Comments on: Prepare for Ludicrous Speed Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Sat, 06 Jun 2020 11:36:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Sat, 06 Jun 2020 11:36:38 +0000 I don’t want to live much longer in this world that is going insane, but I would love to see faster-than-light travel before I go.

By: JarvisLoop Fri, 01 May 2020 00:55:24 +0000 Yet another facet of science that is light years beyond me.

By: ZZ Sun, 22 Sep 2019 23:16:28 +0000 I say that gravity is made, probably, by curved light. Light can be curved by strong magnet probably. Yes, I know, photon does not have mass, not charges, but I do not agree with it. Al in all, I think that US military knows theory about antigravity, but does not have technology. Probably electro magnetism bends the light and after that we get gravity. And probably very fast rotation of anything can make magnetism and again gravity. Public science is for public people, rest is military science and we could get some pieces of thechology if it earns money.

By: Paul Fri, 14 Sep 2012 17:22:04 +0000 It is very interesting, a propulsion system that can reach Mars in less than five hours, and neighboring stars within a few months. But the Heim’s hyperdrive will need to be powered by a dense source of energy to make possible a weekend trip to Mars, or even better, an interstellar journey a reality still in our lifetime.

By: Bishop Derek Thu, 21 Jun 2012 17:19:18 +0000 I found this site to be very interesting! But some of the comments i did not agree with. We are not going to be stepping into an event horizon due to a hyper-drive. And the whole point of a hyper drive is to get you from point “A” to point “B”. And if anything i would not be even easier to hit any debris and would not be more fatal then if we were going slower. Though I am sure this will happen. As well as I hope that we will be able to step into an “Event Horizon”. :)

By: glhayman Wed, 22 Apr 2009 19:36:02 +0000 If you can negate mass, then you can reduce your rest mass to zero. Then you would exist as light which seems to have no trouble travelling at the speed of light.
Furthermore, perhaps velocity c is limited due to electromagnetic principles, much like the speed of sound is related to air. By influencing the electromagnetic fields of a region of space/time it would be possible to eliminate this electromagnetic drag.
It may even be possible to suck the fabric of space/time, or electromagnetodynamic fields into some type of engine, and expell it out. Like a jet engine for electromagnetic field or pure space/time, instead of air.
There are many possibilities, and many more theories than just Heim’s suggesting this is indeed possible, and maybe much simpler than you may think.

By: Mirage_GSM Thu, 16 Apr 2009 17:16:12 +0000 [quote]glhayman said: “With enough power available these increases and decreases in inertia can be large and occur rapidily. Thus speed becomes meaningless. A mass can be made to jump from point to point without passing through the intervening space. How can you measure speed when the travel time is instantaneous? It can “speed” up or slow down, instantly, in whatever direction the field is applied, as fast as you can throw the switch.”[/quote]
Even if it were possible to negate inertia by some means, that does not mean that travel would be instantaneous. Any body of mass would still be subject to the effects of relativity.
On a related matter, the closer a body gets to the speed of light, the more its mass increases, which would probably cause your hypothetic technique to consume exponentially more energy.

By: glhayman Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:56:33 +0000 I firmly believe there are other ways to travel extreme distances in space than rocket or deadalus type devices.
The technique involves a direct relationship between certain configurations of electromagnetic fields and inertia. Constructive vibrations would essentially increase inertia, whereas destructive vibrations would decrease inertia.
With enough power available these increases and decreases in inertia can be large and occur rapidily. Thus speed becomes meaningless. A mass can be made to jump from point to point without passing through the intervening space. How can you measure speed when the travel time is instantaneous? It can “speed” up or slow down, instantly, in whatever direction the field is applied, as fast as you can throw the switch.

So the problem is not just to prove the theoretical and mathematical possibility of these types of propulsion systems but you equally expect said discover of such information to then become adept at business( research money ) and securing capital for an entirely theoretical device, actually build a prototype using some wharehouse, designing all the relevant components from scratch( engineering ) , testing it, and marketing it. If you could not do such a thing yourself, how can you expect it of another?

This is a huge undertaking which will require considerable effort on the part of many individuals working together as a team. Not likely to happen given Earth’s current social attitudes of serving self over serving others. We can’t go to deep space because most human beings cannot even fathom the concept of deep space, nor do they even care to fathom it. It is far easier to quickly laugh and outrite dismiss the idea, even if the individual actually has no knowledge of the subject nor how it would be realized, other than science fiction, traditional dogmas and crackpot disinformation.

By: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 11:39:43 +0000 bullshit theory
prove your shit and make an engine, or shut up

at least werner von braun, built a fucking missile.
stuck some guys in and it flew just fine.
the german scientists from ww2

k fine, so do the reaserch and make the engine. i want to go to mars in 5 fucking hours. bullshit either way
you have to slow down, morons, when you get there. if you re goingb ta eth speed of light just what are your ways of slowing down again, huh>?

so that has to be figured in, the ability to brake or slow down , when yore going fast. by the way thats way too fast, mars in 2 weeks is just fine.
again, how to slow down.
and keep working in the speeding up part as well,

By: nonsequitur Sat, 27 Dec 2008 06:06:52 +0000 The article I understood (DI by the way!). However, my brain has started hemoraging from the posts……Besides, the theory of relativity was based on a false observation. Plug refraction and diffusion into the basic equations and travelling FTL is not a problem. Ballpoint Pens!
