RandomAction said: “I’d like to know where you got that photograph of my mother?
In Russia, even as recent as the first part of the 20th Century, certain people were given misplaced respect and honor. Sadly the same happens in the first part of the 21st century as well.
To continue:
Where did he come from, was he Russian? Was that his native language? When did he arrive in the lives of the Romanov’s? How was he introduced to them? Why was he introduced to them? You have raised more questions than you’ve answered. Which I think is good.”
Netflix has all the answers to your questions in a Documentary. Flipping amazing and creepy guy his entire life.
]]>Rabbi Joshua Chasan says: “Delin Colon characterizes her book “Rasputin and the Jews” as A Reversal of History. What she attempts to do is correct the widely held view of Rasputin as an evil man who committed the worst debaucheries, substituting instead a view of Rasputin as a humanitarian, a courageous defender of Jews and other people vulnerable in pre-revolutionary Russia. She identifies the sources of the negative views of Rasputin, making a good case for the need for us to see that there are a lot of ways of remembering the past.”
Delin Colón “bashes the popular notion of the infamous Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin as an influential anti-Semitic, power-hungry conniver in the final years of the Russian Romanov dynasty.” –The Baltimore Jewish Times – Neil Rubin
“Colón has put forth the notion that Rasputin’s advocacy on behalf of the country’s Jews contributed to his demise.” –The Jewish Literary Review – Steve Pollak