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Who Wants To Be a Thousandaire?

Michael Larson had a lot of time and TVs on his hands, and he used them to hack one of his favorite game shows.
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It’s About Damn Time

(This post's content expired, but its husk remains here as a historical curiosity).

The Unfortunate Sex Life of the Banana

How the banana's sweet taste and cheerful appearance obscure a potentially calamitous sexual inadequacy.

The Wrath of the Killdozer

Marvin Heemeyer of Granby, Colorado was a profoundly frustrated muffler repair man. In 2004 he took drastic measures.

Steely-Eyed Hydronauts of the Mariana

The story of humanity's first visit the ocean's deepest point.
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Something’s Afoot at Damn Interesting

We at Damn Interesting are happy to announce that we have officially returned from our spontaneous hiatus. One might...
Site News:

A Series of Unfortunate Hacks

For the past several weeks, Damn Interesting has been repeatedly violated by a gaggle of Russian hackers. Their stra...

In Soviet Russia, Lake Contaminates You

The story of one of the most radioactive places in the world.

Mediterranean be Dammed

A plan to build a dam near the narrowest point of the Straight of Gibraltar, resulting in an eighteen-mile-long structure from Morocco to Spain.

Doctor Watson’s Phobia Factory

The story of a series of chilling psychological experiments on an infant in 1920.
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