Comments on: Staying Abreast of Human Sexuality Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:21:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cathy Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:21:23 +0000 Sometimes the men, and even other women including the inlaws like you for nothin’ better than that.I mean breast size. I had larger the breasts than my siter inlaws and my mother inlaw and they all remarked about it and told me they were glad that I was more bosomy than them.Cathy

By: rafgar Wed, 20 Nov 2013 19:54:24 +0000 I know this is an absolutely ancient article, but I’m going to chime in anyway.

150 years ago being sexually attracted to breasts was considered a fetish. It was thought of roughly the same way we think of foot fetishes today. Somehow over the last 150 years that fetish has become so widespread that it’s now considered normal in much of the 1st world. Personally I suspect Victorian morals are to blame….hide something and it becomes intriguing. But I don’t have any evidence to back up that suspicion. That being the case these theories that the human female breast evolved as an attractor for sex are almost certainly wrong.

By: DeLuzional Tue, 24 Nov 2009 02:33:36 +0000 [quote]dragondm6 said: “Doubt anyone is going to read this now, but the fact that we see the breasts as a sexual attraction is a part of American society, not world wide. There are places in Africa where they are attracted to the opposite sex based on the size of their stretched earlobes.

Also, as far as breast sizes increasing over the years, I am fairly certain that there is some hormone in chicken that allows women to develop larger than had they not eaten it. It’s possible that in the mid 1800s people didn’t eat as much chicken as they do now, and/or they didn’t alter the chickens in any way back then.”[/quote]

Agrees…..Ive noticed a big difference in school kids today compared to just 25 years ago. (girls get all the luck)

By: dragondm6 Wed, 02 Sep 2009 21:23:48 +0000 Doubt anyone is going to read this now, but the fact that we see the breasts as a sexual attraction is a part of American society, not world wide. There are places in Africa where they are attracted to the opposite sex based on the size of their stretched earlobes.

Also, as far as breast sizes increasing over the years, I am fairly certain that there is some hormone in chicken that allows women to develop larger than had they not eaten it. It’s possible that in the mid 1800s people didn’t eat as much chicken as they do now, and/or they didn’t alter the chickens in any way back then.

By: Coramoor Sat, 01 Nov 2008 02:40:04 +0000 Why is it the feminists always cry foul over things like this, but keep silent when they have an advantage over men? I don’t see any movements for the inclusion of women in military drafting during times of war.

By: Mirage_GSM Wed, 22 Oct 2008 09:33:23 +0000 I know I shouldn’t be surprised this is such a big deal in the US ( country where men can get a criminal record for sexual misconduct by going for a pee in the bushes) but I am anyway.
In Germany – and I guess in most of western Europe – there are no laws at all restricting toplessness nudeness. Most public pools and some beaches have house rules against it, but generally there is no rule against women going shopping topless.

Some legalese to follow… Bear in mind that I’m not a lawyer and this is the product of 30 minutes of internet research.

The only offense that could be construed would be “Annoyance of the public” (§118OwiG), which is not a crime but only an infraction. That would necessitate “grossly improper conduct”. I don’t think toplessnes would make a case for this in any court.

In case of full nudity there could be a case made for “Exhibitionistic behaviour” (§183 StGB). Interestingly the law states that “a MAN who harasses another person through exhibitionistic behaviour…” So women are actually getting away with this under german law. Women can’t be exhibitionists ;-)
Anyway this is an offense that requires someone feel harassed and to file a complaint. (That alone would ensure women get away with full nudity more than men.)

A somewhat special case would be Exhibitionism in front of children which could be construed as sexual abuse. I don’t feel like doing research in that direction right now.

In general, though, for the fact of “exhibitionism”, a sexual motivation is necessary, so simple nudity would probably not be much of a case in front of a court.

“Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses” (§183a StGB) – what is commonly known as “Indecent behaviour” in english) – requires “to publicly conduct sexual acts” and yes, you can be fined or even go to jail for that.

So after all’s said and done there are no laws against public nudity in Germany and to my knowledge there haven’t been for at least two decades. Now do I see topless women walk through the precinct regularly? No. In some bigger parks you see a few topless sunbathers in the summer but that’s about it. Sorry to burst your bubble ;-)

By: Correct me if I'm wrong, but: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 12:32:28 +0000 [quote]lip_ring said: “I’m confused on your argument here – are you saying that cultural mores have an effect on evolution? Penises (peni? penisus?) on humans grew large before we as a race decided they needed to be covered. There is no evolution argument there.

:) I heart Anthony. Firefly is good, but you’re right, it’s a completely different genre. I’d suggest Isle of Women, Shame of Man and… the other one. The series is excellent, as he poses many different theories on the same subjects.

I agree that we as a gender have power in our breasts, but I still think it’s a matter of principle. However, I’ll take 75cents for a man’s dollar if it means I won’t get drafted… hehehe. If being topfree were legal everywhere, how many women would take advantage of it? I would, but I only know 3 or 4 others who would join me. Not many would be topfree, and that would keep the mystique alive. Guns and alcohol are readily available, and they still have an aura of “awesome” about them for some people.”[/quote]

hm, i recently heard of a case in ontario where a lady was walking around topless, got arrested and then fought it on the basis that it was sexual discrimination. And apparently she won. I dont know if this means girls in canada can walk around topless are not… and keep in mind i heard this story second hand, so I’m not 100% sure that this really happened. lol kinda useless post i guess…

By: Stead311 Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:26:26 +0000 I just spent 30 minutes reading through ALL the comments made.
My Two Cents:
1. Meeshymeg, you made a lot of sense and I really enjoyed your input most of all. (anyone reading this should have a peek at it)
2. Jason, great article, people should be open-minded and thankful for such excellent entertainment on a weekly basis without having to PAY.
3. Huge Boobies should be called – “Hoobies”

By: Hayley Tue, 07 Aug 2007 19:31:55 +0000 In NYC actually, a judge recently decided that if a male was allowed to walk around topless, so could a female, after a case in which a woman was arrested for doing so. I like the idea of being able to, and maybe it will develop into something more comfortable, but even if I were allowed to, I don’t think I’d be quite okay with that yet, considering how much of a rarity the exposed female chest is in public areas. Legal or not, it’s still taboo, and would probably lead to some sort of confrontation with some undesirable or another that I would prefer to avoid.

Thoroughly enjoyable puns, by the way.

By: Nicki the Heinous Mon, 30 Jul 2007 17:43:06 +0000 Jeffrey93 said: “Ok folks, my stance is…just to clarify it for you (and partially for myself) is that breasts have been turned into a sexual region by our culture/society and not by our instinctual sexual drive.

The way I see it is, the lovely fun bags serve one purpose…to nurse offspring. Society has created the fascination and linked the breast with sex. If back in the day society took a left turn at Albuquerque instead of a right…we might be having this discussion about women’s knee caps, armpits, noses, whatever! For some unknown reason way back in the day our ancestors decided that it isn’t decent for women to have their breasts displayed anywhere outside the bedroom. If that hadn’t happened….this ‘debate’ wouldn’t have happened either. Men and women would have always been free to go topless…nobody would think twice about it…and the sweater potatoes would still get some good usage during romps in the sack, but they wouldn’t create the reaction in men that they currently do.

Therefore…they are intriguing to men and prompt sexual desires/thoughts in men that see them..but that is the response created by society, not by nature.”

Ah but you’re forgetting the female side.
