Comments on: Three Thrown Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:03:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bo55 D3MoN 7414 Mon, 25 Mar 2019 02:20:30 +0000 And also not 2oz good coin i was trying to spell 2oz gold coin from amazon that is the year 2017

By: Bo55 D3MoN 7414 Mon, 25 Mar 2019 02:12:38 +0000 So their for be you’re want it all to be god when being god is painful and i know this because I’m the one that don’t want any need to be god and my family and friends say they care about me because I’m in a grouphome at by the car sale that has lots of slug bug cars in a row of colors and this Christmas season my friend is a new dog name Popeye becuz his eyes stick out and i also have my mom give me some help at hilltop street in white bear ave everyday im happy and my mom got me a 1989 gold proof coin in my year in 7-10-2018 and I also have ad coins and bc coins all the way to the year 2019 soon becuz coinstores don’t have them til people sell them in the year 2020 and I was born in 7-10-1989 and 7-10 backwords is like 2017 that i have in a 2oz good coin from and soon my mom wants me home to the new home with my new dog pop eye born 2018 his birthday 2019 and move to Stillwater in the year 2020 and stay with my mom’s mom my grandma til 2027 becuz she is dying soon and live up with my step dad with my real mom at newyork with by my old cuz Kev mo the world’s best chess game player who plays chess with out looking and have me move the pieces to the letters and numbers to kill someone’s king

By: Bo55 D3MoN 7414 Mon, 25 Mar 2019 01:21:25 +0000 I Daniel lived in MN by rice blocc in a shit life No one in my family belives what i tell them what i hear or see things and it’s my friend’s that belive what i see and hear becuz when my friends that are normal normal people start to look smaller like they are far away and sometimes i know that’s not true becuz it’s maybe the schizophrenia or it’s becuz i smoked a shit ton of weed riding in the car with them and when I start to see something it’s like they can read my mind and point what they see when they are not like me all i wish is not to be God becuz i deal with pain and i pray to the gods people belive in and say you god don’t need me to be God becuz you are more schizophrenic then me and also my hospital is riverside but i saw what you people put down with words and I ask why would any of you want to be God you do know with my schizophrenia i killed my self three times becuz i pray why god why me to be god when i don’t want any part of hearing voices like I’m hearing someone’s prayer that’s why I have reasons i killed myself three times in my life to wish not be any part being god what do ever hearing voices like I’m taking someone’s prayer to me i don’t understand what their saying it’s point less to be god and kill yourself three times to ask please god i don’t want to do anything about being god and hearing voices i don’t understand maybe people playing around fucking with me i don’t know for sure

By: roberto Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:40:28 +0000 Milton erickson was not a psychiatrist he was a hypnotist, famous for his indirect approach and for utilizing whatever the patient threw at him instead of antagonizing and trying to convince the subject.
In a case like that he would cleverly play along and among other things reach a kind of agreement with the subjects.
I remember reading one such instance where a lady was seeing little men following her and causing embarrassment with their behaviour, he told her he also had some little women in his cupboard and if she wanted to see them, she said yes and he proceeded that way until one day he proposed she could leave the little men in his office with the little women and come back anytime to check on them, she agreed and kept coming back regularly at first and less and less until she eventually stopped coming and resumed functional life .

Milton Erickson was a truly inspirational and his books are the tao of psychology in my opinion, NLP and modern so called indirect hypnosis developed greatly after Ericksons proven method and principles.

By: Nick Delgado Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:52:55 +0000

Andy said: “What saved me wasn’t any bit of advice anyone gave me. It was that I had developed an interest in a book called “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” just about 6 months prior and I remembered to develop an interest in other people. I began to ask each nurse their name and two things they enjoy doing. Lindsey would say I enjoy reading and pets, and then I would ask Deborah what she liked and she said “oh I enjoy cooking and reading”. and I would say something like “Hey Lindsey enjoys reading too, you maybe you two can get together and have a book club or something”.”

Andy, thank you for sharing your experience with us. I have a brother who has schizophrenia. His was the visual/thought type were he would see and think things were there when they weren’t. He hasn’t seen anything since he was around 9 or 10 years old and he is now 27 so I know that people can recover from schizophrenia.

By: justdave Mon, 07 Apr 2014 19:36:06 +0000 ” …and they had a laughably small sample size of Jesuses” almost made sandwich come out my nose!

Thanks Alan for another D.I. article, and thanks Andy for sharing your story.

By: Ron Cohen Fri, 07 Mar 2014 18:45:01 +0000 “When psychology is used to agitate, it’s not sound psychology any more,” he told Dr. Rokeach. “You’re not helping the person. You’re agitating. When you agitate you belittle your intelligence.”

Leon, you may not be Christ but you had more potential for psychology than dr. Rokeach ever did.

By: Ron Cohen Fri, 07 Mar 2014 18:39:42 +0000

David said: “It’s interesting that the deluded women quickly compromised but the men never did.”

Nonsense. Only one women changed her delusion. The explanation is rather likely that she had a less rooted delusion or less progressed disorder. That’s also why she managed to recuperate.

Any way, on its own the control was an ‘experiment’ of N=2, which means nothing. Even if you knew the backgrounds and diagnoses of the 2 patients, which you don’t. It certainly doesn’t justify drawing conclusions on gender based resistance to mental disorders.

By: A.J. Tue, 18 Feb 2014 20:07:58 +0000 Pretty interesting i would say!!!!!!

By: Rachel Sun, 02 Feb 2014 04:13:31 +0000 Thanks for sharing your story, Andy.
