Comments on: Lucid Decapitation Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Wed, 28 Dec 2022 21:38:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: james warren Fri, 15 Oct 2021 08:36:35 +0000 It’s good to get a head in the world.

By: JarvisLoop Sat, 31 Oct 2020 14:06:26 +0000 The guillotine is far better than the current Islamic method being used in France.

By: JarvisLoop Fri, 02 Oct 2020 00:26:36 +0000 This is one of those articles that stays in my mind, and I cannot forget it.

By: JarvisLoop Mon, 29 Jun 2020 01:16:46 +0000 I am back.

By: JarvisLoop Fri, 14 Feb 2020 00:54:36 +0000 Decapitation cures migraines.

By: JarvisLoop Tue, 26 Nov 2019 23:56:31 +0000 I am returned, head still securely fastened to my shoulders.

By: Old Sinner Sat, 26 Oct 2019 01:53:37 +0000 There is a cadre of disturbing folks posting herein, but to address briefly a few issues: JB I believe considers it acceptable to execute a percentage of innocent persons, as in balance the lives saved by taking criminals out of circulation saves more? First, that problem is solved with life sentences without parole; second, the number of murderers who would likely kill additional people upon release is a fraction of those convicted, as many killed in the heat of passion, family, etc. Modern law has eliminated Old Testament attitudes regarding vengeance, intentional infliction of pain and torture, etc. regardless of the heinous nature of the crime.
The concern over racial bias is justified, as proportionately far more minorities receive the death sentence, and the inferior representation by lesser attorneys leads to all sorts of inequities throughout the legal process, including biases in the arresting officers, prosecutors, judges, juries, even “impartial” forensic examiners – leaving out the added political aspects within regions and electorates. The relatively new revelations from DNA evidence have shown a disturbing frequency of innocent persons who have been lucky to have convictions overturned, but agencies have been very reluctant to investigate once an execution has been completed, for obvious reasons.
There are arguments on either side of capital punishment, but in no particular order: Evidence shows many career criminals have killed additional victims, so as to prevent identification, and fear of the death penalty can be an incentive to murder more, not less.
Most states have made extenuating circumstances the leverage point for the death penalty versus prison; extra acts of depraved sadism, cruelty, etc. make the case for capital punishment. But, if one wishes to be scrupulous and fair, there should also be extra measures of certainty, beyond the “reasonable doubt” needed to convict, in order to exclude any possibility that any other person could have committed the crime. Life in prison may seem an inadequate punishment, but for an innocent person it is at least some form of life that allows for consolation, and a remote chance of future redemption that is extinguished with their execution.
Any state that would accept a percentage of executed innocents as a “cost of doing business” is a state that sanctions and institutionalizes depraved indifference.

By: JarvisLoop Thu, 17 Oct 2019 00:41:03 +0000 Anonymous:

I once saw a video of Al-Qaeda beheading an innocent man. I don’t how long he was alive after the beheading. All I can say is that I am sorry that I saw the video.

By: Anonymous Fri, 30 Nov 2018 02:25:51 +0000 I just saw a gore video of a man being decapitated with 2 machete strikes. The camera approached him after the head was severed and he rolled his eyes to the camera for a few seconds.

So, yeah. With today’s technology and the cartel’s violence, there is a tone of new evidence about this.

By: JarvisLoop Sat, 30 Jun 2018 12:07:56 +0000 Now then, to speak seriously.

This was one of my favorite articles when it was first published, and it still is.

I don’t know how long I have been reading DI, but it’s been years. I first found out about DI from one of Kim Komando’s daily news items. I think it was somewhere around 2005.
