Comments on: Undark and the Radium Girls Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Fri, 15 Nov 2024 21:41:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: MyFingersStillGlow Fri, 15 Nov 2024 21:41:26 +0000 With respect to the non-radium glowing paints people shared their experiences with; phosphorus can also be quite bad for you and you shouldn’t really play with it.

I used to play with it, too. I was taught a party trick involving a matchbox and a coin where you would end up with a waxy residue which you could rub with your fingers to make it glow. “Never did me any harm”, “didn’t know any better”, etc… the usual.

Look at the British Post Office scandal to see that companies will still do deliberate cover-ups and subject their employees to on-going harm in order to save face.

Or look at the 2008 Chinese Milk scandal for a more hopeful case, where a major shareholder reported itself to its own government after finding itself unable to instigate a public recall internally.

By: Trixy Thu, 23 Sep 2021 21:10:39 +0000 Fascinating article and great comments! There is a phrase or saying related to dial painting and its dangers and I can’t remember it! Anyone heard of it?

By: Adam Thu, 28 Jan 2021 11:32:25 +0000 My question is how are they listening to their new radio when they don’t have the speaker that would have sat on top with that style of radio??

The radio was used to indicate they were making ends meet enough to buy an expensive item and then to show they were struggling financially, so it was an important prop. How could a set decorator not know their time period in a period film?

By: Dyl Mon, 07 Sep 2020 12:51:13 +0000 I am doing a report on The Radium Girls, and before grace fryer died a 24 year old woman named Mollie Maggia died when a radium induced infection in her jaw spread to her throat. And on September 12, 1922 at five p.m., her mouth was flooded with blood as she hemorrhaged so fast her caretaker could not staunch it. Her mouth didn’t have any teeth, or jawbone so the blood overflowed. She died, her sister Quinta said, a “painful and terrible death.”
this statement is almost word per word from page 37 of The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women by Kate Moore. I don’t mean to nag but I feel this women should be remembered as a Radium Girl.

By: Anonymousx2 Sun, 29 Dec 2019 03:05:35 +0000 I am here.

By: Anonymousx2 Sun, 19 May 2019 00:52:13 +0000 Another year of my life gone, without a trace.

By: Anonymousx2 Sat, 19 May 2018 02:24:26 +0000 Last.

By: Ella Fri, 29 Dec 2017 19:52:22 +0000 It’s very sad about those people. The girls didn’t need to die because they painted watches. The US Radium company was stupid to lie so much

By: Ashley O'Brien Sun, 30 Aug 2015 07:36:32 +0000 mmm..I only read about 10 or so of the comments, so dont shoot me if this has already been said:
…What about those bloody supervisors? the ones who KNEW about the radium? who at least knew thatit was’nt good for you…at the very least?.Compensation for the victims? sure! absolutely! but punishment for those malicious , evil overseers? hell yes!I’m not American (I’m from New Zealand) and too many times we see and hear stories from the US when its so often the case that the perpetrators seem to be immune…the more money and /or govt agency involved, the more so…..its up to all of us as citizens to dictate what we want from politicians,if they dont deliever on promises,even a simple one,dont vote them back in..a cohesive understanding of these issues needs to be communicated to all and understood by all.

By: JJ Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:58:30 +0000 I guess we can safely assume that in many factories the management’s attitude didn’t change: Don’t do what’s good for workers, do only what the law requires, do the minimum you can legally get away with.
