Comments on: Sergei’s Litter Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Wed, 28 Dec 2022 23:00:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: DiscoKiller Thu, 21 Jun 2012 13:05:53 +0000 ” I was referring to the fact that animals can or cannot feel pain ” – is my dog limping for fun then? I should tell her to stop.

By: 1STL Wed, 16 Mar 2011 08:23:57 +0000 We are pupils of 1°STL in France and we have just worked on this article. This text about the very beginning of transplants experiments have both shocked, disguted, and amazed us. These bloody experiments allowed medical progress, but we are assassins and mistreating poor defendless animal for our survival.

Thanks for this article.

By: seb Tue, 21 Sep 2010 09:34:39 +0000 [quote]flatrick said: “Due to the openminded nature of DI articles, I had made the brash supposition that its readers boasted the same quality. Trying not be disappointed, I’m telling myself that this specific article touched animal-loving people deeply enough for them to make hot-tempered comments.”[/quote]

Does this open-mindedness pertain to experiments on children or just animals? If it’s just animals, then I’d say it’s not as open-minded as you claim.

By: seb Tue, 21 Sep 2010 09:32:21 +0000 I don’t understand and will never understand how anyone can rationalize cruelty in the name of science. It’s human arrogance that has no empathy for what animals go thru in these experiments. It IS unethical and it takes a certain type of person to do such things without any kind of remorse or humanity. All to make sure we survive because we’re so damn special, right? Please. If you think we’re that special why don’t you sacrifice yourself for these experiements if you care so much about saving human lives? People think they’re so important, yet they’re never willing to put themselves up as guinea pigs.
And to the questionably intelligent people out there who think animals feel no pain – I have such a hard time even addressing you because it boggles my mind that you can’t see it. Are you people that out of touch that you’ve never seen a dog or cat cry when they get hurt? Even on TV if not in your own home? Either you’re completely brain dead or you’re lying to compensate for your apathy. Either way, something is wrong with you if you don’t know animals suffer.
This story shouldn’t even be on this site because animal torture isn’t a circus freak show. I’m tired of people not taking it seriously enough.

By: sudo Sat, 31 Jul 2010 20:38:27 +0000 This article has been translated into Russian language by me.

Back link retained. Thank you.

By: Mirage_GSM Fri, 03 Apr 2009 10:44:01 +0000 First of all, I am not by any means an animal rights activist. I’m not even against animal testing (for medical purposes, not for cosmetics), but this whole “animals can’t think” stance is a pet peeve of mine…

[quote]flatrick said: “I am by the way a lawyer (yes yes, that’s probably why I am so cold-hearted) and I can tell you this much. There is not one single country or international convention that grants an animal any rights. Only humans have rights. All the laws that protect animals (i.e. not allowing someone to burn a dog for no reason) do not actually protect the animal in itself, but their proprietor as if animals were just humans’ property like any other object or “blob of matter”.”[/quote]
Fortunately, this is beginning to change:
[quote]What you don’t seem to understand or at least to acknowledge (see my first answer to you) is that animals have no degree of thought.
I understand it is very hard to believe and it might even seem absurd (see my comparison with the size of the universe), but THIS is a rock solid proven fact. In other words, I’m absolutely not giving you my opinion here, just repeating what all scientists would say.[/quote]
No it isn’t. Neither fact, nor proven. I think it is arrogance to the extreme to assert that anything as complex as thought could be expressed in binary values of Yes or No. And to top that you draw the line exatly between humans and the next step down the evolutionary ladder.

[quote]I’ll repeat it one more time. Even if humans are animals as well and even if our genetic pool is very similar to those of other mammals, we still are extremely different. An animal resembles more a plant than a human. [/quote]
If you truly believe that, I suggest you brush up your basic biology.
[quote]Here’s what Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy says on animal consciousness: [/quote]
Sure, that’s why philosophers make the best scientists…
Philosophy may have its uses, but making scientific claims is not one of them. In fact by it’s very nature, philosophy has to make claims that are unprovable. As soon as they’re provable they leave the realm of philosophy.
[quote]I should have been more specific, I realize that now since you bring my comment up; on this latter statement, I was referring to the fact that animals can or cannot feel pain (which was the primary discussion). The first statement was perfectly correct though, 5 years ago at least.[/quote]
If you had ever seen an animal in pain, you couldn’t maintain this opinion. Of course you cannot measure pain in animals, so there is no way of proving they feel pain, but you can’t measure pain in humans either. You can only infer the pain through physical and behavioural reactions. If you discount that as evidence for the existance of pain, you would have to say that a human who is incapable of communicating his pain orally is also incapable of feeling it.
[quote]Specialists currently believe that all vertebrates can feel pain, and that certain invertebrates, like the octopus, might too.[/quote]
I realize that you discount wikipedia as a reliable source of information, but you will find that this article is suitably referenced.
I’ll close my post with a quote by another philosopher (Jeremy Bentham 1748-18362):
[quote]The French have already discovered that the blackness of the skin is no reason why a human being should be abandoned without redress to the caprice of a tormentor. What else is it that should trace the insuperable line? Is it the faculty of reason, or, perhaps, the faculty of discourse? But a full-grown horse or dog is beyond comparison a more rational, as well as a more conversable animal, than an infant of a day, or a week, or even a month, old. But suppose the case were otherwise, what would it avail? The question is not, “Can they reason?” nor, “Can they talk?” but, “Can they suffer?”[/quote]

By: Ratsoup Sun, 28 Sep 2008 11:20:20 +0000 I just finished watching the movie X Files: I Want to Believe. The bad guys that the FBI is after are trying to do something similar. Of course they are not doing it for science, but for to get some pedohpile who’s dying to cancer a female body or something. They even have twoheaded dogs and stuff. Was really interesting to watch after reading this article first.

By: troyboy Tue, 19 Aug 2008 05:50:25 +0000 I’ve got a great idea for these annoying “First!” posts that we see all over the place these days.

A simple script on submit of the form checks the length of the post and if it is really short it checks for the word “First” (with or without exclamation mark, these settings can be configurable).

It then simply replaces the occurance of “First!” with the statement “I am a RETARD” and locks the comment for everyone else to laugh at for eternity :)

By: Rachelita Mon, 05 May 2008 21:08:48 +0000 Yuck! Just Yuck!!!!

By: polock3406 Sat, 22 Mar 2008 02:17:48 +0000 One Hundred and forty-eth!! =)
