Comments on: The Seizing of the Pueblo Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Sat, 23 Jan 2021 02:06:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Sat, 23 Jan 2021 02:06:34 +0000 Shooter:

I agree completely.

By: Shooter diesel Thu, 23 Jan 2020 17:44:32 +0000 Let’s get it back!!!!!!

By: JarvisLoop Thu, 23 Jan 2020 02:51:28 +0000 I am returned.

By: JarvisLoop Thu, 24 Oct 2019 23:50:03 +0000 That should have been “Fifty years have not dulled my memory of this horrible event, made only more horrible by how the military treated Commander Bucher after he came back.”

By: JarvisLoop Sat, 26 Jan 2019 14:10:35 +0000 Fifty years have not dulled my memory of this horrible event, made only more horrible by the military treated Commander Bucher after he came back.

By: Bill Streifer Thu, 29 Mar 2018 17:54:00 +0000 Why weren’t U.S. fighters sent from Japan? Between the time the Pueblo sent their first signal that there might be trouble and the time they were fired upon and boarded was four hours. Why weren’t fighters sent during those four hours to defend the Pueblo?

By: Stu Russell Thu, 14 Dec 2017 18:47:44 +0000 So much vs here. Commies already had WK-7s that were captured in Viet Nam. Walker started selling Key lists in October, 1967. The loss of the Pueblo was so much more than Walker’s treason. Over two tons of classified materials were captured along with the electronics.

Only two 50s, not four and they had been surplussed by the Marines in Viet Nam cause they were pieces of shit. Couldn’t fire more than 8 to 10 rounds with out jamming. Pueblo opposed by two sub chasers with large cannons and anti aircraft guns, three or four PT boats, with four torpedoes each and some had 16 surface to surface rockets and a boarding party with about 15 AK-47s. Plus two Migs. You have to realize there is a big difference between being brave and being suicidal.

The Pueblo is encased in concrete in downtown Pyongyang next to the Fatherland Liberation Museum on the Ta dong River. You can see it on google earth.

The Hawaiian Good Luck sign was fun until we got caught.

By: Haputmann Sat, 18 Nov 2017 22:10:16 +0000 WHY THE PUEBLO WAS CAPTURED
No-one mentioned the fact that a few years before the Pueblo incident, a US citizen who was spying for the Soviets copied and delivered US naval code books to the Soviets. The Soviets could not do much with them without an encryption machine. Knowing that the USS Pueblo had such a machine on board, the Soviets arranged to have the North Koreans capture the Pueblo, and retrieve the encryption machine. This gave the Soviets access to all US Naval ship movements for over a decade. We did not learn the reason for and the significance of the Pueblo incident until the traitorous spy was captured, and proudly confessed

By: TBone Tue, 15 Aug 2017 07:38:39 +0000 WIUPgamer looks like he wants to get a ship reclamation crew together! Foolhardy? How long to do you think you would have to get a ship that stopped its engines almost 50 years ago up and running before the authorities were all over you?

With the heightened state of emotions with DPRK since this article was written 11 years ago, would be better to send in a covert team to scuttle the ship where she lays tied up as a tourist attraction. Frankly, I’m amazed that wasn’t done years ago! You might not even need a team. You would think after all these years, one smart bomb could target the PUEBLO precisely without even mussing the bollards she’s tied to and promptly send her to the bottom of the harbor! That should freak out the locals for awhile. What are they going to say? You sank our tourist attraction that we stole from you!

By: WIUPgamer Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:59:03 +0000 So, is anyone serious about getting this grand ole ship back where she belongs?? IN THE USA!
Ex-marine here, getting old but up for one last hurrah. I’m still fit enough to make the enemy die for their country.

Does anyone have info regarding the power plant status of the USS Pueblo at this time?
It would be much easier to sail her out to open water rather then tow.

Would also be in the market for Asian Americans whom cam speak Korean for this mission – preferably people with military experience. Some sailors or merchant mariners familiar with the ships’ machinery would be helpful also. I have been working on plans but have many more questions then answers.

I’m sure our own “wonderful government would not lift a finger to assist and would go so far as to list anyone involved as terrorists. Or criminals at the very least. But last time I checked it was ok to retaliate for actions of piracy on the high seas by retaking stolen property.
