Comments on: To Hell With Facebook Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:24:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stoicgamer Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:24:15 +0000 I met my wife on Facebook, so I have a bias. May she rest in peace.

That said: screw all the social media sites; they all do this.

As far as I can tell these days; Facebook is a bunch of bots trying to scam me.

By: Tacanz Mon, 22 May 2023 02:22:28 +0000 Too busy in real world to let fb waste my time

By: Sky Fri, 19 Aug 2022 22:41:37 +0000 Well said. Well done.

By: Where is my mind Fri, 19 Aug 2022 05:10:06 +0000 I just reactivated my fb account after five plus years of bliss because my daughter is starting (public) school and the official website has been abandoned in favor of a Facebook group.

By: Freeman Thu, 11 Aug 2022 02:09:06 +0000 Yes fake book is a cancer to social media zuck is a sell out of American free speech he should move to China they’ll fix him.

By: rudi138 Wed, 09 Feb 2022 05:39:53 +0000 Never felt the need for social media, and when I saw what was happening to my relatives and friends, I immediately knew why.

Several of these people have turned into total zombies, and have really lost their minds.

I’ve seen what they have done to discource in the country, and the division they caused.

This week their stock took a huge hit and Suckface lost a huge amount of money. Too bad I say!!

Alan, (if that’s ur real name)! keep up the good work, love the stories, great reading, but please don’t make ur sight a pay
site, because I have very limited recources, I’ve been a reader for almost 10 yrs, and I would hate to give up the stories.

By: NPHighview Tue, 25 Jan 2022 02:26:58 +0000 Years ago, two friends, both heads of cybersecurity for huge, immediately recognizable companies, recommended that I avoid Facebook at all costs, as it comprised the most severe “attack vectors” known. No Facebook for me! And I feel fine.

By: Alexxela Sat, 22 Jan 2022 18:20:23 +0000 This is wise. I left social media years ago, but I do miss it as a way to keep up on these things, and also with people we don’t have time to spend real time with. It’s a shame so few care about these issues as I don’t see a respectful alternative SM gaining speed. Thank you for your wonderful work!

By: Eyes Opened Sat, 04 Dec 2021 00:53:21 +0000 For obvious reasons (see below), I prefer anonymity. I have been the victim of identity theft twice (2019 and 2020). After the 2019 theft, I purchased security and identity theft protection services. Through these apps, I discovered that the 2019 theft source had come from Facebook (and Facebook subsidiaries) breaches THAT WERE NOT COMMUNICATED TO FACEBOOK MEMBERS. I immediately charged my Facebook personal and security information. I lost approximately $300.00 from unrecovered charges, but my bank and PayPal were able to recoup the rest. I changed a lot of passwords.

Then in 2020 it happened again. Thanks to my security apps, I was notified immediately. More password changes, some accounts closed. My birthdate, address, phone number, partial SS# are still on the dark web. I keep my Credit Reporting Agencies’ accounts locked.

Then I realized that Facebook had NEVER informed its members of ANY breaches.

I closed my Facebook account just after the second breach. But their policy states that they (and any companies linked to them) keep my personal data for six months “in case I change my mind.”

I do not trust that they permanently delete my information. I do not know what regulators make certain that they do. I do not know with whom they shared my information. I do know that they have no regard for their clients when breaches occur.


By: Not missing it Fri, 22 Oct 2021 01:01:22 +0000 My unpleasant Facebook experience was that every time I tell someone that I have never had a facebook account, people act like I said I was a mass murder that escaped from prison.
