Comments on: Half Science and Hafnium Bombs Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Tue, 26 Feb 2019 21:27:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Tue, 26 Feb 2019 21:27:44 +0000 And i wonder how close someone is to perfecting a true doomsday bomb.

By: Jurassic Sun, 11 Dec 2016 04:10:27 +0000 I remember reading a novel by Peter F. Hamilton that I can’t quite remember the name of, I think it was Great North Road, but what was damn interesting was that the Earth-based conglomerate that sent ships around to collect ‘taxes’ (really ‘tribute’) would first announce their arrival at a colony world by inducing a hafnium-178 cascade and focusing the released flood of hard gamma rays into a 20-mile diameter beam and firing it into a spot near the capital city, a technique called a Gamma Soak which in the end leaves a completely sterilized 20-mile diameter where nothing can grow again for many many MANY years. Scary as hell to consider.

By: Cyrana Fri, 20 Jul 2012 20:32:04 +0000 [b]What the hell is a debate about the economy doing on this page?![/b]
Really, Anthropositor, all sid wanted was to know whether or not you supported the bailout. It’s off-topic and irrelevant, sure, but no more so than you.

Interesting article. I, too, would like more information about the creation of this… thing.
I can’t figure out if hafnium-178-m2 is an isotope or an isomer. The article refers to it as an isomer, but up until this point I had assumed that that term was used to described molecules, not atoms. Perhaps there is another definition of which I am not aware?

BTW Alan, think you meant “dump all of their energy (with)in a short amount of time.”

By: johnb3491 Thu, 01 Apr 2010 00:25:07 +0000 This is an excellent reason for persuing non violent communication and The Department of Peace.

By: sid Thu, 06 Nov 2008 06:13:37 +0000 [quote]Anthropositor said: “Continuing to ignore the troll gleefully playing with his self-awarded laurel wreath, I find that Watcher and myself are, in the bold strokes, in essential agreement.”[/quote]

No, ignoring would result in no reference to this humble “troll.” And the award was bestowed upon me by yourself, when you decided to run your silly poll/trial that few cared about but yourself. The result was you lost. So I thank you for the award I neither sought nor wanted. It looks good on my imaginary mantel. But I’m sure the world is thrilled you have declared yourself in essential agreement, in the bold strokes, with Watcher.

By: Anthropositor Wed, 05 Nov 2008 21:11:47 +0000 Continuing to ignore the troll gleefully playing with his self-awarded laurel wreath, I find that Watcher and myself are, in the bold strokes, in essential agreement.

By: sid Mon, 13 Oct 2008 06:36:47 +0000 Actually, I’ve been here on this site longer than you. I post comments or engage in dialogues/debates when I see fit. I hardly seek you, or anyone, out. Your posts just seem to rise to the level of being easily questionable. If your best defense is to call me a Troll, when all I’ve done is ask you a direct question or two, then I guess that speaks volumes to your abilities and character.

I guess I’ll just have to rest on the laurels of my last exchange with you, since you don’t want to attempt to explain the post I originally questioned this time around.

By: Anthropositor Sun, 12 Oct 2008 14:48:45 +0000 Classic Troll, you sought out this and every other interchange we have had, not I. Everything I have done has been to put any communication with you to rest. Your illogic is manifest. Be clear, I do not hold you in low esteem. I hold you in no esteem whatsoever.

By: sid Sun, 12 Oct 2008 13:45:04 +0000 Seems like limbo is an appropriate location, based on its creator.

If memory serves, you lost your last go round with poor little me, based on your own curious challenge and the rather few responses to the same. I can understand your reluctance to engage in another dialogue with me.

#s 83 and 84 do seem to address my question about where you stand on the bail-out, but that question wasn’t really in question. It was pretty clear you were opposed to it. That question was more lead-in for clarification regarding your illogical comments apparently blaming Republicans for killing a bill you personally opposed. That just doesn’t make any sense.

I’m not really interested in how you want to classify your political leanings. I’d wager most people who feel they are intelligent try to say they are independent/moderate when it comes to politics. That tends to be the response considered appropriate for the intelligent. But whether you are independent, Dem., Rep., Lib., Green, whatever, that doesn’t really clarify your confusing posts. And throwing in the LBJ comment is simply pointless.

Now, if you’re blaming all Rs for the last eight years of rhetoric, then you must conveniently ignore the fact that Ds have not been silent, not to mention the fact that Ds have been in charge of Congress most recently. The rhetoric, regardless of who is in charge, comes from both sides of the aisle.

You seem to refuse to address direct questions when doing so would undermine whatever message you hope to transmit. The trouble is, unless you get more direct, I fear whatever is your message will be lost on most of those whose mental abilities are not in line with yours.

By: Anthropositor Sun, 12 Oct 2008 08:12:27 +0000 For reasons I have not yet fathomed, the blog AnthropositorsPosts is stuck in limbo somewhere. Sorry about that. For now, will have to do.

To #87: See 83 & 84. That will have to do. I intend no more endless, pointless dialogues with you. I have not yet seen an original idea pass your lips, and I am not betting it will happen anytime soon, if ever. If memory serves, you evade direct questions whenever it suits you.
