Comments on: The Daedalus Starship Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Sun, 05 Jan 2025 12:50:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: tonyon Sun, 05 Jan 2025 12:50:16 +0000 (2)…interstellar travel constant acceleration (Earth in 500 M years)… (Linear momentum = mass x speed). (Angular momentum = linear momentum x distance to the axis of rotation)… (with the passage of time the Sun increasingly at + ºC)… But if… progressively moving the Earth away from the Sun to always keep it within the “goldilocks” habitable zone. Eg. Perhaps… “carefully” (careful also with the Moon) braking an asteroid (book “Doomsday Asteroid”) that in its perihelion passes close to the Earth in the same direction of its rotation around the Sun, passing the asteroid from orbiting the Sun to orbiting the Earth, each time the asteroid passes in its already perigee in an alliptical orbit close to and ahead of the advance of the Earth in its translation, it gives it a slight gravitational tug in the same direction of its rotation around the Sun, thus slightly increasing in each step the speed of translation of the Earth and increasing its angular momentum, also if slowly over time the asteroid were to decrease its mean orbital radius…the ang. momentum what it loses the Earth gains (every time a satellite re-enters in the same direction of translation it does the same adding its angular momentum to the Earth insignificantly due to its low mass) and the Earth would move away somewhat from the Sun until reaching its new stable orbit in accordance with its already greater angular momentum and so on for millions of years… (This could be used to detect exo-planets that have done so, it would be a sign of Intelligence)… The 2 large icy Planets: Uranus and Neptune were not formed in their current distant orbits from the Sun, because at that distance there was not enough “building material” to form their enormous sizes. They formed closer to the Sun and then they moved away gaining angular momentum until their current distant orbits, why?… All 4 were closer to each other than today… the 2 giants Jupiter and Saturn gravitationally displaced the 2 icy to where they are today.

By: tonyon Sat, 28 Dec 2024 12:12:03 +0000 …interstellar travel constant acceleration (to the blue planet)… they arrive, see their occupants and decide to stay on the Moon hidden on the far side. They would have to come for supplies to the “supermarket”, maybe they have cities under the ocean floor, maybe they disguise themselves as humans, maybe they control the Earth, or maybe nothing at all. Where are the lunar satellites? There are none that are operational that we know of, a cloak of silence… They have put “7000” starlink satellites in Earth orbit in a moment, they have sent satellites to asteroids… but to the Moon “noo” that “it not interests yet” that people watches the continuous live broadcast in UHD from a satellite in low lunar orbit. What rules on Earth?: religion. As soon as people see that the extraterrestrials know nothing about the miserable religious stories, that´s it: goodbye religion. For 50 years the Pope has been “thinking” about how to continue deceiving “astrotheology” with the “it´s just that “the grays” eat people. They left 2 Apollos on the ground after spending the $millions they cost. because “there was no longer any interest in going there”. Apollo XI radio secret: “they are here in the crater next door watching us”…

By: jarvisloop Wed, 29 Jun 2022 01:07:07 +0000 Karellen: “But the stars are not for man.”

By: tonyon Tue, 21 Aug 2018 21:07:02 +0000 …interstellar travel not acceleration constant (graphene: planet errant)… every bit a Terraformed planet errant into a bubble graphene how diamond transparent…with fusion reactors which will give the light and heat how an artificial sun, encircling an antigravitational field Tesla/Brown “electrogravitics” prevents objects collision against the “blue-arch of heaven”… Who needs already a star…

By: tonyon Wed, 11 Jul 2018 03:52:39 +0000 (2b)…interstellar travel (thousands G of constant acceleration)… electromagnetic force creating artificial gravitational force: “electrogravitics” effect, electric currents very high voltage using Tesla/Brown electromagnets and capacitors…gravitational transformers… They say that secret Tesla coils are so powerful that bend the same Gravity and the Ships and crews do not feel sudden accelerations or directional trajectory changes. So perhaps instead of antimatter rockets, in the future Spacecrafts will use Tesla anti-electromagnetic field impulse…

By: tonyon Thu, 25 Jan 2018 18:39:20 +0000 …viaje interestelar (astronomía en las escuelas)… ES VERDAD QUE LA RELIGIÓN ES MENTIRA. Hay que erradicar la mentira que es la religión de las escuelas y poner, por fin, obligatoria la Verdad que es…La Astronomía desde la escuela elemental. Para que las buenas gentes de los Pueblos de la Tierra, libres de una vez del yugo religioso, comiencen a levantar los ojos al cielo nocturno para contemplar el impresionante espectáculo del Universo. Entonces, adiós religión y sus mentiras. Pero, quién será capaz de hacer eso?. Los sinverguenzas de los políticos no desde luego. Nosotros tenemos que hacerlo porque el Mundo no es que sea así. El Mundo es como Nosotros lo hacemos… RELIGIÓN FUERA DE LAS ESCUELAS… Astronomía Bienvenida a las Escuelas. Vamos, es la hora.

By: tonyon Sun, 14 Jan 2018 19:48:04 +0000 …interstellar travel constant acceleration (immortals 2)… Cloning?…direct to the Future…3D Bioprinting…your recorded Memory to the new body and…Immortality. For us is too soon for hook to the 1st Immortal Generation. Who knows…tucked in liquid nitrogen at 200 ºC below zero, not can feel the pass of Time. When after 500 years make open your eyes again and someone say… Hello!! …you will believe that the Goodbye was just a moment ago… Where am I?…(applause, shouts, laughs…) in Biomedical Recovery Center. What day is today?… July 21 of 7,018; was selected, centuries ago, in a Planetary Convention the beginning of Bronze Age like true History start… If I was…oh Goddess…give me a mirror…are you sure?…yes…aarrghghgg… Do not worry, at once we print a new body to your size. Take, choose in your Catalog. Let me see…this to the “athletic” is right… Ok. And your Princess, how old are you?…those things do not ask to a woman. Come on your new Life awaits you. Wow!…has broken me a leg to put it on the floor… Do not worry, we carry you with open arms to the Mom-Printer, you just have that let to it your genes. Printer will restore and use as a basis this ancient body of yours for make to you again. Will we see us again?…perhaps on vacations because you have been stayed near, in the X planet of the star Vega.

By: tonyon Fri, 05 Jan 2018 16:27:17 +0000 Electromagnetic Waves turbulence (photons) colliding against charged particles, photoelectrical effect, of the plasma-jets HH which emerge from the black holes central galactic and new young stars in formation, protostars (due to its vertiginous rotation, an electromagnetic cannon launching plasma), forming in the jet “knots” more shining each a certain distance.

By: tonyon Fri, 29 Dec 2017 19:45:02 +0000 (3)…interstellar travel (thousands G of constant acceleration)… Gravity is a fundamental property of the Matter. Each material particle would work how a microsphere which emits PHOTONS in straight line at all space directions. By some reason in magnetic substances that photons straight lines would braid among adjacent microspheres formin Gravitational Cords that already do not go in straight line faraway, but go in that object to a equilibrium point, the Pole, converging by exterior attracted by the Gravitational Cords from the other Pole…the “magnetic field”. In the stellar Fusion is minimum the matter quantity that transforms into Energy, but if someday is obtained the matter/antimatter annihilation to exponentially convert all the mass into Energy (photons), would have that have a spectacular increment of the Gravitational Force on the zone. So the Electromagnetic Force would be in reality the same Gravitational Force presented at “other format”… If in the matter/antimatter annihilation could, instead of photons, be obtained antiphotons (antigravity) instead of attraction would have repulsion from the rocket engine toward the passage, auto-synchronizing rocket acceleration downwards with antigravity repulsion upwards for maintaining the living areas to 1g…in the Starships to thousands G of constant acceleration…

By: tonyon Fri, 27 Oct 2017 15:59:19 +0000 (2)…interstellar travel (thousands G of constant acceleration)… The Electromagnetic and Gravitational Forces have some obvious similarities (fulfill the Law of Inverse of the Square) as both are “inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separate”…distance between the poles of two magnets the Electromagnetic…and distance between the centers of two masses the Gravitational… Just as now can using the Electromagnetic Force for obtain different voltages, currents and electrical powers…electrical transformers…perhaps someday when that mysterious Gravitational Force reveal its secrets, can also using it and amplify its emission (converting the mass exponentially in Gravitons) somehow for obtain different intensities and gravitational powers…gravitational transformers… Spacecrafts with indestructible structures and the distribution of a building of housing flats (where are the foundations would the nozzles)… Antigravitational fields directed forward would go shoving and accelerating the space´s dust until reaching (the dust) almost ship-speed the dust´s cloud matter-feeder (“fuel”) always placed at ship´s front (cloud 1st half travel accelerating)…and placed at ship´s astern when ship rotates 180º (new cloud 2nd half travel decelerating), leading dust with Gravitational peripheral fields; already the dust with slow differential-speed between dust and ship (each dust´s particle already does not is a bullet)…((at Halfway and also before Finish travel, the ship overtakes and consumes totally the dust´s cloud: halfway, max speed ship and max speed cloud, when ship ◄STARTS TO BRAKE, the 1st cloud would continue with its max speed free forward already alone without the ship… For there are not dangerous speedy free lethal dust´s particles at Space…)); towards the ship converters matter/antimatter, where at half of matter would transform in antimatter to feed the insatiable demand for the voracious annihilation rocket engines ejecting the appreciable mass of the Pions, produced in large quantities, through the nozzles to the speed of light…a rocket´s thrust = ejection by nozzle (mass*speed) in each second…and maintaining indefinitely to the ship at thousands G of constant acceleration… Powerful gravitational fields inside the living areas would counteract the HUGE CONSTANT ACCELERATION of the ship, keeping them to 1 G…
