Comments on: The Science of Mental Fitness Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:03:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: RickyRaj Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:03:55 +0000 This reminds me of the movie Split and split personalities in general, with different capabilities and strengths of each personality based upon how the neurons process info from the brain. Obviously that movie is fiction, but that’s what this reminded me of. Definitely cool stuff.

By: Zach Pharr Sun, 16 Jan 2022 02:31:20 +0000 Ancients had a name for this kind of thing. It was called magic.

But nah, magic can’t exist. Science says so.

By: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 02:32:18 +0000 My 5years old son can do maths mentally just how this article describing the japanese contestant. Its a learnt skill and its amazing seeing him give out answer in a few seconds after his teacher verbally dictate the numbers. Sorry. Im a proud mother that just wanted to rave about him for abit. DI article!!! Thanks!

By: Forgiveness Fri, 16 Aug 2013 15:53:51 +0000 well , the obvious here that’s left out is that when we think about someone/thing attractive, we get aroused physically.

By: winzri Sat, 16 Feb 2013 03:45:36 +0000 Even better if one can harness the old wish-for-more-wishes trick. As in, thinking about doing stuff makes you better at it – so, what does a thinking man do, he thinks about thinking.

e.g. if he had 2 years to mentally work out, he should spend the first year thinking up about thinking, and the second year thinking about working out. That way he’d end up with quadruple the muscles he’d have gotten through mental working out alone, based on all existing measurements.

Point proven.


By: Garren Sun, 06 Jan 2013 18:36:17 +0000 I never gave up on this site! Great article.

By: Laura Mon, 24 Dec 2012 19:11:06 +0000 DI. Thanks, Marisa.

By: clarkbhm Fri, 14 Dec 2012 20:43:50 +0000 Many years ago, I remember reading something similar about people who practiced playing soccer versus people who just thought about practicing soccer with similar results. I’m glad that this story is consistent as I was starting to think it was a one-off go nowhere type of study.

But what is the real application her? The brain, when imagining an activity, sends impulses to the muscles to make them bulk up? Can I get a brain implant that will do that for me so that I don’t have to spend two hours a day thinking about lifting weights?

Does that mean that when I do lift weights, I’d be better off thinking about the weights that I’m lifting instead of my current habit of listening to music on my headphones?

By: jayroca Tue, 20 Nov 2012 01:40:42 +0000 Ohhh yeah!! Lov this article. There is a lot of these in Metaphisics. What u think, what u feel and what its manifest is always a match!! If you r intrested on these u should see the movie “What a Bleep do we know??”
A beg your pardon if I misspell some words, english is not my mother languaje!
Good life 4 you all!!

By: SockMonkey Mon, 19 Nov 2012 13:30:09 +0000 It sounds as if the test subjects focused intensively to get the result they did. So I definitely echo Ms. (or Mrs) Brook in saying you should take caution in an imaginary use of exercise.

I myself cannot go more than 30 seconds before my mind completely switches topics… what was I talking about? :P
