Comments on: Quantum Mechanics and Immortality Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 27 Oct 2023 01:28:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Fri, 27 Oct 2023 01:28:01 +0000 This reminds me of the “infinite universes theory.” However, I am positive that, in all universes and all worlds, I am still a gigantic loser.

By: DumbSmart Thu, 05 Aug 2021 14:18:42 +0000 If I dont understand quantum mechanics in this universe is it possible that in one of this MULTIVERSIS I understand them? If yes does that mean that in that universe I am immortal?!

By: John Logger Fri, 01 Nov 2019 13:02:17 +0000 This is an interesting post, and human’s immortality becomes real today after being discovered by Allen Omton and Serge Dobrow.

By: Croydonian Fri, 09 Nov 2018 00:42:58 +0000 A thought that occurs to me about the many worlds interpretation and quantum immortality is that they seem to imply the necessity of an intelligence behind them. My favourite football team is Crystal Palace (I am English). If I wanted to work out the chances of them winning the Premiership next season and, therefore, the percentage of universes in which this would occur, it would involve a huge number of complex calculations involving factors such as the form of other teams, what injuries did or did not occur to key players in our team, what new signings of players we managed to make, what players decided or were forced to leave the club etc. Without an intelligence making the calculations necessary for percentage universe allocation, how does the system know what the correct percentage split of universes is? The same would apply for splits involving possible death.

By: Cartman Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:54:31 +0000 What about sleep, or being knocked unconscious? If the premise is that you never die because you automatically find yourself in the world where you miraculously survived, because you are not conscious in the worlds you died, the same logic should hold true for sleep and other unconscious states. You should perceive only the worlds where you weren’t knocked out, such that consciousness continues on unbroken/unabated, no matter how unlikely that world is where you never got knocked out. The fact that our consciousness DOES indeed vanish, even temporarily, to me implies that even if the many worlds idea is true, it does not guarantee that it is the “you” you care about that is the one who necessarily lives on, and that indeed the vast majority of “you’s” simply cease to exist. Just because another version of you improbably survives in one world, doesn’t automatically mean that it’s the same you living on, but rather your doppelgänger in the alternate reality. So if you put a loaded gun to your head and pull the trigger, since the vast majority of outcomes are death or being horribly injured/paralyzed etc, you would be far more likely to find yourself in one of those worlds than the rare one where you walk away completely unscathed. So the suicide experiment becomes an exercise in stupidity of the highest order.

By: Nickname Fri, 03 Jun 2016 03:20:33 +0000 Ah, have to love how the many worlds interpretation gets simplified to immortality.

First off it seems to me that if there’s a million to one chance against winning the lottery, you’ll end up with a million worlds where you don’t win to every one you do. Could be my interpretations off. But we’re still subject to probability even if we can role the dice an infinite number of times. Yes the basic principle still applies but it looks like some people could use the reminder.

But more importantly, there’s a great many things that aren’t random and as such plenty of things simply aren’t possible. If you were to evade every potential cause of death, your body will simply continue to degrade over time, becoming more difficult to maintain and requiring bigger miracles to keep going until it eventually the odds of survival drops to zero.

I’m kind of left thinking of a Discworld book where the many worlds was explained to Vimes with the conclusion that there isn’t a world in which he’s murdered his wife because the differences nessasary for someone to do so are to great for that person to still be considered him.

I also remember playing Chrono Cross and concluding that while there are plenty of me’s who have prevented the big boss from destroying the entirety of the multiverse, there must also be at least one version of the big boss who has destroyed the entirety of the multiverse.

By: Robert Dinse Tue, 08 Sep 2015 00:32:12 +0000 I have thought of this quantum immortality scenario exactly as you have posted it here except that I have speculated that on one level, information does in fact transfer between child universes of a quantum event in as much as the particles in the two children universes would be quantum entangled with each other and I’ve further wondered if this isn’t the cause of the dreadful feeling one sometimes gets in a Deja Vu experience, perhaps your twin self just died.

By: Salamandre Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:17:38 +0000

Dugg said:
To wrap this up, Quantum Immortality is REAL! I know this first-hand. I performed the gun to the head experiment a few years ago. My choice was a 12-gage shotgun. No, the gun didn’t misfire and no I didn’t miss. I was rushed to the hospital where the doctors said I had a less than 1 in 100 chance of surviving the first hour. So obviously there are hundreds of universes in the multiverse in which family and friends mourned my passing, this is their reality, but for me these universes can’t exist because I’M NOT THERE to experience them.
The doctors, nurses and hospital staff who released me after almost a year of multiple surgeries and intensive rehabilitation claim that my surviving this incident was a miracle. To them it may be a miracle, but to me it just seems highly improbable.
Of course I survived, of course I’m here because where else could I possibly be ?”

Now, children, don’t let’s try this at home!

While I wholeheartedly agree quantum suicide is impossible, this is only true for the Cat in Schroedinger’s box. The observing lab personnel – i.e. Your friends and relatives in this universe and many others – will experience the loss of a loved one, no matter what.

By: rudrappa agadi Sun, 18 May 2014 18:04:49 +0000 CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG!

I do fully agree about quantum Immortality. The proof of this is about how I have come to know by reading the autobiographies of famous Hindu Saints
who have appeared to their disciples even after death. Apart from that, there is one famous Saint in Hinduism called Mahavatar Babaji who was born in 216 B.C. who was he master of famous Yoga and had the power to appear at will through his Light body. Just around 20 years ago, he appeared to one of my friend, say after nearly 2000 years after leaving his body and he appeared at the mid of night ‘through wall’ in my friends bed room when he was just 8 years old convent boy, who was a Prince during his past life in Chola dynasty and he is still ‘assigning’ some of the works for the betterment of world and humanity, to nullify nuclear installations, reduce bombs for the peaceful co-existence of human on earth plane. His appearance even to other 3-4 of his most devoted disciples shows his Immortality even after Death and by collecting the ‘atoms’ in the ether, he has given appearance to many of his most faithful disciples. Actually, he had taught many Yogic techniques to Lord Jesus who had visited Himalayas (the most famous place on earth for Spiritual seekers). Any viewers of this article can write me at With love and divine blessings: r.m. agadi.

By: Ben Thu, 10 Apr 2014 21:52:52 +0000 If MWI is correct, is there a universe were every possibility DID happen at once, in the one universe… I’d love to go and study this, but i don’t know if my brain could handle it lol.
