000 Some of you here might think that i am milking out this subject to much, but i don’t care.
We must never forget and always remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this is a link to Democracy Now!
One of the better sites that I follow, about the topic of today.

Frank G

By: Frank G Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:22:32 +0000 65 years later, are we finally growing up?

Frank G
