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Site News:

Damn Deadlines

As the manuscript-delivery deadline approaches for our Damn Interesting book, we must take drastic action to avoid be...

The Pit of Life and Death

Just outside Butte, Montana lies a pit of greenish poison a mile and a half wide and over a third of a mile deep.

The American Gustation Crisis of 1985

The story of the curiously outsized reaction to the 1985 reformulation of a popular soft drink.

The Heroes of SARS

How humanity dodged the speeding bullet of the 2003 SARS epidemic, and the crucial role of a few key individuals.

Eugenics and You

The troubling history and surprising origins of the eugenics movement in the early 20th century.

A Large-Hearted Gentleman

A cool breeze blew over the lush Indian forest. Jim Corbett was being hunted. The tigress that stalked him was alre...

Operation Pastorius

The little-known story of Nazi spies in America sent to sabotage the war effort.

The Martian Express

A hypothetical vehicle that would facilitate frequent, relatively inexpensive transit between Earth and Mars.

The Extraordinary Astrologer Isaac Bickerstaff

Teetering between its medieval past and the “Age of Reason,” early 18th-century London was an environment in which th...
Site News:

Some Damn Interesting News

On 25 January 2007, the Damn Interesting authors boldly-- some might say prematurely-- announced our intentions to ex...
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