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An Impostor in the Family

Imagine, if you will, that one by one your friends and family-- the people closest to you-- are being removed and rep...

Clever Hans the Math Horse

In the late 1800s, a German high school mathematics instructor named Wilhelm Von Osten was pushing a few scientific e...

The Terrifying Toothpick Fish

The vast freshwater ecosystem of the Amazon River is home to abundant animal life, and many of its species thrive by...
Site News:

Dead Trees and G-Strings

The history of Damn Interesting is a rich tapestry of events. In September 2005, the site sprang into existence. Then...

The Association of the Dead

In 1976, a farmer in northern India became alarmed when he was informed of his own death. Lal Bihari was in the proce...

The Lonely Tree of Ténéré

Because trees are so abundant, it is rare for a single one to become well-known. Some trees become distinguished due...

The Woman with a Limp

In the early 1940s, German secret police agents in Nazi-occupied France were on the lookout for a woman with a wooden...

Remember, Remember the 22nd of November

The story of the Max Headroom pirating incident, one of the few successful television intrusions in history, and still unsolved.

The Fall of Galloping Gertie

In early 1940, engineers and construction workers put the finishing touches on what was to be the the longest man-mad...

Undark and the Radium Girls

In 1922, a bank teller named Grace Fryer became concerned when her teeth began to loosen and fall out for no discerni...
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