Comments on: Tesla’s Tower of Power Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:10:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dillmunch Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:10:06 +0000 I’ve seen many of Eric Dollard’s videos, who is an electrical wizard in his own right, who has reproduced many of Tesla’s experiments. He has shown that the “radiant electricity” that Tesla referred to was different from Electromagnetism, so the verdict is not in yet on how Wardenclyffe would have performed it’s feat. It may have not needed the ionosphere and the method of transmission through the Earth could have been much different than what is described here, which assumes the Earth is a large capacitor being charged and uncharged.

By: mcmoor Sun, 03 Sep 2023 10:58:49 +0000 To pump energy and disperse it (not focus it in anyway) over the entire Earth and then somehow focusing it again on the other side of the world “with only 420 hp” sounds like something that horrifically breaks 2nd law of thermodynamics, in the same tier of all those perpetual motion machines that we all know work.

It’s like knowing that sea contains millions of tons of gold and claim everyone can get it freely “with only 420 hp”.

By: JarvisLoop Wed, 18 May 2022 01:51:21 +0000 Steve:

Good stuff! Thanks.

By: Steve Sun, 15 May 2022 08:19:20 +0000 Just like high voltage powerlines can cause cancer, so can wireless electrical transference. Gene warping was also speculated to be one possible outcome. Once humanity has altered their gene pool only Jesus himself could undo the damage.

By: JarvisLoop Mon, 18 May 2020 01:35:17 +0000 PLVS VLTRA:

I’m sorry, but I can’t fully follow your understand. I’m not sure why.

Will you please rephrase it?


By: PLVS VLTRA Sat, 30 Nov 2019 01:54:03 +0000 Ive been lucky enough to get grants researcher tesla,seeing my neighborhood was part of his 200 acres in Shoreham NY were he had his Tower and named all my street names after his friend MArk Twain and the fact finding mission he sent him on in 1889,being on Long Island i found myself quickly getting almost everything Tesla in Shoreham..but things got mind blowing when i started researching the US Government Projects he worked on.Growing up at the TS base in Calverton NY my parent USAF R&D and i would go into the USAF as a 1N to ISR i found more then i thought was possible,even answering things most people dont think theyd know in there life time,But what makes it hard to share is once the Government took his stuff it was all weaponized and put into are top 10 highest programs,So everybody Tesla passed it on to had there Labs trashed and burned to the most of my research im unable to post…but its mind blowing what happened on this Little island back in the day and still today

By: JarvisLoop Sat, 28 Sep 2019 03:48:17 +0000 Michael Mier: Kudos.

By: Michael Mier Sun, 07 Jul 2019 15:05:49 +0000 Hey now! It is my estimated opinion that Nikola Tesla was the greatest American scientist ever. He is the inventor of the alternating current (AC), wireless communication (wifi), the induction motor (electric engine), remote control, neon lamps & wireless electricity. This last invention is what disturbed Thomas Edison into not only firing Tesla but ruining him to the point that no one else wanted to work with him either. Edison’s reasoning is that if electricity couldn’t be metered then you couldn’t make money off of it. Skimming through the above comments, a couple of them have caught my attention enough to reply to. One concerned Mr. Tesla’s obsession with the number 3, having a pile of napkins handy before a meal, calculating the volume of his meals & a fascination with pigeons. Of course all this means he’s weird, as anyone with OCD will do the same thing with certain objects & concepts. It is a facet of genius. Another commenter wondered why the tower that Tesla put so much money & effort into didn’t work. The fact is it did work. Which is why it was dismantled. Edison & other energy magnates didn’t want Tesla distributing cheap if not free electricity. Oh, how magnificently different our world would be today if other scientists of his time didn’t see him as a threat to their pocketbooks.

By: JarvisLoop Sat, 18 May 2019 01:28:45 +0000 A year has passed already?

I offer the following with apologies to Tennessee Ernie Ford: “Another day older and closer to death.”

By: Michelle Kim Mon, 29 Apr 2019 22:37:49 +0000 Tesla, a man of many innovative ideas, limited by the technology of his time. (2019)
