Comments on: Project Babylon: Gerald Bull’s Downfall Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Mon, 23 Mar 2020 01:16:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Mon, 23 Mar 2020 01:16:22 +0000 I am returned.

By: JarvisLoop Sun, 17 Nov 2019 00:54:24 +0000 bspz had a typo in his post. The suspense thriller was not “The Fist of Good.” It was “The Fist of God.” Great novel based in real events.

By: Eileen Sat, 24 Aug 2019 08:16:37 +0000 Louise Penny wrote a fictional work, “The Nature of the Beast”, concerning Gerald Bull and his two Babylon guns. She did make an author’s note that Gerald Bull was a real person and his projects were real. She also included the information about the 5 bullets that killed Mr. Bull in Brussels. Her book made me want to know more about him, so I wound up on your site.

Thanks for providing thids biographical information for me and others to read.

By: Tann Tue, 09 Jul 2019 12:56:59 +0000 The system was a simple idea. You made points along the barrel where explosive was stored in recesses. As the projectile just passed that point, the explosive fired, then another and another. So for the length of the barrel you had a constant pressure, tremendous g forces thus acceleration. Synchronization was difficult, working with micro-seconds, but he did work it out and died for it.

By: Rakshya Mon, 09 Apr 2018 07:05:43 +0000 He always kept in mind that the project he worked is for the satellite launch at low cost. Just think every time we need a rocket putting things in the space, his project could cut the high cost. He was damn sure that the artillery he built cannot be used as a weapon, at least a long term weapon because it can be detected by satellites or the waves produced over a wide range. He is just a person persuaded by the evil jackals. A true scientist always emphasizes on the positive sides, because even a pressure cooker can be used as a bomb. I think he is damn brilliant.If he had to make connections among politicians or others, he would have studied foreign affairs or political science. People expect others to be perfect when they are full of flaws.Same has happened to him. To his unluck, people happened to be in power and he a scientist.

By: Raju Fri, 23 Mar 2018 02:49:37 +0000 I am deeply saddened by the life and achievements of a great scientist and engineer who never thought about the implications of his research which were harmful to the mankind and ultimately resulted in his own death. How nice the world would be if scientists of such caliber keep in mind the welfare of humanity in mind and conduct their research for the welfare of the world.

By: Max Dylans Sun, 22 Jan 2017 17:54:10 +0000 To be quite honest i knew nothing about Dr.Bull or the “supergun” until reading Louise Penny’s “The Nature of the Beast”. I absolutely loved the book, but it made me wonder after reading the authors note at the end if this really could have been a true story. and sure enough most of the information and plot line of the book correctly resembles Dr.Bull’s creation and story. If you were interested in this article i 100% recommend the book.

By: anne moon Sat, 19 Sep 2015 02:27:41 +0000 Really weird that Louise Penny has used Bull’s name and invention in her latest novel. Of course you can’t libel the dead.

By: Pete Tue, 20 May 2014 21:53:13 +0000

schuylercat said: “I remember reading about this guy – even Clancy made mention of him in one of his books if I recall, replete with references to Mossad whacking him. This IS damned interesting – real spy-stuff. The orbital cannon/launcher idea, though, regardless it’s ability to throw something at, say, Israel, could throw something…well, almost anywhere, couldn’t it (let’s assume we keep the gun fixed and steer the projectile…)? And then – it’s a gun. Pardon the pun, but this ain’t rocket science. Build a big enough barrel, find a big-ass wad of propellant, and you can launch anything…in little bitty peices. I’d say the science here would be more about the physics involved during the first few milliseconds after the “bang” part. Makes me wonder about the use of nerve agent artillery shells used in Iraq. Hate to be the one to pull the lanyard on THAT shot!”

He actually said it was NOT the Mossad.

By: ed Sat, 01 Feb 2014 20:57:15 +0000

ed said: “The article on mentions a 2000kg rocket assisted projectile for achieving orbit, possibly solving the single-impulse dilemma.”

E.T.A. Martlet 3 series projectiles in the HARP project unsuccessfully pioneered this idea as the solid rocket charge deformed under the G forces at launch.
