Comments on: The Mad Gasser of Mattoon Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Wed, 02 Sep 2020 02:15:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Wed, 02 Sep 2020 02:15:46 +0000 Considering all that is happening today, the Mattoon Gasser seems almost quaint.

By: Dude Tue, 04 Jun 2019 16:36:25 +0000 Re: BenKinsey and lack of testing of cloth.
The cloth was tested and nothing was found; however, it was not tested immediately but 60 hours later.

By: John Saveley Tue, 30 Jan 2018 16:34:54 +0000 John Saveley

I grew up in Mattoon and my grandmother had told me about the Mad Gasser. She said she wasn’t afraid and slept many nights with her bedroom window open and nothing ever happened to her. It was a very interesting story especially for a young boy who was scared of the dark.

By: David Lewis Wed, 14 Jan 2009 11:55:59 +0000 Living only 30 minutes from Mattoon and making frequent trips to Eastern Illinois Unviersity, i was still unfamiliar with the story…DI!

By: BenKinsey Mon, 15 Sep 2008 19:31:15 +0000 How could the chemical be unknown if “Mrs. Carl Cordes reported finding a small wet cloth on her porch, and when she picked it up she was overcome by an odor”? Why wouldn’t they test it to see if she was making it up and if not what was the chemical? I guess it’s just another case of the lazy-ass pigs not doing a thorough job.

By: sroden1711 Sat, 02 Sep 2006 04:09:45 +0000 That’s crazy. I go to school at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston (a few miles from Mattoon) and it’s not really talked about, although I had heard something about it my freshman year.

By: GrawneyMan Mon, 31 Jul 2006 00:53:12 +0000 Around these parts, my son is known as the Mad Gasser… though rarely is the odour sweet.

By: Kafka Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:16:08 +0000 This type of robbery has occured, and still occurs today. In Malaysia, poor medical students often use bundles of cloth soaked in chloroform or other gas form anesthetics, placed near windows or near bed sides, and with a gentle breeze or fan, induced the owners to sleep, while robbing their house.

In France, Footballer Patrick Viera recently had all his wife’s jewellery stolen when thieves pumped gas anesthetic into his home.

These types of attacks do occur, so it might not be that far-fetched to believe the Mad Gasser.

By: Archcroc Wed, 12 Jul 2006 00:46:22 +0000 Bucky said: “That’s a gas.”

Is there some kind of rule for Damn Interesting where the first comment has to be a terrible pun? I’m not complaining or anything, I like bad puns, but this just happens way too much to be a coincidence.

Oh, but you’ve missed the creepiest thing about the Mad Gasser, the newspaper illustration! It’s quite probably the best rendering of a boogeyman EVER.

By: Haywood Jablome Tue, 11 Jul 2006 17:48:57 +0000 lol spring heeled jack and the mad gasser would have made a great team.
